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The Ninth International Conference on Advances in
System Testing and Validation Lifecycle

VALID 2017
October 8 - 12, 2017 - Athens, Greece

Preliminary Program

SoftNet 2017

ICSEA 2017 / ICSNC 2017 / CENTRIC 2017 /  VALID 2017 / SIMUL 2017 /
SOTICS 2017 / INNOV 2017 / HEALTHINFO 2017

Conference Hotel Information
NOVOTEL Athenes Hotel
4-8 Michail Voda str.,104 39 Athens - Greece
Tel. (+30)210/8200700; Fax. (+30)210/8200777; [email protected]

Note: Sessions marked with /s are from special tracks. The final program might slightly vary according to the number of successful special tracks and the final registrations.

Conference rooms
Time slots

Room A

Room B

Room C

Room D

Sunday, October 8  


Registration starts
The registration desk is located in front of the conference rooms
Operating during the entire conference

13:00 - 15:00

Tutorial I

Advanced Architectures and Control Technologies in Internet of Vehicles

Prof. Dr. Eugen Borcoci, University "Politehnica"of Bucharest (UPB), Romania

15:00 - 15:15


15:15 - 17:15

Tutorial II

Experiences Teaching Simulation in a Business Analytics Academic Program

Prof. Edward Williams, University of Michigan - Dearborn, USA

17:15 - 17:30


17:30 - 19:30

Tutorial III

Building Decentralized Trust with Blockchains

Nikolaos Alexopoulos, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany


19:30 - 20:30

Welcome Cocktail
You must have your badge to attend the cocktail

Monday, October 9 

09:00 - 09:15

Opening session

09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker

Interactive Visual Knowledge Aggregation: Old and New Silk Roads as a Showcase for Challenges in Social Media Technologies, Communication, and Informatics

Prof. Dr. Andrea Nanetti, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, Singapore

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15





12:15 - 13:45

Lunch on your own

13:45 - 15:30





15:30 - 15:45


15:45 - 17:30





17:30 - 17:45

Coffee Break

17:45 - 19:30

Topics: Health Information in Social Networks: Harvesting the Useful Data

Stephan Böhm, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Andrea Nanetti, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, Singapore
Klemens Waldhör, FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie und Management, Germany
Aviad Elyashar, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Stephan Böhm, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Germany

19:30 - 20-30


Tuesday, October 10 

09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker

IP 2020: On The Road Towards Next Generation Internet

Dr. Yingzhen Qu, Huawei Technologies, USA

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15





12:15 - 13:45

Lunch on your own

13:45 - 15:30





15:30 - 15:45


15:45 - 17:30





17:30 - 17:45

Coffee Break

17:45 - 19:30

Topic: Challenges in Simulation and Verification/Validation for Complex Systems and Big Data

Xinli Gu, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd, USA

Martin Zinner, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Jos van Rooyen, Identify Test Services, the Nederland
Simon Genser, Kompetenzzentrum Das virtuelle Fahrzeug, Austria
Yingzhen Qu, Huawei Technologies, USA

Wednesday, October 11 

09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker

Fake News, Social Media, and Bots

Prof. Dr. Nitin Agarwal, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15

Topic:  Dealing with Citizen-centric Social News: A Behavioral View

Nitin Agarwal, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA

Serpil Tokdemir Yuce, Office of the Medicaid Inspector General - Little Rock, USA
Stephan Böhm, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Nitin Agarwal, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, USA

12:15 - 13:45

Lunch on your own

13:45 - 15:30





15:30 - 15:45


15:45 - 17:30





17:30 - 17:45

Coffee Break

17:45 - 19:30

Topic: Software Engineering Achievements and Their Evolution Transcending Multiple Disciplines: Celebrating 50 Years

Roy Oberhauser, Aalen University, Germany 

Stephen Clyde, Utah State University, USA  
Radek Koci, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic   
Arash Ramezani    University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg    Germany
Luigi Lavazza, Dipartimento di Scienze Teoriche e Applicate - Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Italy



