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The Seventh International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications


July 24 - 28, 2016 - Nice, France

Preliminary Program

NetWare 2016


Conference Venue Location
  Conference Hotel
Hotel Novotel Cap 3000 in Nice / St Laurent du Var
40 avenue du Verdun
06700 Saint Laurent du Var
Tel (+33)4/93195555 - Fax (+33)4/93195559
Email [email protected]


Conference rooms
Time slots

Room A

Room B

Room C

Room D

Sunday, July 24


Registration starts
The registration desk is located in front of the conference rooms
Operating during the entire conference

13:00 - 14:50

Tutorial I

IoT 2.0 Sensor Innovations: Making Sense of Intelligent Sensors
Prof. Dr. Sergey Y. Yurish
International Frequency Sensor Association (IFSA), Spain

14:50 - 15:00


15:00 - 16:50

Tutorial II

Architectures for IoT Applications in the Energy Domain
Dr. Guillaume Habault
Télécom Bretagne, France

16:50 - 17:00


17:00 - 18:50

Tutorial III

Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering: Substrate Design and Fabrication
Dr. Victor Ovchinnikov
Aalto University, Finland


19:30 - 20:30

Welcome Cocktail
Have your badge when attending the cocktail

Monday, July 25

09:00 - 09:15

Opening session

09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker
Potentials and Progress in Quantum Technology for NASA Missions
Dr. Sang H. Choi, NASA Langley Research Center - Hampton, USA

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15





12:15 - 13:45

Lunch on your own

13:45 - 15:30





15:30 - 15:45

Coffee Break

15:45 - 17:30







17:40 - 19:40


Topic: Accessibility and Smart IoT-based Environments:
Obstacles and Opportunities

Erchin Serpedin, Texas A&M University, USA

Lukas Smirek, Stuttgart-Media University, Germany
Bong Jun Choi, Stony Brook University / SUNY Korea, Republic of Korea
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud, NR–Norsk Regnesentral, Norway
Maxime Lefrancois, Mines Saint Etienne, France

Tuesday, July 26

09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker
Application-driven Advances in Additive Manufacturing Technologies
Dr.-Ing. Steffen G. Scholz, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15





12:15 - 13:45

Lunch on your own

13:45 - 15:30





15:30 - 15:45

Coffee Break

15:45 - 17:30







17:40 - 19:40


Topic: Society Progress and Quantum Technology: Quo Vadis?

Steffen G. Scholz, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany

Sang H. Choi, NASA Langley Research Center, USA
Thierry Ferrus, Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory, UK
Jason Sun, US Army Research Laboratory, USA

Wednesday, July 27

09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker
Challenges on IP2020 - Analyzing Limitations with the Current Generation of Network Protocols
Kiran Makhijani, Huawei Technologies, USA

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15





12:15 - 13:15

Lunch on your own

13:15 - 14:00

Keynote Speaker
Crisis 4.0: Lack of Security and Privacy Could Kill Digitalization
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Hof, Munich University of Applied Sciences. Germany

14:00 -14:10


14:10 - 16:00


Topic: Security and Dependability in Mobile Environments

Kiran Makhijani, Huawei Technologies, USA

Elena Troubitsyna, Abo Akademi University, Finland
Hans-Joachim Hof, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Ludek Lukas, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic
Rolf Johansson, SP, Sweden
Geir Køien, University of Agder, Norway

16:00 - 16:15

Coffee Break

16:15 - 18:00





18:00 - 18:10


18:10 - 20:00


Topic: Software Features for Mobility Services:
From Legacy Software to Apps

Christopher Ireland, The Open University, UK

Alexander Hagemann, Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG, Germany
Daniel Sundmark, Mälardalen University, Sweden
Przemyslaw Pochec, University of New Brunswick, Canada

20:30 - 23:00


Thursday, July 28

09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker
Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience: Theory and Practice

Prof. Dr. Martin Hromada, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Slovakia

10:15 - 10:25


10:25 - 12:10


Topic: Trends in Nano/Micro Technologies

Victor Ovchinnikov, Aalto University, Finland

Christian Wögerer, Profactor GmbH, Austria
Leo Schranzhofer, Profactor GmbH, Austria
Adrien Brunet, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
Timm Bostelmann, FH Wedel (University of Applied Sciences), Germany

