Submit a Paper

Propose a Workshop

Propose a Mini Symposium

The Sixth International Conference on Social Media Technologies, Communication, and Informatics

August 21 - 25, 2016 - Rome, Italy

Technical Co-Sponsors and Logistics Supporters
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  • Colocated with other events part of SoftNet 2016
  • Posters will be presented during the conference
  • A Work in Progress track is available for preliminary work
  • A Research Ideas track is available for ideas in early stages
  • A Doctoral Forum track is available for discussing and publishing early PhD thesis research

Due to several requests for additional time, submission deadline extended to: May 5, 2016

Submission (full paper)

April 4 May 5, 2016


June 6, 2016


June 19, 2016

Camera ready

July 12, 2016

ISSN: 2326-9294
ISBN: 978-1-61208-504-3

Published by IARIA XPS Press

Archived in the free access ThinkMindTM Digital Library
Prints available at Curran Associates, Inc.
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a IARIA Journal
Articles will be submitted to appropriate indexes.

conference contact: [email protected]

All tracks/topics are open to both research and industry contributions.

Special sessions:

SISITS: Socio-technical IS/IT Systems and Security
Chairs and Organizers:
Prof. Dr. Stewart James Kowalski, Norway University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway
Prof. Dr. Petre Dini, IARIA, USA

Main tracks:

Social applications
On-line entertainment; Games and citizens; Social networking and social software; Tagging and micro-blogging; Collaborative filtering and tagging; Social simulation (mobility, groupware, etc.); Very large social networks; Deep web social information; Blogs and mini-blogs; E-books

Social media use and experiences
Social media platforms, tools, and applications; Collaboration tools; Multi-user media-sharing platforms (ideo, images, audio, and text);  Integrated multi-brand networking platforms (for friend/follow, organic groups, calendars/events, direct messaging, tagging, and activity feed); Agile social media platforms; Sharing tools (Facebook, Twitter, Yammer, YouTube, instant messaging, video conferencing, web meetings); Social media work flow tools; Collaborative culture; Learning experiences; Knowledge sharing

Community services
Technologies for building the social media channels; Blogs (private and corporate); Ratings and reviews; Referrals and sharing; Forums; User-created content management; Member profile management (photos, information preferences, linked channels, and privacy settings); Social networking via integrated multi-brand networking platforms; Cross-channel synchronization ( integration of the user experience across all in-house social media channels); API backbones; Spiders; Connectors

Special services and technologies
Mobile social media; Kids-oriented social media; youth-oriented social media; elderly-oriented social media; dedicated games; accessibility-oriented social media; Multi-sensor user interfaces (e.g., tactile, haptic, olfactory)

Digital resource domains
Enterprise social networks; Geo-social networks; Social networks; Digital computing; Digital health care; Digital mapping; Digital human faces; Digital libraries; Informatics environments; Micro-contribution by masses

Social evaluation and metrics
Social media analytics; Text analytics; Metric on quality of experience and satisfaction; Social mobility; Social interactions; Social learning; Social media; Social models; Mutual social credentials; Sentiment analysis

Social mobility
Social mobile networks with the Web 2.0; Mobile social architecture and services; Open service capabilities; Open exposure of telco capabilities; Open Web APIs, SOA and SDP; Interworking strategies; Mobile terminals as sources for User-generated content; Architecture and services for user-generated content; Auto-description and metadata synthesis for telecom-generated for user-generated content; Social mobile networks; User behavior profiling; Social connections (social graphs, contacts, etc); Services and architectures/solutions for social mobile services

Mechanisms for social services
Social media advertising and marketing; eSociety; Network growth and dynamics; Accessibility; Social education; Social opinion; Digital eco-systems; Ecology and social justice; eGovernments; Digital economy; eCommerce; Digital cities; Tourism; Democracy and social groups; Patent laws; Social tools; Web enterprises and services

Challenges in social environments
Computational thinking; Natural language processing; eImpact on children knowledge and abilities; Opinion and sentiment analysis; Computing and philosophy; Threats in social networks; Trusted computing; Reputation systems; Pervasive social computing; Real-time ubiquitous social semantic; Social creativity; Privacy preservation in social media; Social trust; Ethics; Legal aspects


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