AICT 2018 - The Fourteenth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications
July 22, 2018 - July 26, 2018
AICT 2018: Program
DataSys 2018 - Preliminary Program
Conference Venue Location:
Novotel Barcelona Sant Joan Despi
Carrer de la TV3, 2
08970 Sant Joan Despi
Phone: +34 934 75 58 00
Note: Sessions schedule comprises regular and special tracks. The final program might slightly vary according to the number of successful special tracks and the final registrations.
Conference rooms
Time slots |
Room A |
Room B |
Room C |
Room D |
Sunday, July 22
12:00 |
Registration starts
The registration desk is located in front of the conference rooms
Operating during the entire conference |
13:00 - 15:00 |
Tutorial I
Artificial Neural Networks: Practices, Needs and Future Developments
Prof. Dr. Ian Flood, University of Florida, USA |
15:00 - 15:15 |
Coffee |
15:15 - 17:15 |
Tutorial II
Heterogeneous Embedded Computer Architectures and Programming Paradigms for Enabling Internet of Things (IoT)
Prof. Dr. Charles Liu, California State University, Los Angeles, USA |
17:15 - 17:30 |
Coffee |
17:30 - 19:30 |
Tutorial III
The Communication of Criminal Groups on the Internet - New Approaches in Predictive Policing
Prof. Dr. Dirk Labudde, University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, Germany |
19:30 - 20:30 |
Welcome Cocktail
You must have your badge to attend the cocktail |
Monday, July 23
09:00 - 09:15 |
Opening Session |
09:15 - 10:15 |
Keynote Speech
Challenges in Programming Modern Parallel Systems
Prof. Sebastiano Fabio Schifano, Università di Ferrara, Italy |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
AICT 1 |
12:15 - 13:45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
AICT 2 |
IMMM 1 |
15:30 - 15:45 |
Coffee |
15:45 - 17:30 |
17:30 - 17:45 |
Coffee Break |
17:45 - 19:30 |
Panel on Telecommunications in Sensing Mobile Systems
Theme: Tendencies in Mobile Big Data & IoT-based Applications
Subhasish Mazumdar, New Mexico Tech, USA
Ustijana Rechkoska-Shikoska, University for Information Science & Technology "St. Paul the Apostle", Republic of Macedonia
Michael Massoth, Hochschule Darmstadt - University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Manal Assaad, The University of Applied Sciences Emden-Leer, Emden, Germany
Subhasish Mazumdar, New Mexico Tech, USA |
Tuesday, July 24
09:15 - 10:15 |
Keynote Speech
Mapping Parallel Scientific Applications: A Memory-Driven Approach to Performance Portability
Dr. Edgar A Leon, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
AICT 3 |
ICIW 1 |
12:15 - 13:45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
AICT 4 |
15:30 - 15:45 |
Coffee Break |
15:45 - 17:30 |
Panel on Information Processing and Ownership
Theme: General Data Protection on the Rise: Who Will be the Owner of Data and Who Will be in Control?
Claus-Peter Rückemann, Leibniz Universität Hannover / Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster / North-German Supercomputing Alliance (HLRN), Germany
Iryna Lishchuk, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
Athanasios Tsitsipas, Institute of Information Resource Management, University of Ulm, Germany
Zlatinka Kovacheva, Middle East College, Oman
Valery Covachev, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Nikola Vlahović, Faculty of Economics and Business University of Zagreb, Croatia
Claus-Peter Rückemann, Westf. Wilhelms-Univ. Münster (WWU) / Leibniz Universitaet Hannover / HLRN, Germany |
Wednesday, July 25
09:15 - 10:15 |
Keynote Speech
Smart Cities and the Internet of Things: Opportunities and Challenges
Prof. Dr. Lasse Berntzen, University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
AICT 5 |
ICIW 2 / WFIS-18 |
12:15 - 13:45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
AICT 6 / SET | ICIMP 2 |
15:30 - 15:45 |
Coffee Break |
15:45 - 17:30 |
Panel on Facets of Digital Society Drawbacks