12:10 - 12:25

Coffee Break

12:25 - 14:20





14:20 - 15:20

Lunch on your own

15:20 - 17:10


Topic: Achievements and Challenges in Environmental Sensing

Sergey Y. Yurish, International Frequency Sensor Association (IFSA), Spain

Andrey Teplykh, Saratov Branch of Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics nm.V.A.Kotelnikov RAS, Russia
Ilia Kiselev, Breitmeier Messtechnik GmbH, Germany
Winfried Vonau, Kurt-Schwabe-Institut, Germany

17:10 - 17:25

Coffee Break

17:25 - 19:10





19:10 - 19:30


Friday, July 29
Recommended to see on your own
Nice (direct bus, ~20 minutes, every 15 minutes)
Monaco/Monte Carlo (trains, every 30 minutes)
Cannes (trains, every 30 minutes)
Saint-Tropez (see agency offers at Novotel Hotel)


Program Details


AFIN 2016, The Eighth International Conference on Advances in Future Internet

AFIN 1: Communication algorithms
Session chair: Elena Troubitsyna

Node Movement Control Based on Swarm Intelligence for a Mobile Medium Ad hoc Network
Hanin Almutairi, John DeDourek, Przemyslaw Pochec

Podcast for Radio Studio of Zilina University
Juraj Fabus, Viktoria Fabusova, Peter Kolarovszki, Jiri Tengler


CENICS 2016, The Ninth International Conference on Advances in Circuits, Electronics and Micro-electronics

CENICS 1: Design, models and languages
Session chair: Sergey Yurish

Color Invariant Study for Background Subtraction
Lorena Guachi, Giuseppe Cocorullo, Pasquale Corsonello, Fabio Frustaci, Stefania Perri

A Hotspot Detection Method Based on Approximate String Search
Shuma Tamagawa, Ryo Fujimoto, Masato Inagi, Shinobu Nagayama, Shin'ichi Wakabayashi

Improving the Performance of a SOM-Based FPGA-Placement-Algorithm Using SIMD-Hardware
Timm Bostelmann, Sergei Sawitzki

CENICS 2: Application-driven advances in additive manufacturing technologies I
Session chair: Timm Bostelmann

A Cost Model for SMARTLAM
Max Dobler, James Gourlay, Steffen Scholz, Andreas Schmidt

Novel Conductive Inks for 3D Printing
Ayala Kabla, Leo Schranzhofer, Abd El Razek, Fernando de la Vega

Novel Nanoparticle Enhanced Digital Materials for 3D Printing and their Application Shown for the Robotic and Electronic Industry
Steffen Scholz, Adrien Brunet, Tobias Muller, Anita Fuchsbauer

CENICS 3: Application-driven advances in additive manufacturing technologies II
Session chair: Steffen G. Scholz

Requirements for 3D Printed Applications using Novel Nanoparticle Enhanced Digital Materials
Adrien Brunet, Tobias Muller, Steffen Scholz, Anita Fuchsbauer

ADDMANU – An Austrian Lighthouse Project for Additive Manfacturing
Christian Woegerer, Michael Muehlbereger, Markus IKeda

Novel FGMOS based Voltage Differencing Buffered Amplifier and its Filter Applications
Akanksha Ninawe, Himani Kanwar, Richa Srivastava, Devesh Singh

CENICS 4: Special circuits
Session chair: Adrien Brunet

A High-Speed Programmable Network Intrusion Detection System Based on a Multi-Byte Transition NFA
Tomoaki Hashimoto, Shin'ichi Wakabayashi, Shinobu Nagayama, Masato Inagi, Ryohei Koishi, Hiroki Takaguchi

A Dynamically Reconfigurable NoC for Double-Precision Floating-Point FFT on FPGAs
Thanh Bui, Braden Phillips, Michael Liebelt

FS7 NSPO-built Spacecraft Power Control Unit Design [POSTER]
CheCheng Huang


DEPEND 2016, The Ninth International Conference on Dependability

DEPEND 1: Systems
Session chair: Julian Murguia Hughes

Integrating Security Consideration Into a Safety Case Construction
Elena Troubitsyna

Static Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis Tool Development for Embedded Systems Software
Thomas Jerabek, Martin Horauer

Expurgated Codes for Detecting Jamming in Multi-level Memories
Yaara Neumeier, Osnat Keren

