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Propose a Mini Symposium

The Thirteenth International Conference on
Networking and Services

ICNS 2017
May 21 - 25, 2017 - Barcelona, Spain

Preliminary Program

InfoSys 2017 & BioSciencesWorld 2017

ICNS 2017 / ICAS 2017 / ENERGY 2017 / WEB 2017 / DBKDA 2017 /
CONNET 2017 / GraphSM 2017 / ENVIROSENS 2017

Conference Venue Location

Novotel Barcelona Sant Joan Despi
Carrer de la TV3, 2
08970 Sant Joan Despi

Note: Sessions marked with /s are from special tracks. The final program might vary slightly according to the number of successful special tracks and the final registrations.

Conference rooms
Time slots

Room A

Room B

Room C

Room D

Sunday, May 21  


Registration starts

13:00 - 15:00

Tutorial I

Sensors & Sensor Systems:
Design and Development for Smartphones and IoT

Dr. Sergey Y. Yurish, CTO & Co-Founder, Excelera, Barcelona, Spain

15:00 - 15:15


15:15 - 17:15

Tutorial II

Data Manipulation and Data Transformation using the Shell
Prof. Dr. Andreas Schmidt, University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe, Germany
Dr. Steffen Gerhard Scholz, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

17:15 - 17:30


17:30 - 19:30

Tutorial III

Leveraging Data Analytics and the Internet of Things to transform Digital Marketing
Assist. Prof. Dr. Dimitris K. Kardaras, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece


19:30 - 20:30

Welcome Cocktail
You must have your badge to attend the cocktail

Monday, May 22 

09:00 - 09:15


09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker

OWASP Top 10 Security Vulnerabilities in an Industrial Context
Prof. Dr. György Tamas Kalman, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15





12:15 - 13:45

Lunch on your own

13:45 - 15:30





15:30 - 15:45

Coffee Break

15:45 - 17:30

Panel on DBKDA/WEB/GraphSM

Topic:  Databases and Web Information in the Era of Big Data

Friedrich Laux, Reutlingen University, Germany

Hai Wang, Saint Mary's University, Canada
Alain Casali, LIF, France
Friedrich Laux, Reutlingen University, Germany

Tuesday, May 23

09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker

Compression of Structured Big Data - Challenges and Solutions
Prof. Dr. Stefan Böttcher, University of Paderborn, Germany

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15





12:15 - 13:45

Lunch on your own

13:45 - 15:30

Panel ICAS

Topic:  Digital Autonomy in the Internet of Things Era

Viviane Torres da Silva, IBM Research, Brazil

Irina Topalova, Technical University Sofia, Bulgaria
Luis Fernando Orleans, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Viviane Torres da Silva, IBM Research, Brazil

15:30 - 15:45

Coffee Break

15:45 - 17:30





17:30 - 17:40


17:40 - 19:30


Topic: Sustainable Energy Solutions

Steffen Fries, Siemens AG, Germany

Gyorgy Kalman, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Mark Apperley, University of Waikato, New Zealand
Steffen Fries, Siemens AG, Germany

Wednesday, May 24 

09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker

Contradistinction of Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Change
Dr. Son V. Nghiem, Jet Propulsion Laboratory / NASA - Pasadena, USA

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15





12:15 - 13:45

Lunch on your own

13:45 - 15:30

Open Interview

Topic: Global Urbanization and Impacts on Bio-environments
(discoveries/results in the NASA interdisciplinary science research projects)
Interviewer: Petre Dini, IARIA, USA
Expert Scientist: Son Nghiem,  Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA

15:30 - 15:45

Coffee Break

15:45 - 17:30



DBKDA 5 / GraphSM


17:30 - 17:40


17:40 - 19:30

Panel on InfoSys

Topic: Academia/Industry Interactions: Approaches, Options, and Challenges

Kevin Daimi, University of Detroit Mercy, USA

Dimitar Hristovski, Institute of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Steffen Fries, Siemens AG, Germany
Kevin Daimi, University of Detroit Mercy, USA