20:00 : 23:00


Thursday, October 12 

09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker

Bandwidth Sharing Policies for 4G/5G Networks

Prof. Dr. Ioannis Moscholios, University of Peloponnese - Tripolis, Greece

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15





12:15 - 13:45

Lunch on your own

13:45 - 14:15

Invited Speaker: Fraud Prevention

Dr. Serpil Tokdemir Yuce,
Office of the Medicaid Inspector General - Little Rock, USA

14:15 - 14:30


14:30 - 16:15





16:15 - 16:30

Coffee Break

16:30 - 18:15

Topic:  Future Networks: IP 2020, 5/6G and Slicing Cohabitation

Eugen Borcoci, University "Politehnica"of Bucharest (UPB), Romania

Ioannis Moscholios, University of Peloponnese - Tripolis, Greece
Konstantinos Samdanis, Huawei - Munchen, Germany
Alexandros Kaloxylos, University of Peloponnese, Greece
Eugen Borcoci, University "Politehnica"of Bucharest (UPB), Romania

18:15 - 18:30

Coffee and Closing session

Friday, October 13

Recommended to be visited on your own:

Corinthian Canal:
(~ 85 km / 53 miles far from Athens)

a. Visit the Agora, Lechaion Street and the Apollo temple
b. Visit the Acropolis, the symbol of Athens. Walk to Areopag (Paulus prediction place) over Agora (ancient market place)
c. Visit Syntagma Square, the Zeus Temple and National Garden, the University, the Academy of Science and the National Library of Athens, the King's Palace and the Olympic Stadium, where the first Olympic Games had taken place.
d. Visit of the New Acropolis Museum.
e. Visit Vouliagmeni area:
d. Visit Sounion:


Detailed Program


CENTRIC 2017, The Tenth International Conference on Advances in Human-oriented and Personalized Mechanisms, Technologies, and Services

CENTRIC 1: Human-oriented and Personalized Mechanisms, Technologies, and Services
Session chair: Valention Plenk

A Survey of the Effectiveness of Automated Revenue Collection Systems in County Governments in Kenya. A Case Study of Kiambu and Taita Taveta County Governments
Margaret Njenga, Joseph Sevilla

Scoring of Machine-Learning Algorithms for Providing User Guidance in Special Purpose Machines
Valentin Plenk, Sascha Lang, Florian Wogenstein

Person Re-identification in Crowded Scenes with Deep Learning
Yupeng Wang, Huiyuan Fu, Shuangqun Li

Dynamic Scrutable User Modeling utilizing Machine Learning
Dima S. Mahmoud

Complexity Reduction in Graphs: A User Centric Approach to Graph Exploration
Tim Grube, Florian Volk, Max Mühlhäuser, Suhas Bhairav, Vinay Sachidananda, Yuval Elovici

CENTRIC 2 / UC-EMoBus I: User Centricity in Electronic and Mobile Business I
Session chair: Stephan Böhm

Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
Stephan Böhm

Business Process Models as a Foundation for High-Fidelity-Prototypes of Mobile Enterprise Applications
Tobias Braumann, David Broll, Matthias Jurisch, Bodo Igler

The Attitude of German Web Users Toward Foreign Websites for Buying Products Online
Bastian Eine, Werner Quint

CENTRIC 3 / UC-EMoBus II: User Centricity in Electronic and Mobile Business II
Session chair: Stephan Böhm

Influence of the Perceived Data Security and Trust on Usage Frequency of Internet Service
Erik Massarczyk, Peter Winzer

Quantifying Mobile User Experience Status quo, Implementation Challenges, and Research Agenda
Maria Lusky, Stephan Boehm

Hedonic Motivation of Chatbot Usage - A Wizard-of-Oz Study based on Face Analysis and User Self-Assessment
Judith Eißer, Stephan Böhm

Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
Stephan Böhm


HEALTHINFO 2017, The Second International Conference on Informatics and Assistive Technologies for Health-Care, Medical Support and Wellbeing

HEALTHINFO 1: Wellbeing Informatics
Session chair: Dorota Bielinska-Waz

A Usability Study of a User-intent Powered Gait Orthosis Developed for Persons with Disability
Liang-Wey Chang

Utilizing Smartwatches for Supporting the Wellbeing of Elderly People
Klemens Waldhör, Rainer Lutze

Serious Games for Rehabilitation: Requirements for a Collaborative Environment
Hugo Barbosa, António Castro, Eurico Carrapatoso

CIPROS – An Instrument for Evidence-based Evaluation of EDC Systems and the DBFORM Example
Doris Lindoerfer, Thomas H. Müller, Kathrin Halfter, Ulrich Mansmann

HEALTHINFO 2: Health Informatics Data
Session chair: Klemens Waldhör

Graphical Bioinformatics – a Tool for the Characterization of Influenza Viruses
Dorota Bielinska-Waz, Piotr Waz

New Mathematical Description of the Zika Virus Genome
Piotr Waz, Dorota Bielinska-Waz

Data Transfer and Its Acceptance - Exploration of Effectiveness in the Healthcare Industry [PRESENTATION]
Devjani Chatterjee, Archan Mitra, Sunil Omanwar

HEALTHINFO 3: Health Informatics Systems
Session chair: Ajay Gupta

Identifying Influential Factors of Patient Length of Stay in a Surgery Center: a Simulation Modelling Approach
Chen Zhang, Hamza Hanchi, Sebastiaan Meijer

Towards a Smart Dental Healthcare: An Automated Assessment of Orthodontic Treatment Need
Seiya Murata, Kobo Ishigaki, Chonho Lee, Chihiro Tanikawa, Susumu Date, Takashi Yoshikawa

HEALTHINFO 4: Clinical Practice and Training
Session chair: Doris Lindoerfer

Evaluation of the Malfunctions of a Clinical Decision Support System Dependent on Electrocardiograms and Measurement of the QT Interval
Pedro Caraballo, Christopher Aakre, Tito Pena Guzman, Natalia Lazik, Robert Tarrell, J. Martijn Bos, Michael Ackerman

Detecting Agitation Onset in Individuals with Dementia Using Smart Phone Sensors
Christianne Fowler, Ajay Gupta, Kurt Maly, Karen Karlowicz, Maheedhar Gunnam, Rohila Gudipati, Mahesh Kukunooru, Rahul Rachamalla

Analysis of Medical Records Management in Brazilian Basic Healthcare Units: A Qualitative Approach
Rodolfo Barriviera, Carlos Maziero, Celita Trelha


ICSEA 2017, The Twelfth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances

ICSEA 1: Improving Productivity in Research on Software Engineering
Session chair: Rohith Yanambaka Venkata

A Teaching Method for Software Measurement Process based on Gamification
Lennon Sales Furtado, Sandro Ronaldo Bezerra Oliveira

A Harmonization with CMMI-SVC Practices for the Implementation of the ITIL Service Design Coordination Process
George Hamilton Barbosa Fernandes Ota, Sandro Ronaldo Bezerra Oliveira

Automatic Documentation of the Development of Numerical Models for Scientific Applications using Specific Revision Control
Martin Zinner, Karsten Rink, René Jäkel, Kim Feldhoff, Richard Grunzke, Thomas Fischer, Rui Song, Marc Walther, Thomas Jejkal, Olaf Kolditz, Wolfgang E. Nagel

ICSEA 2: Software Security, Privacy, Safeness
Session chair: Martin Zinner

Basel Application and Risk Management in ITC Projects at the University of Brasilia [PRESENTATION]
Reinaldo Baldoino Filho, Carlos Silva, João Souza, Simone Borges