Safe Transitions of Responsibility in Highly Automated Driving
Rolf Johansson, Jonas Nilsson, Martin Kaalhus


FASSI 2016, The Second International Conference on Fundamentals and Advances in Software Systems Integration

FASSI 1: Modeling and interacting
Session chair: Chris Ireland

Chris Ireland

(Inter)facing the Business
Alexander Hagemann, Gerrit Krepinsky

Automated Infrastructure Management Systems - A Resource Model and RESTful Service Design Proposal to Support and Augment the Specifications of the ISO/IEC 18598/DIS Draft
Mihaela Iridon

FASSI 2: Case-study solutions
Session chair: Mihaela Iridon

A Research Roadmap for Test Design in Automated Integration Testing of Vehicular Systems
Daniel Flemström, Thomas Gustafsson, Avenir Kobetski, Daniel Sundmark

Case Study: Becoming a Medical Device Software Supplier
Kitija Trektere, Fergal McCaffery, Garret Coady, Matteo Gubellini

A Specific Method for Software Reliability of Digital Controller in NPP
Young Jun Lee, Jong Yong Keum, Jang Soo Lee, Young Kuk Kim


GREEN 2016, The First International Conference on Green Communications, Computing and Technologies

GREEN 1: Green computing and communication technologies
Session chair: Maxime Lefrancois

Enabling Green HeterogeneousWireless Networks
Muhammad Ismail, Erchin Serpedin, Khalid Qaraqe

Path Loss Analysis and Verification by Ray-Tracing for 3.5GHz Outdoor Environments
Seoungwoo Kim, Byungjin Lee, Kyungseok Kim

Channel Measurement and Characteristics Analysis on 3.5GHz Outdoor Environment
Bong-Gu Yeo, Byung Jin Lee, Kyung-Seok Kim

GREEN 2: Smart grid
Session chair: Thomas Haenselmann

Indirect Demand Side Management Program Under Real-Time Pricing in Smart Grids Using Oligopoly Market Model
Poria Poria Hasanpor Divshali, Bong Jun Choi

Simulation of Electric Vehicle Battery Behaviour for Frequency Regulation Use: Profitability Versus Mobility Constraints and Grid Needs
Lamya Abdeljalil Belhaj, Antoine Aubineau, Antoine Cannieux, Salomé Rioult, Isabel Praça, Zita Vale

Outsourcing Electric Vehicle Smart Charging on the Web of Data
Maxime Lefrançois, Guillaume Habault, Caroline Ramondou, Eric Françon

GREEN 3: Energy awareness
Session chair: Lamya Abdeljalil Belhaj

Hypergraph of Massive Digital Traces as Representation of Human Activities: A Way to Reduce Energy Consumption by Identifying Sustainable Practices
Eddie Soulier, Philippe Calvez

SWIM: Social Welfare Maximizing Incentive Mechanism for Smart Meter Data Aggregation
Duin Back, Bongjun Choi

Channel Allocation Plan for DAB and DRM+ Systems in VHF Band III
Youngjae Kim, Sanglim Ju, Kyungseok Kim


ICQNM 2016, The Tenth International Conference on Quantum, Nano/Bio, and Micro Technologies

ICQNM 1: Systems and materials
Session chair: R.S. Khairnar

Population Inversion by an Adiabatic Cycle in 1D Boson System
Taksu Cheon, Atushi Tanaka

Reduction of Silver Oxide Film in Inert Gas Plasma
Victor Ovchinnikov

Quantum Hexagonal Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
YoungJun Kim, Young-Chai Ko

The Formation of Black Glasses from Ladder-like Silsequioxanes
Maciej Sitarz


SECURWARE 2016, The Tenth International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies

SECURWARE 1: Security challenges with new technologies
Session chair: Kiran Makhijani

A Generic Feature-based Detection for Facebook Spamming Groups
Meng-Jia Yen, Yang-Ling Hwang, Cheng-Yu Tsai, Fu-Hau Hsu, Chih-Wen Ou

Beyond the Dolev-Yao Model: Realistic Application-Specific Attacker Models for Applications Using Vehicular Communication
Christoph Ponikwar, Hans-Joachim Hof, Smriti Gopinath, Lars Wischhof

Cost-Effective Biometric Authentication using Leap Motion and IoT Devices
Louis-Philip Shahim, Dirk Snyman, Tiny Du Toit, Hennie Kruger