20:00 : 23:00


Thursday, May 25

09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker

Internet of Things Architecture and Security
Prof. Dr. Shuangbao (Paul) Wang, University of Maryland, USA

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15





12:15 - 12:30

Coffee and Closing Session

Friday, May 26

Recommended to be visited on your own:
General information: 
Contact: [email protected]

Park Güell
Sagrada Familia
Picasso Museum
Gaudi Museum
Museum of Catalan Art
Montjuic Hill
La Rambla
La Marina

Salvador Dali Museum [one day trip from Barcelona]


Detailed Program

BIONATURE 2017, The Eighth International Conference on Bioenvironment, Biodiversity and Renewable Energies

BIONATURE 1: Bioenvironment
Session chair: Kevin Daimi

From Millennium Development Goals to Sustainable Development Goals. Are We on Track?
Ana Jesús López-Menéndez, Rigoberto Pérez-Suárez

Improving Downscaling Techniques for Glacier Studies Using Bio-inspired Algorithms. Application to tropical glaciers in the Peruvian Andes
Abdelhamid Tayebi Tayebi, Francisco José Álvarez García, Josefa Gómez Pérez, Francisco Manuel Sáez de Adana Herrero, William David Cabos Narvaez, Marti Bonshoms, José Úbeda Palenque

Optimal Sizing ESS for Economic Advantage of PV-ESS Generation
Kyeonghee Cho, Seulki Kim, Eungsang Kim, Junho Park

BIONATURE 2: Sustainable energies
Session chair: Shuangbao (Paul) Wang

One Day Ahead Forecasting of Generating Power for Photovoltaic Power System
Hyang-A Park, Jong-yul Kim, Eung-Sang Kim, Sung-shin Kim

The Antarctic Circumpolar Frontal Ice Zone
Son Nghiem, Gregory Neumann, Dieuthuy Nguyen, Alberto Moreira, Irena Hajnsek

Towards the Estimation of Tree Biomass Changes in the Sparse Subarctic Forests Using Stereo WorldView 3 Images and Historical Aerial Photographs
Benoît St-Onge, Simon Grandin


BIOTECHNO 2017, The Ninth International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biocomputational Systems and Biotechnologies

BIOTECHNO 1: Biocomputing
Session chair: György Tamas Kalman

Cancer Gene Analysis Using Small Matryoshka (SM) Found by Matryoshka Feature Selection Method
Shuichi Shinmura

Overlapping Cell Segmentation with Shape Prior
Evan Yi-Wen Wang, Albert Kai-Sun Wong


DBKDA 2017, The Ninth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications

DBKDA 1: Data and process provenance
Session chair: Friedrich Laux

An Authorization Model for Data Modeled Using Semantic Web Technologies
Jenni Reuben, Simone Fischer-Hübner

A Novel Approach to User Involved Big Data Provenance Visualization
Ilkay Melek Yazici, Mehmet S. Aktas, Mehmet Gokturk

A Large Scale Synthetic Social Provenance Database
Mohamed Jehad Baeth, Mehmet S Aktas

On the Weight for Partial Inner Dependence AHP Using Sensitivity Analyses
Shin-ichi Ohnishi, Takahiro Yamanoi

DBKDA 2: Data query, access, mining, and correlation
Session chair: Danae Pla Karidi

Customer Churn Prediction in Telecommunication with Rotation Forest Method
Mümin Yıldız, Songül Albayrak

Data Validation for Big Live Data
Malcolm Crowe, Carolyn Begg, Fritz Laux, Martti Laiho

A Pseudometric for Gaussian Mixture Models
Linfei Zhou, Wei Ye, Bianca Wackersreuther, Claudia Plant, Chrisitian Boehm

A Data Mining Framework for Product Bundle Design and Pricing
Yiming Li, Hai Wang, Qigang Gao

DBKDA 3: Databases content processing
Session chair: Dimitar Hristovski

Preference Miner: A Database Tool for Mining User Preferences
Markus Endres

A Column-Oriented Text Database API Implemented on Top of Wavelet Tries
Stefan Böttcher, Rita Hartel, Jonas Manuel