The Blockchain-based Internet of Things Development: Initiatives and Challenges
Sergio Mendonca, Joao Silva Junior, Fernanda Alencar

Authentication and the Internet of Things: A Survey Based on a Systematic Mapping.
Emidio Silva, Wallace Lima, Felipe Ferraz, Francisco Ribeiro

CLIPS:Customized Levels of IoT Privacy and Security
Rohith Yanambaka Venkata, Krishna Kavi

ICSEA 3: Software Engineering Techniques, Metrics, and Formalisms I
Session chair: Felipe Ferraz

Sustainability and Diversity of Open Source Software Communities: Analysis of the Android Open Source Project
Remo Eckert, Andreas Mueller

Extracting Executable Architecture From Legacy Code Using Static Reverse Engineering
Rehman Arshad, Kung Kiu Lau

Analyse Agile Software Development Teamwork Productivity using Qualitative System Dynamics Approach
Israt Fatema, Kazi Muheymin Sakib

Variable Selection In Presence Of Categorical Predictor [PRESENTATION]
Sabyasachi Patra

ICSEA 4: Software Engineering Techniques, Metrics, and Formalisms II
Session Char: Gavin Harpper

Accuracy Evaluation of Model-based COSMIC Functional Size Estimation
Luigi Lavazza

Measuring Differences to Compare sets of Models and Improve Diversity in MDE
Adel Ferdjoukh, Florian Galinier, Eric Bourreau, Annie Chateau, Clémentine Nebut

Proposal of a Computer Supported Collaborative Work Model for E-Commerce Web Sites Based on a Quality Guiding Framework
Hédia Jegham, Sonia Ghannouchi

ICSEA 5: Advances in Fundamentals for Software Development I
Session chair: Luigi Lavazza

Developing Architecture in Volatile Environments - Lessons Learned from a Biobank IT Infrastructure Project
Jarkko Hyysalo, Gavin Harper, Jaakko Sauvola, Anja Keskinarkaus, Ilkka Juuso, Miikka Salminen, Juha Partala

Unifying Definitions for Modularization, Abstraction, and Encapsulation as a Step Toward Foundational Multi-Paradigm Software Engineering Principles
Stephen Clyde, Jorge Edison Lascano

iMobile: A Framework to Implement Software Agents for the iOS Platform
Pedro Miranda, Andrew Diniz, Carlos Lucena

Software Architecture Modeling for Legacy Health Information Systems Using Polyglot Persistence and Archetypes
André Araújo, Valéria Times, Marcus Silva, Carlos Bezerra

ICSEA 6: Advances in Fundamentals for Software Development II
Session chair: Roy Oberhauser

Evaluating Enterprise Resource Planning Analysis Patterns using Normalized Systems Theory
Ornchanok Chongsombut, Jan Verelst

A Survey and Analysis of Reference Architectures for the Internet-of-things
Hongyu Pei Breivold

ICSEA 7: Advances in Fundamentals for Software Development III
Session chair: Hongyu Pei Breivold

Improving Run-Time Memory Utilization of Component-based Embedded Systems with Non-Critical Functionality
Gabriel Campeanu, Saad Mubeen

From Language-Independent Requirements to Code Based on a Semantic Analysis
Mariem Mefteh, Nadia Bouassida, Hanêne Ben-Abdallah

GMAP: A Generic Methodology for Agile Product Line Engineering
Farima Farmahini Farahani, Raman Ramsin

ICSEA 8: Advanced Design Tools for Developing Software
Session chair: Stephen Clyde

A Benchmarking Criteria for the Evaluation of OLAP Tools
Fiaz Majeed

A Precondition Calculus for Correct-by-Construction Graph Transformations
Amani Makhlouf, Christian Percebois, Hanh Nhi Tran

FANTASIA: A Tool for Automatically Identifying Inconsistency in AngularJS MVC Applications
Md Rakib Hossain Misu, Kazi Sakib

