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The Second International Conference on Human
and Social Analytics

HUSO 2016
November 13 - 17, 2016 - Barcelona, Spain

Preliminary Program

InfoWare 2016

ICWMC 2016 / ICCGI 2016/ VEHICULAR 2016 / INTERNET 2016 /
COLLA 2016 / INTELLI 2016 / InManEnt 2016 / VISUAL 2016 / HUSO 2016 / BRAININFO 2016

Conference Venue Location
Novotel Barcelona Sant Joan Despi
Carrer de la TV3, 2; 08970 Sant Joan Despi, Spain
phone: (+34)93/4755800
fax: (+34)93/3735213
[email protected]

G.Tec Medical Engineering will have a booth during the event


Conference rooms
Time slots

Room A

Room B

Room C

Room D

Sunday, November 13  


Registration starts
The registration desk is located in front of the conference rooms
Operating during the entire conference

13:00 - 15:00

Tutorial I

Mathematical Modeling and Control of Biologically Inspired Uncertain Motion Systems with Adaptive Features
PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Dipl.-Math. Carsten Behn, Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany

15:00 - 15:15


15:15 - 17:15

Tutorial II

Object Detection, Tracking and Recognition in
Complex Environmental Conditions

Prof. Dr. Vijayan K. Asari, University of Dayton, USA

17:15 - 17:30


17:30 - 19:30

Tutorial III

Secure V2X Communications
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Markus Ullmann, Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) - Bonn, Germany


19:30 - 20:30

Welcome Cocktail
You must have your badge to attend the cocktail

Monday, November 14 

09:00 - 09:15

Opening session

09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker

Learning Complex Manifold of Visual Perception for Pattern Association
Prof. Dr. Vijayan K. Asari, University of Dayton, USA

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15




12:15 - 13:45

Lunch on your own

13:45 - 15:30



InManEnt 1


15:30 - 15:45

Coffee Break

15:45 - 17:30


InManEnt 2



17:30 - 17:40


17:40 - 19:30


Topic: Smart Components and Smart Models in Intelligent Manufacturing Environments

Gil Gonçalves, Porto University, Portugal

Norbert Link, Institute of Computational Engineering at IAF, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Leo van Moergestel, HU Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands
Gil Gonçalves, Porto University, Portugal

Tuesday, November 15 

09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker

Fine-grained Sentiment Analysis: An Overview of the Task and its Main Challenges
Dr. Orphée De Clercq, LT3/Ghent University, Belgium

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15





12:15 - 13:45

Lunch on your own

13:45 - 15:30





15:30 - 15:45

Coffee Break

15:45 - 17:30


Topic: Incremental Learning: How Systems can Automatically Adapt to and Learn from New Situations

Els Lefever, Ghent University, Belgium

Nuri Ince, University of Houston, USA
Pengyu Hong, Brandeis University, USA
Elena Ravve, Ort Braude College, Israel
Els Lefever, Ghent University, Belgium

17:30 - 17:40


17:40 - 19:25





Wednesday, November 16 

09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker

recoveriX & mindBEAGLE: BCI-based Systems, for Post-stroke Neurorehabilitation, and Neurological Assessment in Disorders of Consciousness
Dr. Begonya Otal, g.tec medical engineering, Barcelona, Spain

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15




12:15 - 13:45

Lunch on your own

13:45 - 15:30





15:30 - 15:45

Coffee Break

15:45 - 17:30


Topic: How New Computational Methods are Changing Social Science

Dennis J. Folds, Human Systems Engineering, GTRI/ELSYS, USA

Ole Berndt, Trier University, Germany
Vijayan K. Asari, University of Dayton, USA
Antonio Martín, Seville University, Spain
Dennis J. Folds, Human Systems Engineering, GTRI/ELSYS, USA

17:30 - 17:40


17:40 - 19:30


Advanced Computing and Data-Centricity:
Saving Value and Taming Complexity

Prof. Dr. Claus-Peter Rückemann, Leibniz Universität Hannover / Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster / North-German Supercomputing Alliance (HLRN), Germany



20:30 : 23:30


Thursday, November 17 

09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker

Privacy Implications of Intelligent Transport Systems
Prof. Dr. Khalil El-Khatib, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15





12:15 - 13:00

Lunch on your own

13:00 - 14:45


Topic: From VANET to Internet of Vehicles: Opportunities and Challenges

Eugen Borcoci, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania

Christian Voigt, Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI GmbH), Austria
Khalil El-Khatib, University of Ontario Institute of Technology - Oshawa, Canada
Dirceu Cavendish, Kyushu Institute of Technology, USA/Japan
Eugen Borcoci, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania 