CitySense: Retrieving, Visualizing and Combining Datasets on Urban Areas
Danae Pla Karidi, Harry Nakos, Alexandros Efentakis, Yannis Stavrakas

Statistical Implicative Analysis Approximation to KDD and Data Mining
Rubén Pazmiño, Francisco García, Miguel Conde

DBKDA 4: Knowledge and decision bases
Session chair: Takashi Hayata

A Knowledge Graph for Travel Mode Recommendation and Critiquing
Bill Karakostas, Dimitris Kardaras

BayesNet and Artificial Neural Network for Nowcasting Rare Fog Events
Gaetano Zazzaro, Paola Mercogliano, Gianpaolo Romano

OntoEDIFACT: An Ontology for the UN/EDIFACT Standard
Boulares Ouchenne, Mhamed Itmi

A Causality-based Feature Selection Approach for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting
Youssef Hmamouche, Alain Casali, Lotfi Lakhal

DBKDA 5 / GraphSM: Graph analysis, management and applications
Session chair: Hai Wang

Exploring the Wikipedia-Graph [PRESENTATION]
Andreas Schmidt

Using the Graph-Model for Schema/Data Mapping [PRESENTATION]
Friedrich Laux

The Absolute Consistency Problem of Graph Schema Mappings with Uniqueness Constraints
Takashi Hayata, Yasunori Ishihara, Toru Fujiwara

A Network-based Approach to Evolution of MEDLINE
Andrej Kastrin, Thomas C. Rindflesch, Dimitar Hristovski


ENERGY 2017, The Seventh International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies

ENERGY 1: Fundamentals in smart grids
Session chair: Steffen Fries

Implementing Load Management in Manufacturing Companies: A Feasible Approach
Jan Hicking, Steffen Nienke, Günther Schuh

SEAM: Swarm Algorithms for Energy Allocation in Microgrids
Erik Buchmann, Jens Wagner

Multilayer Fuzzy System Applied to Locate Faults in Distribution Systems Using Only Voltage Measurements
Marcel Araujo, Rogério Flauzino, Lucas Moraes, Oureste Batista

ENERGY 2: Challenges in smart grids and IT-energy aware technologies
Session chair: Erik Buchmann

Electric Vehicles Charging Infrastructure Integration Into The Electric Grid Considering The Net Benefits To Consumers
Vivian Sultan, Hind Bitar, Ahmed Alzahrani, Brian Hilton

Handling Role-based Access Control in the Digital Grid
Steffen Fries, Rainer Falk, Chaitanya Bisale

Mitigating Brown-Outs: Fair Distribution of Locally Sourced Energy in Smart Grids
Rolf Egert, Florian Volk, Jörg Daubert, Max Mühlhäuser

Modelling Energy Balance and Storage in the Design of Smart Microgrids
Mark D Apperley


ICAS 2017, The Thirteenth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems

ICAS 1: Autonomic computing
Session chair: Irina Topalova

Towards a Framework for Applying the Visualization of Smart Monitoring Architectures to a Distributed Ubiquity Mobility Platform
Djamel Khadraoui, Christophe Feltus

OptPLAN: Improving the Optimal Plan Calculation on Relational Databases
Luis Fernando Orleans, Miguel Brito, Egberto Silva

Detection of Runtime Normative Conflict Based on Execution Scenarios
Mairon Belchior, Viviane da Silva

ICAS 2: Algorithms and theory for control and computation
Session chair: Viviane Torres da Silva

Discrete Time LQG Controller for Speed Control in a Steam Turbine Coupled to DC Generator
Hernando González Acevedo, Hernan González Acuña

A Control Method for Bipedal Trunk Spring Loaded Inverted Pendulum Model
Jongwoo Lee, Minh (Nhat) Vu, Yonghwan Oh