Node Compromise Detection Based on Parameter Grouping in Wireless Sensor Networks
Manyam Thaile, Oruganti Bala Venkata Ramanaiah

SECURWARE 2: Security technologies
Session chair: Dirk Snyman

Embedded Security Testing with Peripheral Device Caching and Runtime Program State Approximation
Markus Kammerstetter, Daniel Burian, Wolfgang Kastner

The Principle of 3D Sensors
Miroslav Marcaník, Michal Šustek, Pavel Tomášek, Jiří Dvořák

A Secure Frequency Hiding Index for Encrypted Databases
Somayeh Sobati Moghadam

SECURWARE 3: Applied security technologies and systems I
Session chair: Markus Kammerstetter

Analysis of Direct Punch in Professional Defence Using Multiple Methods
Dora Lapkova, Milan Adamek, Lukas Kralik

Methodology of the Determination of the Uncertainties by Using the Biometric Device the iCAM 7000
Hana Talandova, Lukas Kralik, Milan Adamek

Scanning Probe Microscopy Used for 3D Topography Image Acquisition of Marks on Cartidge Cases in Forensic Ballistics
Milan Navratil, Vojtech Kresalek, Adam Koutecky, Zdenek Malanik

Security of Seniors – The Detection and Prevention of Falls
Lubomír Macků, Markéta Matějíčková

SECURWARE 4: Applied security technologies and systems II
Session chair: Hans-Joachim Hof

Improvement of CPRNG of the PM-DC-LM Mode and Comparison with its Previous Version
Petr Zacek, Roman Jasek, David Malanik

Severity Assessment of Security Incidents
Lukas Kralik, Petr Stipek, Roman Senkerik, Roman Jasek

Methodology of Future Security Studies
Jan Valouch, Hana Urbanočoková

Measurement of Electromagnetic Interference of Electronic Devices
Hana Urbancokova, Jan Valouch, Stanislav Kovar, Milan Adamek

SECURWARE 5: Applied security technologies and systems III
Session chair: Petr Zacek

Object Oriented Role-Based Access Control
Petr Stipek, Lukas Kralik, Roman Senkerik

Introduction to Web Security and Evaluation Methods of Web Application Vulnerabilities
Petra Holbíková, Roman Jašek

Electromagnetic Weapons as Means of Stopping Vehicles
Jan Valouch, Hana Urbanočoková

An Empirical Survey on how Much Security and Privacy Customers Want in Instant Messengers
Thomas Paul, Hans-Joachim Hof

SECURWARE 6: Applied security technologies and systems IV
Session chair: Julian Murguia Hughes

The Mathematical Modeling of Road Transport in Context of Critical Infrastructure Protection
Jan Mrazek, Lucia Duricova, Martin Hromada

Linkages Types with an Emphasis on Important Critical Infrastructure Sectors
Martin Hromada, Frantisek Paulus

Security and Safety Processes in Czech Republic Universities
Lucia Duricova, Martin Hromada, Jan Mrazek

Comprehensive System of Intense Convective Precipitation Forecasts for Regional Crisis Management
David Saur, Lucia Duricova

SECURWARE 7: Applied security technologies and systems V
Session chair: Geir Køien

Insight into Contemporary Dissemination Techniques of Mobile Botnet Clients (Bots)
Milan Oulehla, David Malanik

Innovation Standard Methods of Evaluating the Results of Shooting
Zdeněk Maláník, David Malanik

The Possibilities of the Search Engine Shodan in Relation to SCADA
Jan Vávra, Martin Hromada

The Configuration of Alarm Systems during the Measurement of Electromagnetic Interference
Jan Valouch, Stanislav Kovář

SECURWARE 8: Applied security technologies and systems VI
Session chair: Yvo Desmedt

Comparison of Security Devices in Terms of Interception
Stanislav Kovar, Jan Valouch, Hana Urbancokova, Milan Adamek

Theoretical Sources for a Theory of Safety and Security
Ludek Lukas

Comparison of Various Encryption Techniques Based on Deterministic Chaos
Miroslav Popelka

Using Ethical Hacking to Analyze BYOD Safety in Corporations
Roman Jašek, Jakub Nožička

SECURWARE 9: Applied security technologies and systems VII
Session chair: Martin Latzenhofer