Scope Management on Software Projects - An Updated Approach to Maturity Levels and Services in the Gaia Scope Framework
Darlan Dalsasso, Rodolfo Miranda de Barros

ICSEA 9: Software Engineering for Service Computing
Session chair: Amani Makhlouf

IoT Caching in Information Centric Networks: A Systematic Mapping
Higgor L. S. Valença, Felipe S. Ferraz, Francisco I. N. Ribeiro

Survey on Microservice Architecture - Security, Privacy and Standardization on Cloud Computing Environment
Luciano Aguiar, Washington Almeida, Raphael Hazin, Anderson Lima, Felipe Ferraz

Function-as-a-Service X Platform-as-a-Service: Towards a Comparative Study on FaaS and PaaS
Lucas Francisco Albuquerque Jr, Felipe Silva Ferraz, Sergio Mario Lins Galdino, Rodrigo F. A. P. Oliveira

ICSEA 10: Advanced Mechanisms for Software Development I
Session chair: Radek Koci

Architectural Programming with MontiArcAutomaton
Arvid Butting, Oliver Kautz, Bernhard Rumpe, Andreas Wortmann

Which API Lifecycle Model is the Best for API Removal Management?
Dung-Feng Yu, Cheng-Ying Chang, Hewijin Christine Jiau, Kuo-Feng Ssu

Evaluating an Application Ontology for Recommending Technically Qualified Distributed Development Teams
Larissa Barbosa, Gledson Elias

ICSEA 11: Advanced Mechanisms for Software Development II
Session chair: Mariem Mefteh

Validation of Specification Models Based on Petri Nets
Radek Koci, Vladimir Janousek

An OO and Functional Framework for Versatile Semantics of Logic-Labelled Finite State Machines
Callum McColl, Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Rene Hexel

A Reusable Adaptation Component Design for Learning-Based Self-Adaptive Systems
Kishan Kumar Ganguly, Kazi Sakib

Immersive Coding: A Virtual and Mixed Reality Environment for Programmers
Roy Oberhauser


ICSNC 2017, The Twelfth International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications

ICSNC 1: Wireless Networks I
Session Chair: Seokho Yoon

A Spectrum Sensing Technique Based on Variably Weighted Sensing Samples in the Presence of Random Traffic of Primary Users
Eunyoung Cho, Keunhong Chae, Seokho Yoon

Energy-efficient Live Migration of I/O-intensive Virtual Network Services Across Distributed Cloud Infrastructures
Ngoc Khanh Truong, Christian Pape, Sebastian Rieger, Sven Reissmann

An Over the Air Update Mechanism for ESP8266 Microcontrollers
Dustin Frisch, Sven Reißmann, Christian Pape

ICSNC 2 / EXA-UBIQ: Future Exa-scale Platforms for Ubiquitous Services and Technologies
Session chair: Juan Jose Vegas Olmos

Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
Juan Jose Vegas Olmos

Multi-Dimensional Detection in Future Hyper-Scale Datacenters
Santiago Echeverri-Chacon

Available Resources for Reconfigurable Systems in 5G Networks
Juan Sebastian Rodriguez Paez, Juan Jose Vegas Olmos

Evaluation of SDN Enabled Data Center Networks Based on High Radix Topologies
Bogdan Andrus, Victor Mehmeri, Achim Autenrieth, Juan Jose Vegas Olmos, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy

Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
Juan Jose Vegas Olmos

ICSNC 3: Wireless Networks II
Session chair: Eugen Borcoci

Simulation Study of Persistent Relay CSMA with Random Assigning of Initial Contention Window Values
Katsumi Sakakibara, Naoya Yoda, Kento Takabayashi

A Preliminary Study on Using Smartphones to Detect Falling Accidents
Jin-Shyan Lee, Hsuan-Han Tseng

Evaluation of Packet Preemption Over C-RAN Fronthaul Networks
Ying Yan, Zifan Zhou, Sarah Ruepp, Michael Berger