Extended LALR(1) Parsing
Wuu Yang

ICAS 3: Advances in system automation
Session chair: Mariana Rodrigues

Empirical Investigation of Changes of Driving Behavior and Usability Evaluation Using an Advanced Driving Assistance System
Shota Matsubayashi, Kazuhisa Miwa, Takuma Yamaguchi, Takafumi Kamiya, Tatsuya Suzuki, Ryojun Ikeura, Soichiro Hayakawa, Takafumi Ito

Neural Network Structure with Alternating Input Training Sets for Recognition of Marble Surfaces
Irina Topalova, Magdalina Uzunova

Design and Development of the 24 GHz FMCW Radar Sensor for Blind Spot Detection and Lane Change Assistance Systems
Yeonghwan Ju, Sangdong Kim, Youngseok Jin, Jonghun Lee

ICAS 4 / FUCOMA: Fuzzy cognitive maps
Session chair: Marcio Mendonça

Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
Marcio Mendonça

Simplified Fuzzy Dynamic Cognitive Maps Applied to the Maintenance Management of Electric Motors
Patrick Prieto Soares, Lucas Botoni de Souza, Marcio Mendonca, Ivan Rossato Chrun, Michele Eliza Casagrande Rocha

Dynamic Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Embedded and Classical Fuzzy Controllers Applied in Industrial Process
Lucas Botoni de Souza, Ruan Victor Pelloso Duarte Barros, Márcio Mendonça, Elpiniki I. Papageorgiou

Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Weighted Classic Fuzzy Applied on Student Satisfaction Level
Lucas Botoni de Souza, Ruan Victor Pelloso Duarte Barros, Patrick Prieto Soares, Jeferson Gonçalves Ferreira, Márcio Mendonça

Empirical Comparison of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Dynamic Rule-based Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
Asmaa Mourhir, Elpiniki Papageorgiou

Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
Marcio Mendonça

ICAS 5 / IoIT I: Internet of intelligent and autonomic things I
Session chair: Rafael Oliveira Vasconcelos

Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
Rafael Oliveira Vasconcelos

Smart Driving Behavior Analysis Based on Online Outlier Detection: Insights from a Controlled Case Study
Igor Vasconcelos, Rafael Vasconcelos, Bruno Olivieri, Markus Endler, Methanias Júnior

Lean Information and Communication Tool to Connect Shop and Top Floor in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Rainer Müller, Matthias Vette, Leenhard Hörauf, Christoph Speicher, Dirk Burkhard

ICAS 6 / IoIT II: Internet of intelligent and autonomic things II
Session chair: Rafael Oliveira Vasconcelos

UAV Integration Into IoIT: Opportunities and Challenges
Mariana Rodrigues, Daniel F. Pigatto, João V. C. Fontes, Alex S. R. Pinto, Jean-Philippe Diguet, Kalinka. R. L. J. C. Branco

DARC: Deadline-aware, Autonomous Resource Control in IoT [POSTER]
Tian Lan

D-Joseph: An Efficient Approach for Dynamic Software Reconfiguration in Data Stream Processing Systems
Rafael Oliveira Vasconcelos, Igor Vasconcelos, Markus Endler

Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
Rafael Oliveira Vasconcelos


ICNS 2017, The Thirteenth International Conference on Networking and Services

ICNS 1: Systems
Session chair: Jenni Reuben

Overview of a Development Project - An IoT System for Remote Monitoring System of Patients [POSTER]
KeeHyun Park, Min Woo, Joonsuu Park, JongHwi Lee

Securing Ford Mobility System- GoodTurn
Katherine Snyder, Kevin Daimi

ICNS 2: Networking
Session chair: Kevin Daimi

Comparative Analysis of Algorithms for Bandwidth Allocation in EPON
Mary Luz Mouronte López

A Novel Passive Tracking Scheme Exploiting Adaptive Line of Sight Links
Deockhyeon Ahn, Jungpyo Lee, Chao Sun, Youngok Kim

Load Experiment of the vDACS Scheme to Use between Plural Organizations for Applications to the Small and Medium Size Scale Organization
Kazuya Odagiri, Shogo Shimizu, Naohiro Ishii, Makoto Takizawa