14:45 - 15:00

Coffee break

15:00 - 16:45




16:45 - 17:00


17:00 - 18:30


Topic: Academia-Industry Partnership: How to Successfully Transfer the Knowledge

Claus-Peter Rückemann, Leibniz Universität Hannover / Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster / North-German Supercomputing Alliance (HLRN), Germany

Vincent Poulain d'Andecy, Yooz, France
Kendall Nygard, North Dakota State University, USA
Eugen Borcoci, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania
Roger Bostelman, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
Claus-Peter Rückemann, Leibniz Universität Hannover / Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster / North-German Supercomputing Alliance (HLRN), Germany

18:30 - 19:00


Friday, November 18

Recommended to be visited on your own:
General information: 
Contact: [email protected]

Park Güell
Sagrada Familia
Picasso Museum
Gaudi Museum
Museum of Catalan Art
Montjuic Hill
La Rambla
La Marina

Salvador Dali Museum [one day trip from Barcelona]


Detailed Program


BRAININFO 2016, The First International Conference on Neuroscience and Cognitive Brain Information

BRAININFO 1: Brain information
Session chair: Begonya Otal

Classification of Hand Flexion/Extension Using High-density ECoG
Tianxiao Jiang, Tao Jiang, Taylor Wang, Shenshen Mei, Qingzhu Liu, Yunlin Li, Xiaofei Wang, Sujit Prabhu, Zhiyi Sha, Nuri Ince

Incorporate Deep-Transfer-Learning into Automatic 3D Neuron Tracing
Zhihao Zheng, Pengyu Hong


COLLA 2016, The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Collaborative Networks, Systems and Applications

COLLA 1: Cooperation and collaboration mechanisms
Session chair: Alan Tapscott

Collaborative Mapping and the Reliability of Volunteered Data
Christian Voigt, Susanne Dobner, Manuela Schmidt

The Engine Node Mining Algorithm in Microblog Information Spreading
Jing Yang, Xueyan Zhou, Pengfei Sun, Yongshi Zhang, Jing Zhang

The Support for the Integration of BIM Through Collaborative Action Research: ShareLab
Charlène Naville, Pierre Leclercq, Samia Ben Rajeb

COLLA 2: Open collaborative research
Session chair: Dirceu Cavendish

Collaborative Multi-Perspective Urban Knowledge and Civic Media
Alessio Antonini, Lucia Lupi, Guido Boella, Stefania Buccoliero, Claudio Schifanella

We Built Our Own Worlds - Story Canonicity and Indirect Collaboration in a Shared Story World
Alan Tapscott, Joaquim Colás, Valeria Righi, Carlos León, Josep Blat

Design and Implementation of Support System for Network Testing with Whitebox Switches
Megumi Shibuya, Hidehiko Kawakami, Teruyuki Hasegawa, Hirozumi Yamaguchi

COLLA 3 / IMSOMOT: Impact of mobile and social network applications on mobility and transport
Session chair: Thomas Schuster

Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
Thomas Schuster

Creating an Intelligent, Integrated Mobility Assistance: The Elastic Trip-Chain Construction Problem
Philip Wette, Emre Cakar, Lutz Bersiner

Fostering Change of Individual Travel Behavior with Customized Mobility Services
Dominik Galler, Christoph Becker, Tim Hilgert, Martin Kagerbauer

Mobilty Services – Does Individual Optimization Scale Out?
Thomas Schuster, Maik Herfurth

Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
Thomas Schuster

COLLA 4: Collaborative architectures and mechanisms
Session chair: Alessio Antonini

SVM Methods in Image Segmentation
Tian Chi Zhang, Jian Pei Zhang, Jing Yang, Jing Zhang

The Need of a Framework for the Digital Transformation of Industry Ecosystems - Handling Intercompany Collaborative Workflows
Marco Peter, Stella Gatziu Grivas

Integrated Modeling Approach iServMod for Modeling, Analysis and Execution of Collaborative Service Processes in Service Chains
Maik Herfruth Herfurth, Thomas Schuster


HUSO 2016, The Second International Conference on Human and Social Analytics

HUSO 1: Social human analytics
Session chair: Christian Bourret

Mining Weighted Leaders and Peripheral Workers in Organizational Social Networks based on Event Logs
Alessandro Berti

Tracks to Analyze Emotions Around Artifact Mediators to Improve Training and Business Creation for Specific Publics in French Universities
Christian Bourret