Critical Infrastructure Protection – Modeling of Domino and Synergy Effects
Martin Hromada

Towards Extensible Signature Policies in Brazil: A Case Study
Maurício Oliveira, Martín Vigil, Marcelo Carlomagno Carlos, Ricardo Custódio

Information Support System Development in Relation to Critical Infrastructure Element Resilience Evaluation
Martin Hromada

Strengthening Software Diversity Through Targeted Diversification
Vipin Singh Sehrawat, Yvo Desmedt

SECURWARE 10: Applied security technologies and systems VIII
Session chair: George Yee

Education System in Commercial Security
Vladislav Stefka

Possibilities of Technical Security of Elementary Schools
Rudolf Drga, Hana Charvatova

Resistance of Passive Security Elements as A Quantitative Parameter Influencing The Overall Resistance and Resilience of A Critical Infrastructure Element
Tomáš Loveček, Anton Šiser, David Řehák, Martin Hromada

Electromagnetic Compatibility and Power-Line Quality
Frantisek Hruska, Milan Navratil

SECURWARE 11: Applied security technologies and systems IX
Session chair: Ons Jallouli

Interception Methods and GSM
Michal Sustek, Miroslav Marcanik, Milan Oplustil, Pavel Tomasek, Zdenek Urednicek

Preliminary Study of Shielding of 802.11ah
Pavel Tomasek

Authentication of Czech Banknotes using Raman Microscopy
Hana Vaskova, Pavel Valasek

SECURWARE 12: Cryptography
Session chair: Mohamed Lamine Ghezali

An Efficient Pseudo Chaotic Number Generator Based on Coupling and Multiplexing Techniques
Ons Jallouli, Safwan El Assad, Mohammed Abu Taha, Maryline Chetto, René Lozi, Daniel Caragata

A Novel Verifiable Multi-Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Nisha Patel, Prakash D. Vyavahare, Manish Panchal

An Improved ID-based Proxy Signature Scheme Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Deepa Mukherjee, Prakash Vyavahare, Manish Panchal

Selective Hybrid Chaotic-Based Cipher for Real-Time Image Application
Moussa Farajallah, Rawan Qumsieh, Samer Isayed

Seven Steps to a Quantum-Resistant Cipher
Julian Murguia Hughes

SECURWARE 13: Security management
Session chair: Lucia Duricova

Reflecting on the Use of Sonification for Network Monitoring
Louise Axon, Sadie Creese, Michael Goldsmith, Jason R. C. Nurse

LoT: a Reputation-based Trust System for Long-term Archiving
Martín Vigil, Denise Demirel, Sheikh Mahbub Habib, Sascha Hauke, Johannes Buchmann, Max Mühlhäuser

Security and Safety Requirements for Soft Targets in Czech Republic
Lucia Duricova, Martin Hromada, Jan Mrazek

General Model for Personal Data Sensitivity Determination
Tomáš Loveček, Marián Magdolen, Jozef Ristvej, Martin Hromada

SECURWARE 14: Risk and security
Session chair: Sheikh Mahbub Habib

A Study on User Perceptions of ICT Security
Christine Schuster, Martin Latzenhofer, Stefan Schauer, Johannes Göllner, Christian Meurers, Andreas Peer, Peter Prah, Gerald Quirchmayr, Thomas Benesch

Visualization of Privacy Risks in Software Systems
George O. M. Yee

Information Security Maturity as an Integral Part of ISMS based Risk Management Tools
Ben Fetler, Carlo Harpes

Modeling Vulnerable Internet of Things on SHODAN and CENSYS : An Ontology for Cyber Security
Marc Arnaert, Yoann Bertrand, Karima Boudaoud

SECURWARE 15: Security frameworks, architectures and protocols
Session chair: Lukáš  Ludek

Energy-aware Security Adaptation in Ubiquitous Mobile Network
Tewfiq El Maliki, Aïcha Rizzotti-Kaddouri

Security Update and Incident Handling for IoT-devices; A Privacy-Aware Approach
Geir Køien

Attacker-Parametrised Attack Graphs
Alastair Janse van Rensburg, Jason R. C. Nurse, Michael Goldsmith

Study on Dual Data Structure in Enterprise Information Security Architecture
Mikio Suzuki, Fumihiro Kubota