Theme: How Dark is the Darknet? -- Dangers and Possibilities for the Digital Society
Dirk Labudde, University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, Germany
Michael Spranger, Hochschule Mittweida, University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Lasse Berntzen, University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway
Claus-Peter Rückemann, Leibniz Universität Hannover / Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster / North-German Supercomputing Alliance (HLRN), Germany
Dirk Labudde, University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, Germany |
20:00 : 23:30 |
Thursday, July 26
09:15 - 10:15 |
Keynote Speech
Steps towards Location Privacy
Prof. Dr. Subhasish Mazumdar, New Mexico Tech, USA |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
AICT 7 |
IMMM 3 |
12:15 - 12:30 |
Coffee Break |
12:30 - 14:15 |
AICT 8 |
14:15 - 14:30 |
Coffee and Closing Session |
Friday, July 27
Recommended to be visited on your own:
General information:
Contact: [email protected]
Park Güell
Sagrada Familia
Picasso Museum
Gaudi Museum
Museum of Catalan Art
Montjuic Hill
La Rambla
La Marina
Salvador Dali Museum [one day trip from Barcelona]
Detailed Program
ACCSE 2018, The Third International Conference on Advances in Computation, Communications and Services
ACCSE 1: Sensors, Sensing, Measurements
Session chair: Giovanni Albani
Implementation of a Super-resolution Algorithm to Improve Spatial Resolution of Optical Signals
Byung-Jin Lee, Sung-Woo Kim, Bong Guk Yu, Kyung Seok Kim
Radar-Camera Sensor Fusion Based Object Detection for Smart Vehicles
Eugin Hyun, Young-Seok Jin, Hyeong-Cheol Jeon, Young-Nam Shin
Machine Learning-Based Object Detection System Using PIR Sensor
Dong Hyun Kim, Jung Bin Park, Jong Deok Kim
ACCSE 2: Advanced Topics
Session chair: Eugin Hyun
Evaluation of IoT Device Management Tools
Biliyaminu Umar, Hamdan Hejazi, László Lengyel, Károly Farkas
Data Stream Optimization of Sum of Absolute Differences Algorithm on a Graphics Processing Unit
Tom Pudpai, Tae Kyun Kim, Charles Liu
Context-based Information Visualization for Smart AR Glasses
Choonsung Shin, Youngmin Kim, Jisoo Hong, Sung-Hee Hong, Hoonjong King
Application-Specific Memory Access by Prefetching via High Level Synthesis
İsmail San, Atakan Doğan, Kemal Ebcioğlu
ACCSE 3: Services
Session chair: Aleksander Marianski
Fake GPS Defender: A Server-side Solution to Detect Fake GPS
Yu-Heng Chang, Yan-Ling Hwang, Chih-Wen Ou, Chih-Lin Hu, Fu-Hau Hsu
Machine Learning-based Arrhythmia Diagnosis Algorithm
Donghyun Kim, Jae Min Lee, Yeong Joon Gil, Jong Deok Kim
Adjusting Positions of Vehicle Parts based on Rules for Unknown Drivers
Kwangsoo Kim, Bong Wan Kim, Sunwhan Lim, Dong-Hwan Park
A Comparative Study of New Modified pAHP Implementation in SOA Architecture
Aleksander Marianski, Michal Kedziora, Ireneusz Jozwiak
AICT 2018, The Fourteenth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications
AICT 1: E-Learning and Telecommunications
Session chair: Petre Dini
A Modeling Suggestion for Predicting Damage of Complex Disasters About Vector-born Disease
Byung-Hoon Lee, Byung-Jin Lee, Seung-Hee Oh, Yong-Tea Lee, Kyung-Seok Kim
Teaching Workbench for Channel Emulation Atennuation
Debora M Ferreira, Eduardo Lima, Omar C Branquinho, Leonardo Delforno
AICT 2: Optical Technologies
Session chair: Tulin Atmaca
SEC and Survival RSA Problem on EONs with Time-Varying Traffic
Der-Rong Din
The RBCMLSA Problem on EONs with Flexible Transceivers
Der-Rong Din, Meng-Xun Zhan
Routing and Spectrum Allocation Method to Avoid the Generation of Crosstalk and the Blocking of Lightpath Establishment in Multi-Core Fiber Networks
Tomotaka Kimura, Keita Goto, Kai Morita, Kouji Hirata, Yutaka Fukuchi, Masahiro Muraguchi
Performance Improvement of Colored Optical Packet Switching Thanks to Time Slot Sharing.