Dynamic Analysis of Communication Processes using Twitter Data
Ingo J. Timm, Jan Ole Berndt, Fabian Lorig, Christof Barth, Hans-Jürgen Bucher

HUSO 2 / EMOSEDE: Emotion and sentiment detection
Session chair: Els Lefever

Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
Els Lefever

The Many Aspects of Fine-grained Sentiment Analysis. An Overview of the Task and Its Main Challenges
Orphée De Clercq

Towards a Framework for the Automatic Detection of Crisis Emotions on Social Media: a Corpus Analysis of the Tweets Posted after the Crash of Germanwings Flight 9525.
Veronique Hoste, Cynthia Van Hee, Karolien Poels

Analysing Emotions in Social Media Coverage on Paris Terror Attacks: a Pilot Study
Cynthia Van Hee, Celine Verleye, Els Lefever

What Does the Bird Say? Exploring the Link Between Personality and Language Use in Dutch Tweets
Sofie Vandenhoven, Orphée De Clercq

Producing Affective Language. Content Selection, Message Formulation, and Computational Modelling
Martijn Goudbeek, Nadine Braun, Charlotte Out, Emiel Krahmer

Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
Els Lefever

HUSO 3 / NGSA: Next generation social analytics
Session chair: Dennis J. Folds

Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
Dennis J. Folds

Blending Quantitative, Qualitative, Geospatial, and Temporal Data: Progressing Towards the Next Generation of Human Social Analytics
Clayton J. Hutto

System-Level Experimentation: Social Computing and Analytics for Theory Building and Evaluation
Tom McDermott, Dennis Folds, Molly Nadolski

Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
Dennis J. Folds

HUSO 4: Social computing
Session chair: Jan Ole Berndt

The Lightweight Smart City and Biases in Repurposed Big Data
Christian Voigt, Jonathan Bright

SEA-SF : Design of Self-Evolving Agent based Simulation Framework for Social Issue Prediction
Joon-Young Jung, Euihyun Paik, Jang Won Bae, Dongoh Kang, Chunhee Lee, Kiho Kim


ICCGI 2016, The Eleventh International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology

ICCGI 1: Modeling
Session chair: Mansouri Djamal

Why are Users Switching Among Different Types of Social Media?
Xiongfei Cao

2D-dynamic Representation of DNA Sequences - Computational and Graphical Tool for Similarity Analysis in Bioinformatics
Dorota Bielinska-Waz, Piotr Waz

A New Computational Method of Comparison of DNA Sequences
Piotr Waz, Dorota Bielinska-Waz

Parallelization of Loops with Complicated Data Dependency and its Experiment
Kyoko Iwasawa

ICCGI 2: Digital information processing and optimization
Session chair: Sandhya Armoogum

Subjective Assessment of Super Resolution for Remastering on 4K TVs
Hiroki Shoji, Seiichi Gohshi

Using Clinical Pathway Patterns for Optimizing the Layout of an Emergency Department
Young Hoon Lee, Farhood Rismanchian

Benefits of an Integrated Hierarchical Data Structure for Automotive Demand and Capacity Management
Konrad Pawlikowski, Daniel Fruhner, Katja Klingebiel, Michael Toth, Axel Wagenitz

Taking Advantage of Turkish Characteristic Features to Tackle with Authorship Attribution Problems for Turkish
Neslihan Şirin Saygılı, Tankut Acarman, Tassadit Amghar, Bernard Levrat

ICCGI 3: Networking and telecommunications
Session chair: Seiichi Gohshi

Microarea Selection Method Based on Service Diffusion Process for Broadband Services
Motoi Iwashita, Akiya Inoue, Takeshi Kurosawa, Ken Nishimatsu

Adapting LEACH Algorithm For Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
Djamel Mansouri, Malika Ioualalen

A Secure Messaging and File Transfer Application
Sandhya Armoogum, Sanjeet Kumar Mudhoo

Implementing UNIQUE Integrity Constraint in Graph Databases
Kornelije Rabuzin, Martina Šestak, Mladen Konecki

ICCGI 4/ MOMEMI I: Modern methods of data mining I
Session chair: Elena Ravve

Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
Elena Ravve

Template Based Automatic Generation of Runsets
Elena Ravve

Evolutional models for the writing style classification [PRESENTATION]
Zeev Volkovich

ICCGI 5/ MOMEMI II: Modern methods of data mining II
Session chair: Elena Ravve

Incremental Reasoning on Strongly Distributed Fuzzy Systems
Elena Ravve, Zeev Volkovich