SIGNAL 2017, The Second International Conference on Advances in Signal, Image and Video Processing

SIGNAL 1: Signal processing
Session chair: Joy Prabhakaran

Chan-Vese Model with Semi-implicite AOS Scheme for Images Segmentation: Biphase and Multiphase Cases
Messaoudi Zahir, Berki Hemza, Younsi Arezki

Principal Fiber Bundles and Geometry of Color Spaces
Edoardo Provenzi

A Low Cost Technology-based Device for Breath Analysis and Self-monitoring
Danila Germanese, Mario D'Acunto, Massimo Magrini, Marco Righi, Ovidio Salvetti

SIGNAL 2: Image and video processing
Session chair: Linfei Zhou

A Novel Location and Neighborhood Adaptive Method for Binary Image Interpolation
Pullat Joy Prabhakaran, Palanganda Ganapathy Poonacha

Robust Object Tracking Using Unreliable Object Recognizers
Li Li, Masood Mortazavi

InVideo: An Automatic Video Index and Search Engine for Large Video Collections
Shuangbao Paul Wang, Xiaolong Cheng, Carolyn Maher, William Kelly

SIGNAL 3 / SIVPR: Time-constrained signal, image and video processing in robotics
Session chair: António J. R. Neves

Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
António J. R. Neves

Vehicle Detection on Low Altitude Images Based on Edge Density
Antonio J. R. Neves, Manuel Camarneiro, Lucas Cozinheiro

Face Detection on Infrared Thermal Image
Ricardo Ribeiro, Jose Maria Fernandes, Antonio Neves

Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
António J. R. Neves

SIGNAL 4 / 5GSIGWAVE: Signal processing for decentralized, cognitive and self-organised 5G wireless access network
Session chair: Ramiro Samano Robles

Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
Ramiro Sámano Robles

Transmit Beamforming Strategies with Iterative Equalization for Hybrid mmW Systems
Roberto Magueta, Daniel Castanheira, Adão Silva, Rui Dinis, Atílio Gameiro

Secure Video Multicast over Wireless Ad-hoc Networks Using Network Coding
Du Yang, Valdemar Monteiro, Jonathan Rodriguez, Tasos Dagiuklas, Charalambos Mysirlidis

Joint Beamforming, Terminal Scheduling, and Adaptive Modulation with Imperfect CSIT in Rayleigh Fading Correlated Channels with Co-channel Interference
Ramiro Samano Robles

Stability and Delay of Network-Diversity Multiple Access with Backlog Retransmission Control
Ramiro Samano Robles

Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
Ramiro Sámano Robles


WEB 2017, The Fifth International Conference on Building and Exploring Web Based Environments

WEB 1: Trends on WEB-based data processing/analytics
Session chair: Kevin Daimi

Discovering Geographical Patterns of Crime Localization in Mexico City
Roberto Zagal-Flores, Félix Mata-Rivera, Christophe Claramunt, Edgar Catalan-Salgado

Ontology Based Aspect Oriented Opinion Summary Methodology
Dervis Kanbur, Mehmet S. Aktas

Decentralized Bootstrapping for WebRTC-based P2P Networks
Dennis Boldt, Kaminski Felix, Stefan Fischer

WEB 2: Web fundamentals
Session chair: Kevin Daimi

A Study on User-Customized Local Information Notification Service Using Association Analysis
Eunmi Jung, Jooyoung Ko, Andrew G. Kim, Hyenki Kim

A Study on the WAI-ARIA of Domestic Websites with High Session in Korea
Chorong Kim, Eunju Park, Hankyu Lim

The Contradictions of Social Media Crowdsourcing in Crises Management of War-torn Societies
Khaled Al Omoush

WEB 3: Semantic Web designing and programming
Session chair: Dennis Boldt

AGILE Web Development Using WebBPMN
Riccardo Cognini, Alberto Polzonetti

Semiotic Annotation of Video Commercials: Why the artifact is the way it is?
Elio Toppano

ModRef Project: From Creation to Exploitation of CIDOC-CRM Triplestores
Pascaline Tchienehom


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