INNOV 2017, The Sixth International Conference on Communications, Computation, Networks and Technologies

INNOV 1: Communications and Services
Session chair: Igor Kotenko

TCP Vegas-L An Adaptive End-to-End Congestion Control Algorithm over Satellite Communications
Lianqiang Li, Jie Zhu, Ningyu He

A Study on the Improvement of National R&D History Data Management
Eungyeong Kim, Chulsu Lim

A Solution for Bufferbloat Problem in Upload TCP Communication over IEEE 802.11n WLAN Only by Modifying Access Point
Masataka Nomoto, Celimuge Wu, Satoshi Ohzahata, Toshihiko Kato

A Study on Support of Project Planning Competency for Small & Mid-sized Enterprises Using National Science & Technology Data
Sunghee Lee, Wonkyun Joo, Myungseok Yang, Eunji Yu, Kiseok Choi

INNOV 2: Security, Trust, and Privacy
Session chair: Toshihiko Kato

Implementation of An Access Control Technology for Internet of Things Environments
Daewon Kim, Jeongnyeo Kim

Formal Verification of Key Establishment for Dual Connectivity in Small Cell LTE Networks
Vassilios G. Vassilakis, Ioannis D. Moscholios, Michael D. Logothetis, Michael N. Koukias

Monitoring the State of Elements of Multi-service Communication Networks on the Basis of Fuzzy Logical Inference
Igor Kotenko, Igor Saenko, Sergey Ageev

INNOV 3: Networking and Telecommunications I
Session chair: Petre Dini

TCP on Large Scale Network Topologies: Performance Analysis and Issues on Real Networks’ Topology Design
Konstantinos Paximadis, Vassilis Triantafillou, Anna Galanopoulou, Pavlos Kalpakioris

A Framework for Self-Organized Adaptive Routing in Disaster Scenarios
Thomas Finke, Silvia Krug, Sebastian Schellenberg, Jochen Seitz

On a Fuzzy AHP Weight for Partial Inner Dependence Structure
Shin-ichi Ohnishi, Takahiro Yamanoi

INNOV 4: Networking and Telecommunications II
Session chair: Silvia Krug

A Mobile Learning Combinative Application for Comparing Educational Techniques
Kiriakos Patriarcheas

SGASDP: Smart Glasses Application Software Development Platform
Jing Chen, Yu-Chieh Pai, Jian-Hong Liu

A Call Procedure Design for Underwater Cellular Networks
Hee-won Kim, Junho Cho, Ho-Shin Cho

An Implementation of MAC Protocol for Underwater Cellular Networks
Junho Cho, Hee-won Kim, Ho-Shin Cho

INNOV 5 / 5GADVANCES: Recent Advances for 5G Networks
Session chair: Alexandros Kaloxylos

Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
Alexandros Kaloxylos

5G Network Resources Requirements for Mobile Immersive Digital Environments
Danaisy Prado-Álvarez, David Garcia-Roger, Jose F. Monserrat

Network Functions Evaluation of Hardware Accelerated NFV Platform in View of 5G Requirements
Athanasia Alonistioti

On V2X Network Slicing: Using Context Information to Improve Mobility Management
Panagiotis Spapis, Chan Zhou, Alexandros Kaloxylos

Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
Alexandros Kaloxylos


SIMUL 2017, The Ninth International Conference on Advances in System Simulation

SIMUL 1: Practical Applications on Process Simulations
Session chair: Sven Reißmann

Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Enzyme-Catalysed Substrate Conversion in a Microbioreactor
Linas Petkevičius, Romas Baronas

Simulation Improves Material Handling in General Assembly
Julio Pérez, Gabriel Carreño, Ozge Çivit, Edward J. Williams

Enhancing Formal Proofs of Network Protocols for Transport Systems using Discrete Event Simulation
Emna Chebbi, Patrick Sondi, Eric Ramat