Modelling Behavior Patterns in Cellular Networks
Elena Ravve, Zeev Volkovich, Katerina Korenblat, Valery Kirzner, Thomas Couronne

Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
Elena Ravve


ICWMC 2016, The Twelfth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications (includes QoSE WMC 2016)

ICWMC 1 / INPOTRA I: Indoor positioning and tracking I
Session chair: David Sanchez

Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
David Sanchez

Distance Measurement System Based on Visible Light Communications and Ultrasound Emitters
Rafael Rodriguez, Jose A Rabadan, Victor Guerra, Julio Rufo, Rafael Perez-Jimenez

Time Synchronization Method Using Visible Light Communication for Smartphone Localization
Takayuki Akiyama, Masanori Sugimoto, Hiromichi Hashizume

ICWMC 2: Applications and services based on wireless infrastructures
Session chair: Maria Isabel Vergara Gallego

Analysis of Real and Complex Modes of Grounded Slab with the Transverse Resonance Method
Riham Borghol, Taoufik Aguili

Application of Mobile Technology in Delivery Process of Postal Operator
Juraj Vaculík, Marián Chladný

Modeling and Performance Analysis of a Converged Network
Jihad Qaddour, Yesh Polishetty

Competition, standards, regulation – What drives Telecom development and efficiency? [PRESENTATION]
Hans-Otto Scheck

ICWMC 3: Wireless communication and security
Session chair: Vincent Beroulle

The Secrecy Capacity of the Semi-deterministic Wiretap Channel with Three State Information
Mustafa El-Halabi

GNSS Jamming Nulling Scheme Using Jamming-Free Subspaces
Inone Joo, Sanghyuk Choi, Cheonsig Sin

On the Impact of Residual Inter-Subchannel Interference for the Single-Carrier Block Transmission
Ming-Xian Chang, Tzy-Yu Wu

An Architecture for Self-protection in Internet of Things
Ruan Mello, Admilson Ribeiro, Fernando Almeida, Edward Moreno

ICWMC 4/ SYSTEMSIM: System-level simulations in wireless sensor networks
Session chair: David Navarro

Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
David Navarro

System-Level Simulation for the Dependability Improvement of UHF RFID Systems
Vincent Beroulle, Oum-El-Kheir Aktouf, David Hély

Energy Management of a Set of Sensor Nodes at Application Level using the LINC Middleware
Olesia Mokrenko, Suzanne Lesecq, Maria Isabel Vergara Gallego

Validating a Wireless Protocol Implementation at Binary Level through Simulation Using High Level Description of Protocol Properties in Light Esterel
Calypso Barnes, François Verdier, Alain Pegatoquet, Daniel Gaffé, Jean-Marie Cottin

CLS : ContactLess Simulator
David Navarro, Guilherme Migliato-Marega

Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
David Navarro

ICWMC 5 / INPOTRA II: Indoor positioning and tracking II
Session chair: David Sanchez

CAPTURE – Widening the Net of Indoor Positioning using Cooperative Techniques
Gary Cullen, Kevin Curran, Jose Santos

Indoor Location Estimation based on IEEE 802.15.7 Visible Light Communication and Decision Trees
David Sanchez-Rodriguez, Itziar Alonso-Gonzalez, Carlos Ley-Bosch, Javier Sanchez-Medina, Miguel Quintana-Suarez, Carlos Ramirez-Casañas

Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
David Sanchez

ICWMC 6/ MAAZE: Wireless communications: the march towards absolute zero
Session chair: Kasturi Vasudevan

Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
Kasturi Vasudevan

A New Coarse Timing Estimation Method for OFDM Signals
Soumitra Bhowmick, Kasturi Vasudevan

A New Preamble Aided Fractional Frequency Offset Estimation in OFDM Systems
Soumitra Bhowmick, Kasturi Vasudevan

Coherent Turbo Coded MIMO OFDM
Kasturi Vasudevan

Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
Kasturi Vasudevan

ICWMC 7: Wireless and mobility
Session chair: Kendall Nygard

Experiments with OpenFlow and IEEE802.11 Point-to-Point Links in a WMN
Michael Rademacher, Florian Siebertz, Moritz Schlebusch, Karl Jonas

RSS-Based Indoor Positioning with Weighted Iterative Nonlinear Least Square Algorithm
Veli Ilci, V. Engin Gulal, Huseyin Cizmeci, Mustafa Cosar, Reha Metin Alkan

Wireless Relay System with Two Sections in κ-µ Short-Term Fading Channel
Dragana Krstic, Mihajlo Stefanovic, Radmila Gerov, Zoran Popovic

