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The Seventh International Conference on
Advances in Cognitive Radio

April 23 - 27, 2017 - Venice, Italy

Technical Co-Sponsors and Logistics Supporters
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  • Colocated with other events part of NexComm 2017
  • Posters will be presented during the conference
  • A Work in Progress track is available for preliminary work
  • A Research Ideas track is available for ideas in early stages
  • A Doctoral Forum track is available for discussing and publishing early PhD thesis research
Submission (full paper)

Dec. 5 January 18, 2017


February 20 February 26, 2017


March 5 March 10, 2017

Camera ready

March 15, 2017

ISSN: 2308-4251
ISBN: 978-1-61208-551-7

Published by IARIA XPS Press

Archived in the free access ThinkMindTM Digital Library
Prints available at Curran Associates, Inc.
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a IARIA Journal
Articles will be submitted to appropriate indexes.

conference contact: [email protected]

All tracks/topics are open to both research and industry contributions.

Special tracks:

ENAB5G: Enablers for 5G Use Cases
Chair and Coordinator: Dr. Faouzi Bouali, Research Fellow, 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC), University of Surrey, United Kingdom [email protected]

MEC&mmWave - Mobile Edge Computing and Millimeter Waves as Key Technology Enablers for 5G Systems
Chair and Coordinator: Dr. Valerio Frascolla, Funding and Innovation Manager, Intel Deutschland GmbH - Neubiberg, Germany [email protected]

5GSPECTRUM: Advanced Spectrum Management in 5G and Beyond Systems
Chair and Coordinator: Dr. Shahid Mumtaz, Funding and Innovation Manager, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal [email protected]



Cognitive radio and network architectures; Collaborative radio networks; Information theory and performance limits of dynamic spectrum access; Agile spectrum and dynamic spectrum sharing techniques; Cognitive spectrum sharing, coexistence, and interoperability; Cross-layer algorithms based on spectrum sensing techniques; Cognitive radio sensing in the large and feature detection; Collaboration optimization and refinement; Collaborative spectrum sensing schemes with weighted user contributions; Connectivity, capacity, and scalability of heterogeneous systems via cognitive networking; Auction and pricing models for dynamic spectrum sharing; Effective capacity and delay optimization in cognitive radio networks

Cognitive radio and emerging technologies
Cognitive radio with 5G and mmWave;  Massive access in 5G; Cognitive radio an SDN; Cognitive radio and 4G/5G technologies; Femtocell collaborative outage detection; Cooperative spectrum sensing; Energy harvesting and energy efficiency in cognitive radio; Spatially heterogeneous traffic in heterogeneous cognitive networks; Opportunistic spectrum access systems; Delay-constrained cognitive radio networks; Dynamic cognitive radio networks; Smart sensing networks; Strategic choices for mobile network operators

Energy-aware, smart sensing and capacity-aware in advanced technologies
Opportunistic energy harvesting and energy-based opportunistic spectrum; Massive MIMO and Femto cells for energy efficiency; Maximum-minimum energy-based spectrum sensing; Energy detection in full-duplex cognitive radios under residual self-interference; Coordination context-based spectrum sharing for 5G millimeter-wave networks;  Effective capacity and delay optimization; Protocols for dynamically varying bandwidth conditions; Green 5G networks; Distributed power control in cognitive heterogeneous 5G cellular networks; Traffic offloading and effective spectrum sensing; Cooperative spectrum sensing using Improved p-norm detectors; Non-Uniform quantized distributed sensing; Flexible spectrum sensing nodes for smart sensing networks; Full-Duplex spectrum sensing in LTE and WLAN with unlicensed bands; Smart devices supporting TV white-spaces LTE systems; Channel selection using software-defined radio (SDR); 5G devices/networks and implementation case studies; 5G deployment strategies for cognitive satellite terrestrial coverage; Unlocking spectrum above 6 GHz for 5G; Heterogeneous 5G + HetHetNets; Interference mitigation in wearable body-to-body networks; Device-relaying in cellular D2D networks; Marketplace models for mobile content and dynamic pricing

Mechanisms and protocols
Interoperability, interference and co-existence of dissimilar wireless networks; Distributed algorithms for spectrum detection and cooperative spectrum sensing; Models and fundamental limits of cognitive networking; Transient behavior and stability analysis in cognitive networking; Cognitive MAC, multicast, and routing protocols for heterogeneous networks with highly dynamic topology; Software radio and radio resource allocation; Spectrum policy reform issues and standardization; TCP protocols in dynamically varying bandwidth conditions; OFDMA cognitive radio networks

Processing and devices
Propagation channel modeling and utilization; Cognitive and collaborative radio architecture for equipments; Transceivers and front-end technologies, SOC and SiP; MIMO, advanced signal processing, and smart antennas; Primary transmitter shadowing and fading; High-speed and broadband wireless technologies; Software defined radios and cognitive radios; Hardware reconfigurability; Smart antennas; Passive antennas

Measurement and management
Software radio and cognitive radio management; Interference measurements and metrics; Spectrum and performance management in cognitive radio networks; Security and robustness issues in cognitive networking; Cooperative resource management and optimization; QoS provisioning in adaptive, spectrum agile, and cognitive networks; Context management, sensing, reasoning and context acquisition; Traffic patterns, topology, mobility, and interference tolerance in cognitive networking; Statistical inference and cognition with from measurements that are inaccurate, incomplete, inconsistent, and delayed measurements; Sensing and feedback mechanism in cognitive networking and the associated cost; Cognitive radio with reinforcement learning

Cognitive radio applications; Wideband sensing and multiband agile wireless networks; Future Internet with cognitive technologies; Flexible and opportunistic wireless access; Multimedia communications through cognitive networks; Simulation of cognitive wireless networks; Cognitive radio test-beds and hardware prototypes


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