Amira Kamli, Tulin Atmaca, Artur Ratay, Djamel Amar, Catherine Lepers
AICT 3: Wireless Technologies I
Session chair: Abheek Saha
Securing Tire Pressure Monitoring System
Kevin Daimi, Mustafa Saed
QBAIoT: QoS Based Access for IoT Environments
Ahmad Khalil, Nader Mbarek, Olivier Togni
Sectorized Codebook Design for a Polyhedron-Based Antenna Array Structure
Jiyeong Yang, Wonjin Sung
Reducing Link Failure Test Cases for Telecom Networks by Focusing on Topological Similarity
Megumi Shibuya, Toshihiko Kato, Teruyuki Hasegawa, Hirozumi Yamaguchi
AICT 4: Wireless Technologies II
Session chair: Kevin Daimi
The IEEE 802.11p Performance for Different Packet Length and Arrival Rate in VANETs
Osman Toker, A. F. M. Shahen Shah, M.S. Ufuk Tureli
Low-Complexity Antenna Selection for Minimizing the Power Consumption of a MIMO Base Station
Rémi Bonnefoi, Christophe Moy, Jacques Palicot, Amor Nafkha
A New Clipping Function for PAPR Mitigation: The Gaussian Clipping Function
Jacques Palicot, Yves Louet, Désiré Guel
Dynamic Resource Allocation and Balanced Cell Loading - a Stochastic Meanfield Control Approach
Abheek Saha
AICT 5: Signal Processing, Protocols and Standardization I
Session chair: Sun Hwa Lim
PAPR and Spectral Control Procedure for OFDM Wireless Systems Using CAZAC Equalization
Yoshitsugu Sugai, Yushi Shirato, Tomotaka Kimura, Masahiro Muraguchi
Receiver Sensitivity Improvement for IoT
MohammadMahdi Asgharzadeh, Emil Novakov, Ghislaine Maury
Pulsar Signal Detection Using Hough Transform
Ivan Garvanov
Fixed Complexity Soft-Output Detection Algorithm Through Exploration and Exploitation Processes
Bastien Trotobas, Amor Nafkha
AICT 6 / SET: Social Educational Technology
Session chair: Manal Assaad
Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
Manal Assaad
Pedagogical Design Principles Guided Integration of Social Media Concepts in a Hybrid Learning Environment: Analysing and Reporting Focus Group Results
Manal Assaad, Tiina Mäkelä, Dimitris Pnevmatikos, Panagiota Christodoulou
Improvement of an Existing Microservices Architecture for an E-learning Platform in STEM Education
David Bauer, Benjamin Penz, Juho Mäkiö, Manal Assaad
Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
Manal Assaad
AICT 7: Signal Processing, Protocols and Standardization II
Session chair: Ustijana Rechkoska-Shikoska
Multicast Activation Scheme based on LoRaWAN for Multicast MAC Transmission
Sun Hwa Lim, Kang Bok Lee
Proposal of Power Saving Techniques for Wireless Terminals Using CAZAC-OFDM Scheme
Takanobu Onoda, Ryota Ishioka, Masahiro Muraguchi
Multinomial Distribution Based Blind Interleaver Parameters Estimation
Changryoul Choi, Jechang Jeong
AICT 8: Future Applications and Services
Session chair: Biliyaminu Umar
Actor4j: A Software Framework for the Actor Model Focusing on the Optimization of Message Passing
David Alessandro Bauer, Juho Mäkiö
Stochastic Modeling for Self-evolving Botnets in Infection Control Environments
Koki Hongyo, Tomotaka Kimura, Takanori Kudo, Yoshiaki Inoue, Kouji Hirata
Web Programming, Cloud Services and Quality of Experience (QoE) for Mobile Computing
Ustijana Rechkoska-Shikoska
ICIMP 2018, The Thirteenth International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection
ICIMP 1: Internet Traffic Surveillance and Interception
Session chair: Pierre-Marie Bajan
Applying Lomb Periodogram to Round-trip Time Estimation from Unidirectional Packet Traces with Different TCP Congestion Controls
Toshihiko Kato, Xiaofan Yan, Ryo Yamamoto, Satoshi Ohzahata
Network Visibility-aware Blacklist Generation
Pierre-Edouard Fabre, Jouni Viinikka, Hervé Debar, Gregory Blanc
Cascading Three Step Approach for Anomaly Detection in Unsupervised Communication Meta Data of IP-based Internet of Things Devices