SENSORCOMM 2016, The Tenth International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications

SENSORCOMM 1: Architectures, protocols and algorithms of sensor networks
Session chair: Jie Sun

VANETs Networking Protocols: An Analytical Study
Samira Harrabi, Ines Ben Jaafar, Khaled Ghedira

A Low-Power, Tricky and Very Easy to Use Sensor Network Gateway Architecture with Application Example
Susanne Kenner, Klaus Volbert

IoT-based Wireless Access Point for Underground Safety Services
Taewook Heo, Sanggi Hong, Jaehum Lee, Inhwan Lee

Improved Lossless Compression Algorithm in HEVC
Kibaek Kim, Jechang Jeong

SENSORCOMM 2: Special sensor circuits and sensor devices
Session chair: Klaus Volbert

Field Study of Ice Detection on Structures Using Passive Thermal Infrared Imaging
Muhammad Virk

Ice Detection Experimentation Setup Using Infrared and Active Heating
Taimur Rashid, Hassan A. Khawaja, Kåre Edvarsen

Using AD5933 IC to Measure Dielectric Constant Variation of Atmospheric Ice
Umair Najeeb Mughal, Beibei Shu

SENSORCOMM 3: Software, monitoring, and information in sensor networks I
Session chair: Thomas Haenselmann

A Framework for Connectivity Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Networks
Daniel Pfleger, Ulrich Schmid

A New Formalisation for Wireless Sensor Network Adaptive Context-aware System: Application to an Environmental Use Case
Jie Sun, Gil De Sousa, Catherine Roussey, Jean-Pierre Chanet, Francois Pinet, Kun-Mean Hou

Quality of Service and Energy Efficient Evaluation of Hierarchical and Flat Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks
Abdelbari Ben Yagouta, Bechir Ben Gouissem

A Preventing Schema to Determinate Structural Damage in Buildings Caused by Earthquakes Using a Platform Based in Wireless Sensor Networks
Laura Margarita Rodríguez Peralta, Eduardo Ismael Hernández, Roberto López Caso, Lorna Verónica Rosas Téllez, Edna Patricia Santiago Vargas, Christian Pérez Aguilar

SENSORCOMM 4: Software, monitoring, and information in sensor networks II
Session chair: Gil De Sousa

Smart Services Through Smart Item Agent
Jiří Tengler, Juraj Fabuš, Peter Kolarovszki, Viktória Fabušová

Intelligent Shopping Trolley (IST) System by WSN to Support Hypermarket IoT Service
You-Chiun Wang, Chang-Chen Yang

Time Synchronization on Android Devices for Mobile Construction Assessment
Maik Benndorf, Thomas Haenselmann


SENSORDEVICES 2016, The Seventh International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications

SENSORDEVICES 1: Gas sensors
Session chair: Jean Pierre Lo Hive

Colorimetric Sensor Array based on Ink-jet Printing Method for Gas Detection System
Jeong Ho An, Dami Kim, Sanghyo Kim, Do Young Lee, Inkyun Jeon

Identification and Discrimination of Herbicide Residues Using a Conducting Polymer Electronic Nose
Alphus Dan Wilson

Mobile Sensor System for Alcohol Control and Numerical Signal Analysis
Rolf Seifert, Hubert Keller, Thorsten Conrad, Jens Peter

SENSORDEVICES 2: Ultrasonic and piezosensors
Session chair: Bernhard Zagar

Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors for Fine Particle Detection
Lyes Djoumi, Virginie Blondeau-Patissier, Meddy Vanotti, Etienne Quivet, Daphné Buiron

Gasoline Sensor Based on Piezoelectric Lateral Electric Field Resonator
Boris Zaitsev, Andrey Teplykh, Irina Borodina, Iren Kuznetsova

Coating Process for MEMS Based 3-axis Force Sensors
Andres Felipe Ospina Triviño, Saifeddine Aloui, Mathieu Grossard, Alain Micaelli

Influence of Structure Configuration on Strained Devices: A Piezoelectric-oriented Survey
Irinela Chilibon

SENSORDEVICES 3: Sensor devices I
Session chair: Florin Tatar

PLD as Possible Tool for the Fabrication of Chemosensors Based on Amorphous Membranes
Winfried Vonau, Frank Gerlach, Kristina Ahlborn