SIMUL 2: Simulation Methodologies
Session chair: Edward William

Seeking Rare Events in a Simulated System using Risk Distances
Volker Gollücke, Axel Hahn

Derivation of a New Method for Derivative Estimation by Linear Combinations
Simon Genser, Martin Benedikt

Using VIRL to Improve the Scale-out of Large Virtual Network Testbeds in Higher Education
Sven Reißmann, Sebastian Rieger, Christian Pape

SIMUL 3: Simulation Models
Session chair: Igor Pehar

A Framework for Simulation Validation & Verification Method Selection
Bill Roungas, Sebastiaan Meijer, Alexander Verbraeck

A New Approach to Modelling Fiber-Reinforced Plastics for Hydrocode Analysis - Experimental Model Validation of Composite Materials Under Ballistic Impact
Arash Ramezani, Hendrik Rothe

Hybrid Modeling Approach to Investigate the Impact of Boarding Patients on Unit Performance
Leila Keshtkar, Wael Rashwan, Waleed Abo-Hamad, Amr Arisha

Internet of Things Simulation Tools: Proposing Educational Components
Majid Bayani, Alberto Segura, Jeffrie Saenz, Brayan Mora

SIMUL 4 / MMSDS: Multiscale Modeling and Simulation for Defense and Security
Session chair: Arash Ramezani

Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
Arash Ramezani

Future Tasks of Lightweight-Polymer Combat Helmets
Henrik Seeber, Arash Ramezani, Hendrik Rothe

Verification of the Theoretical Feasibility of Shock Wave Attenuation by Means of a Second Transient Medium for Protecting Vehicles Against Blasts
Burghard Hillig, Arash Ramezani, Hendrik Rothe

A Coupled CFD-FEM Analysis to Simulate Blast Effects on High Security Vehicles Using Modern Hydrocodes
Arash Ramezani, Burghard Hillig, Hendrik Rothe

Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
Arash Ramezani


SOTICS 2017, The Seventh International Conference on Social Media Technologies, Communication, and Informatics

SOTICS 1 / DigEC: Digitalisation in European Company Law and Corporate Governance
Session chair: Hana Horak

Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
Hana Horak

Corporate Group Law and EU Law: State of Play [PRESENTATION]
Kristijan Poljanec

Voting Rights on Equity Used as Financial Collateral
Ivan Tot

Cross-border Transfer of Company Seats [PRESENTATION]
Hana Horak, Kosjenka Dumancic

Social Networks as a Communication Tool in Social Supermarkets
Blazenka Knezevic, Vida Davidaviciene, Petra Skrobot

Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
Hana Horak

SOTICS 2: Challenges in Social Environment
Session chair: Bogdan Andrus

Assessing General Data Protection Regulation for Personal Data Privacy: is the End of “Take it or Leave it” Approach for Downloading Apps?
Spyros Polykalas

Is the News Deceptive? Fake News Detection using Topic Authenticity
Aviad Elyashar, Jorge Bendahan, Rami Puzis

Assessing Situation Awareness through Blogosphere: A Case Study on Venezuelan Socio-Political Crisis and the Migrant Influx
Esther Mead, Muhammad Nihal Hussain, Mohammad Shiblee Nooman, Samer Al-khateeb, Nitin Agarwal


VALID 2017, The Ninth International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle

VALID 1: Testing Techniques and Mechanisms
Session chair: Jos van Rooyen

The Applicability of Testing Techniques [PRESENTATION]
Jos van Rooyen

A Method to Determine the Static NBTI Stress Time of an Embedded Component in an Integrated Circuit
Puneet Ramesh Savanur, Spyros Tragoudas

VALID 2: System and Feature Testing
Session chair: Jan Sobotka

Application of Extended Timed Automata to Automotive Integration Testing
Jan Sobotka, Jiří Novák

Improvement of Sequential Tests in IEC-61124 Reliability Testing – Compliance Tests for Constant Failure Rate
Ofer Shaham, Yefim Haim Michlin


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