Andreas Schäfer, Prof. Dr. Michael Massoth
ICIMP 2: Systems Diagnosis and Vulnerabilities
Session chair: Michael Massouth
Exploiting the Potential of Web Application Vulnerability Scanning
Damiano Esposito, Marc Rennhard, Lukas Ruf, Arno Wagner
A Hybrid Approach for Enhancing Android Sandbox Analysis
Ngoc-Tu Chau, Jaehyeon Yoon, Souhwan Jung
A New Approach of Network Simulation for Data Generation in Evaluating Security Products
Pierre-Marie Bajan, Christophe Kiennert, Herve Debar
ICIW 2018, The Thirteenth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services
ICIW 1: Internet and Web Applications and Services
Session chair: Rim Drira
Sensor Gateway Using Arduino via Google Cloud and IEEE 802.15.4e
Seung-Hyeok Shin, Lee Sub Lee, Won Sok Yoo
Personalized IaaS Services Selection Based on Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach and Recommender Systems
Hamdi Gabsi, Rim Drira, Henda Hajjami Ben Ghezala
Requirement Analysis and Extending CSS3 Specification for Polar Coordinate Text Layout in Web Documents
Soon-Bum Lim, Seung-Min Shim
Conformance Checking of IFC Models with the Extensions in the MvdXML Checker
Muhammad Fahad, Nicolas Bus, Bruno Fies, Franck Andrieux
ICIW 2 / WFIS: Web Financial Information Systems
Session chair: Alexandre Nascimento
Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
Alexandre Nascimento
Improving Default Risk Information System with TensorFlow
Claudio Augusto Silveira Lelis, Andre Luiz Silveira Lopardi
The Potential of Blockchain for Transforming the Urgent and Emergency Care
Daniela América da Silva, Samara Cardoso dos Santos, Wilson Cristoni Neto, Luiz Coura, Robison Egydio Lopes Junior, Gildarcio Sousa Gonçalves, Jose Crisóstomo Ozório Junior, Leonardo Guimarães, Alyson Basilio, Fabio Kfouri, Breslei Max Reis da Fonseca, Juliana F. Pasquini Martinez, Anderson Gomes, Paulo Diego Barbosa da Silva, Johnny Marques, Luiz Alberto Vieira Dias, Adilson Marques d da Cunha, Paulo Marcelo Tasinaffo
xAudit: Auditing Representation in XBRL Based Documents
Allison Ramon Araújo de Santana, Paulo Caetano da Silva, Márcio A.Pereira da Silva, Maurício Codesso
Value Engineering and Agile for building Urgent and Emergency Care
Daniela América da Silva, Samara Cardoso dos Santos, Wilson Cristoni, Luiz Coura, Fabio Kfouri, Gildarcio Sousa Goncalves, Alyson Basilio, Ricardo A Alvarenga, Breslei Max Reis da Fonseca, Jean Carlos Lourenco Costa, Juliana F. Pasquini Martinez, Claudio Lima, Alexandre Nascimento, Johnny Marques, Luiz Alberto Vieira Dias, Adilson Marques da Cunha, Paulo Marcelo Tasinaffo
Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
Alexandre Nascimento
IMMM 2018, The Eighth International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management
IMMM 1: Type of Information Mining
Session chair: Gaetano Zazzaro
Customer Demands of FinTech in Taiwan
Chih-Chuan Chen, Hui-Chi Chuang, Ming-Hui Pai, Yi-Chung Cheng, Sheng-Chun Pai
A Study of Exploring the Factors on Women's Choice of Dessert
A-Mei Lin Hsu, Chiu-Chi Wei, Hui-Chi Chuang, Yi-Chung Cheng
Automating Semantic Analysis of Website Structures for Ontology-based Benchmarking Conceptual Model and Implementation in Retail Banking
Nikola Vlahović, Mirjana Pejić Bach, Andrija Brljak
IMMM 2: Information Mining and Management I
Session chair: Michael Spranger
ECF-means – Ensemble Clustering Fuzzification Means
Gaetano Zazzaro, Angelo Martone
Analyzing Data Streams Using a Dynamic Compact Stream Pattern Algorithm
Ayodeji Oyewale, Chris Hughes, Mohammed Saraee
IMMM 3: Information Mining and Management II
Session chair: Ayodeji Oyewale
Opinion Leaders in Star-Like Social Networks: A Simple Case?