Capillary Sensor with Fluorescence Reading of Effects of Diesel and Biodiesel Fuel Degradation in Storage
Michal Borecki, Michael L. Korwin-Pawlowski, Mateusz Geca, Przemyslaw Prus

Development of Methanol Sensors: Carbon Nanotubes Blended Hydroxyapatite Nano-Ceramics
Shaikh Reshma Anjum, Rajendra Khairnar

Multienzyme Electrochemical Array Sensor for Determination of Phenols in the River with SIA Method [PRESENTATION]
Cancan Huang, Qiang Cai, Cong Bao

SENSORDEVICES 4: Sensor devices II
Session chair: Winfried Vonau

Development of a Mechanical Sleeve Diagnosis Test
André Borges, Vítor Carvalho

Measurement of Water in Oil for Active Bearing Performance Monitoring Using Optical Fiber Sensor System
Florin Tatar, Elfed Lewis, Gerard Dooly

Development of Integrated Laser Triangulation Sensor and the Processing Algorithm of Light Spot [PRESENTATION]
Wei Tao, Kun Li, Hongwei Yang, Hui Zhao, Jiaxing Chen, Zhengqi Zhang

SENSORDEVICES 5: Sensor devices III
Session chair: Danila Germanese

SAW Based Phononic Crystal Liquid Sensor with Integrated Periodic Microfluidic Channels
Aleksandr Oseev, Ralf Lucklum, Mikhail Zubtsov, Marc-Peter Schmidt, Soeren Hirsch

High Speed Magneto–Optical Sensor for Magnetic Stripe Readout
Johannes Egger, Bernhard Zagar

Progress in Design and Fabrication of Resonator Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors (R-QWIP)
Jason Sun, Kwong K Choi, Kimberley Olver, Richard Fu

SENSORDEVICES 6: Medical devices and sensors applications
Session chair: Christian Wögerer

A Device for Self-monitoring Breath Analysis
Danila Germanese, Marco Righi, Massimo Guidi, Massimo Magrini, Mario D'Acunto, Ovidio Salvetti

SAT406M. Physiological Status Determination of a Wrist-Worn Personal Locator Beacon User: Preliminary Results
Alejandro de Miquel, Pere Molina, Ismael Colomina, Marta Blázquez, Daniel Katz, Ohad Barak, Michel Monnerat, Thibaud Calmettes

Rehabilitation Robot Based on Three-axis Force/Torque Sensor
Gab-Soon Kim, Han-Sol Kim, Jae-Hyun Jung

Combination of Isothermal DNA Amplification and Photonic Resonator Method for Detection of Cancer Biomarker [POSTER]
Yong Shin

SENSORDEVICES 7: Sensor device technologies
Session chair: Alejandro de Miquel Bleier

White Light Interferometry: Correlogram Correlation for Surface Height Gauging
Ilia Kiselev, Michael Drexel

Crude Oil Detection using CMOS Image Sensor and UV LED
Sangwoo Oh, Moonjin Lee, Dongmin Seo, Kiyoung Ann, Sungkyu Seo

Response Time Investigation Based on GaAs Position Sensitive Detector
Tzu-Hsuan Huang, Meng-Chi Wu, Chieh Lo, Hao Lo, Wen-Shiung Lour

Electrochemical Immunosensor Based on Dielectrophoretically Assembled Graphene and Gold Nanoparticles for Sensitive Detection of Listeria Monocytegenes [PRESENTATION]
J. M. Jian, Q. Cai, X. S. Guo, X. X. Huang, J. P. Li


SMART ACCESSIBILITY 2016, The First International Conference on Universal Accessibility in the Internet of Things and Smart Environments

SMART ACCESSIBILITY 1: Ambient accessibility
Session chair: Thierry Ferrus

New Controlling Technique between Smart Devices Using Inaudible Frequency in Noise Environment
Myoungbeom Chung

A Review of Universal Design in Ambient Intelligence Environments
Aleksander Bai, Heidi Mork, Till Halbach, Kristin Fuglerud, Wolfgang Leister, Trenton Schulz

Accessible Control of Distributed Devices - Supporting Persons with Disabilities by Providing Adaptive Interaction
Lukas Smirek, Gottfried Zimmermann, Christos Mettouris, Marios Komodromos, Achilleas Achilleos, George A. Papadopoulos, Daniel Ziegler, Michael Beigl


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