Michael Spranger, Florian Heinke, Hanna Siewerts, Joshua Hampl, Dirk Labudde
A Mining Driven Decision Support System for Joining the European Monetary Union
Ray Hashemi, Omid Ardakani, Azita Bahrami, Jeffrey Young, Rosina Campbell
INFOCOMP 2018, The Eighth International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation
INFOCOMP 1: Advanced Applications
Session chair: Claus-Peter Rückemann
Global Exponential Stability of the Periodic Solution of a Discrete-Time Complex-Valued Hopfield Neural Network with Delays and Impulses
Valery Covachev, Zlatinka Covacheva
Computation and Knowledge Mapping for Data Entities
Claus-Peter Rückemann
Fitness Switching Strategy for Developing Genetic Algorithm that Utilizes Infeasible Solutions
Jun Woo Kim
A Model of a Source-Retrial Open Exponential Queuing Network with Finite Shared Buffers in Multi-Queue Nodes
Miron Vinarskiy
INFOCOMP 2 / ECO-PAR I: Energy-efficient Computing on Parallel Architectures I
Session chair: Sebastiano Fabio Schifano
Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
Sebastiano Fabio Schifano, Enrico Calore
Tuning for Energy Efficiency on Recent Processors [PRESENTATION]
Enrico Calore
A Simple Framework for Energy Efficiency Evaluation and Hardware Parameter Tuning with Modular Support for Different HPC Platforms
Ondrej Vysocky, Jan Zapletal, Lubomir Riha
INFOCOMP 3 / ECO-PAR II: Energy-efficient Computing on Parallel Architectures II
Session chair: Enrico Calore
Performance Optimization of D3Q19 Lattice Boltzmann Kernels on Intel® KNL
Ivan Girotto, Sebastiano Fabio Schifano, Enrico Calore, Gianluca Di Staso, Federico Toschi
Energy Efficiency of Epiphany Many-Core Architecture for Parallel Molecular Dynamics Calculations
Vsevolod Nikolskii, Vladimir Stegailov
Optimal Hardware Parameters Prediction for Best Energy-to-Solution of Sparse Matrix Operations Using Machine Learning Techniques
Vojtech Nikl, Ondrej Vysocky, Lubomir Riha, Jan Zapletal
Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
Sebastiano Fabio Schifano, Enrico Calore
INFOCOMP 4: Trends and Advances on Disciplines/Applications
Session chair: Edgar A Leon
Data Driven Software Development: Who Owns Copyrights?
Iryna Lishchuk
A Theoretical Concept: Towards Mathematical Declarations of Code Intentions
Athanasios Tsitsipas, Lutz Schubert
A Parallel Hardware Architecture for Fork-Join Parallel Applications
Atakan Dogan, Ismail San, Kemal Ebcioglu
INFOCOMP 5: Networks/Systems Communications
Session chair: Athanasios Tsitsipas
Privacy-Preserving Multicast to Explicit Agnostic Destinations
Cuong Ngoc Tran, Vitalian Danciu
Understanding Power Measurement Capabilities on Zaius Power9
Bo Li, Edgar A Leon, Kirk W Cameron
Data-monitoring Visualizer for Software Defined Networks
Luz Angela Aristizábal, Nicolás Toro
INFOCOMP 6 / MODOPT I: Modeling and Optimization
Session chair: Claus-Peter Rückemann
Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
Ian Flood
Forecasting Transportation Project Frequency using Multivariate Regression with Elastic Net Regularization
Alireza Shojaei, Hashem Izadi Moud, Ian Flood
Qualitative and Quantitative Risk Analysis of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Flights over Construction Job Sites
Hashem Izadi Moud, Alireza Shojaei, Ian Flood, Xun Zhang, Mohsen Hatami
INFOCOMP 7 / MODOPT II: Modeling and Optimization
Session chair: Ian Flood
A Simplex Algorithm with the Smallest Index Rule for Concave Quadratic Programming
Mohand Bentobache, Mohamed Telli, Abdelkader Mokhtari
Mixing Power Consumption for Hulled Millet in an Agitated Drum Dryer with Discrete Element Method
Tibor Poós Dr., Dániel Horváth, Kornél Tamás Dr.
Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
Ian Flood
MOBILITY 2018, The Eighth International Conference on Mobile Services, Resources, and Users
MOBILITY 1: Mobile Architectures, Mechanisms, Protocols
Session chair: Lasse Berntzen
Drivers’ Activities in Cars During Serious Traffic Congestion
Kiichiro Hatoyama, Masaya Nishioka
Exploring Origin and Rotation Parameters While Using Hilbert Curves in Mobile Environments
Anand Paturi, Subhasish Mazumdar
Estimation of Network Jitter Using Delivery Instant Parameter of MPEG MMT Protocol
Kwang-eun Won, Kwang-deok Seo, Chang Ki Kim
SMART 2018, The Seventh International Conference on Smart Cities, Systems, Devices and Technologies
SMART 1: Digital Cities
Session chair: Lasse Berntzen
A Study on the Application Service for Effective Disaster Management based on BIM
Ji-eun Kim, Chang-hee Hong
Contemporary Smart Cities: Key Issues and Best Practices
Katalin Feher
Citizens as Sensors - Human Sensors as a Smart City Data Source
Lasse Berntzen, Marius Rohde Johannesen, Stephan Böhm, Christian Weber, Roberto Morales
SMART 2: Internet of Things in Smart Environments
Session chair: Feher Katalin
From Micro Environmental Sensors to Citizen as Sensors: The Smart Environmental Sensing Web of EPA
Shuenn-Chin Chang, Yeuh-Bin Wang, His-Chi Lin, Chun-Ming Huang, Yi-Dao Chiang, Ying-Chieh Chen
RSSI Signatures for Outdoor WSN Applied to IoT - Smart Campus and Cities
Guilherme Lopes, Omar C Branquinho, Paulo Cardieri, Eduardo Lima, Pedro Chaves, Raphael Montali, Fabiano Fruett
Ultra Low Power Smart Wireless Sensor with Event Based Operation [POSTER]
Jongwoong Park, Zohaib Sarwar
Verification of Security Protocols for Smart Meters in Smart Grid Networks
Mustafa Saed, Nizar Al Holou, Kevin Daimi
SMART 3: Smart Information Processing
Session chair: Lasse Berntzen
AMBLoRa: a Wireless Tracking and Sensor System Using Long Range Communication to Monitor Animal Behavior
Thierry Antoine-Santoni, Jean-Sébastien Gualtieri, François-Marie Manicacci, Antoine Aiello
Ultra-wideband Indoor Positioning Based on Triangle Midpoint Algorithm
Wen Piao Lin, Yu-Fang Hsu
Layered Modeling Approach for Distributed Situation Recognition in Smart Environments
Mathias Mormul, Pascal Hirmer, Matthias Wieland, Bernhard Mitschang
SMART 4: Sociocultural Challenges in Smart Environments
Session chair: Mathias Mormul
The “Bottom-up Smart City”: Filling the Gap Between Theory and Practice
Clémentine Schelings, Catherine Elsen
Smart Learning Extended Environment: Connecting Anywhere People And Organizations
Piergiuseppe Ellerani, Carlo Alberto Tenchini, Daniele Barca
SPWID 2018, The Fourth International Conference on Smart Portable, Wearable, Implantable and Disability-oriented Devices and Systems
SPWID 1: Applications I
Session chair: Ghulam Hussain Chandio
A Factor of Human-Robot Interaction on Wearable Robot: A Literature Review
Myung-Chul Jung, Kyung-Sun Lee, Seung-Min Mo
A Single Wearable IMU-based Human Hand Activity Recognition via Deep Autoencoder and Recurrent Neural Networks
Patricio Rivera Lopez, Edwin Valarezo Añazco, Sangmin Lee, Kyung Min Byun, Min Hyoung Cho, Soo Yeol Lee, Tae-Seong Kim
A Review of Wearable Tracking and Emotional Monitoring Solutions for Individuals with Autism and Intellectual Disability
Mohammed Taj-Eldin, Brendan O’Flynn, Paul Galvin, Christian Ryan
SPWID 2 / PARKTECHNO: New Technologies for People with Parkinson’s Disease
Session chair: Giovanni Albani
Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
Giovanni Albani
Steps Toward Automatic Assessment of Parkinson's Disease at Home
Roberto Nerino, Claudia Ferraris, Giuseppe Pettiti, Antonio Chimienti, Corrado Azzaro, Giovanni Albani, Lorenzo Priano, Alessandro Mauro
Proprioceptive Focal Stimulation (Equistasi®) May Improve Motor Symptoms in Moderate Parkinson’s Disease Patients. Italian Multicentric Preliminary Open Study
Antonella Peppe, Paolo Paone, Stefano Paravati, Maria Giulia Baldassarre, Leila Bakdounes, Fabiola Spolaor, Annamaria Guiotto, Davide Pavan, Zimi Sawacha, Daniela Clerici, Nicola Cau, Alessandro Mauro, Giovanni Albani, Micol Avenali, Giorgio Sandrini, Cristina Tassorelli, Daniele Volpe
Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
Giovanni Albani
SPWID 3: Applications II
Session chair: Birgit Gersbeck-Schierholz
TouchWear: Context-Dependent and Self-Learning Personal Speech Assistant for Wearable Systems with Deep Neural Networks
Joshua Ho, Chien-Min Wang
Stress Detection of the Students Studying in University Using Smartphone Sensors
Ghulam Hussain, Muhammad Shahid Jabbar, Sangmin Bae, Jun Dong Cho