ICWMC 8: Performance evaluation, simulation and modeling
Session chair: Florian Siebertz

Experimental Analysis on How Access Point Scanning Impacts on TCP Throughput over IEEE 802.11n Wireless LAN
Kento Kobayashi, Yoshiki Hashimoto, Masataka Nomoto, Ryo Yamamoto, Satoshi Ohzahata, Toshihiko Kato

Using Number of Retransmissions to Improve Routing in Ad-hoc NETworks
Tiguiane Yélémou, Philippe Meseure, Anne-Marie Poussard

Energy Efficient Communications with Device-to-Device Links in Cellular Networks
Radwa Ahmed Osman, Xiao-Hong Peng, Zuoyin Tang

Network Traffic Prediction for Load Balancing in Cloud Access Point Controller
Zhifei Zhang, Shilei Cheng, Jingpeng Tang, Abraham Teng, Damian Lampl, Kendall Nygard

Energy Efficiency in MC-DS/CDMA Cooperative Networks: Centralized and Distributed Solutions
Lucas D. Hiera Sampaio, Taufik Abrao, Álvaro R. C. Souza, Paul J. E. Jeszensky


INTELLI 2016, The Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications (includes InManEnt 2016)

INTELLI 1: Sensor-based intelligent systems
Session chair: Tobias Weller

Intelligent MagLev Slider System by Feedback of Gap Sensors to Suppress 5-DOF Vibration
Yi-Ming Kao, Nan-Chyuan Tsai, Hsin-Lin Chiu

Pre-curved Beams as Technical Tactile Sensors for Object Shape Recognition
Carsten Behn, Joachim Steigenberger, Anton Sauter, Christoph Will

Laser-based Cooperative Estimation of Pose and Size of Moving Objects using Multiple Mobile Robots
Yuto Tamura, Ryohei Murabayashi, Masafumi Hashimoto, Kazuhiko Takahashi

Verification and Configuration of an Intelligent Lighting System Using BACnet
Daichi Terai, Mitsunori Miki, Ryohei Jonan, Hiroto Aida

Individual Identification Using EEG Features
Mona Fatma Ahmed, May Salama, Ahmed Sleman

INTELLI 2: Intelligent data analysis
Session chair: Dirceu Cavendish

Species Pattern Analysis in Long-Term Ecological Data Using Statistical and Biclustering Approach
Hyeonjeong Lee, Miyoung Shin

Towards the Development of Tactile Sensors for Surface Texture Detection
Moritz Scharff, Carsten Behn, Joachim Steigenberger, Jorge Alencastre

Bagged Extended Nearest Neighbors Classification for Anomalous Propagation Echo Detection
Hansoo Lee, Hye-Young Han, Sungshin Kim

Analysis of Semantically Enriched Process Data for Identifying Process-Biomarkers
Tobias Weller, Maria Maleshkova, Martin Wagner, Lena-Marie Ternes, Hannes Kenngott

Supporting Humanitarian Logistics with Intelligent Applications for Disaster Management
Francesca Fallucchi, Massimiliano Tarquini, Ernesto William De Luca

INTELLI 3: Medical applications and forecasting
Session chair: Felix Leif Keppmann

A Multiagent System for Monitoring Health
Leo van Moergestel, Brian van der Bijl, Erik Puik, Daniel Telgen, John-Jules Meyer

Agent-based Modelling and Simulation of Insulin-Glucose Subsystem
Sebastian Meszyński, Roger G. Nyberg, Siril Yella

A Hybrid Approach for Time Series Forecasting Using Deep Learning and Nonlinear Autoregressive Neural Networks
Sanam Narejo, Eros Pasero

Lifecycle Ontologies: Background and State-of-the-Art
Alena Valerievna Fedotova, Valery Borisovich Tarassov, Dmitry Ilyich Mouromtsev, Irina Timofeevna Davydenko

Predictive Controller for Mobile Robot Based on Fuzzy Logic [PRESENTATION]
Le Phan Hung, Tuong Phuoc Tho, Nguyen Truong Thinh

INTELLI 4 / EAIH: Ontological engineering of product lifecycle management systems
Session chair: Antonio Martín

Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
Antonio Martin

Intelligent Information System as a Tool to Reach Unaproachable Goals for Inspectors - High-Performance Data Analysis for Reduction of Non-Technical Losses on Smart Grids
Juan Ignacio Guerrero, Antonio Parejo, Enrique Personal, Felix Biscarri, Jesus Biscarri, Carlos Leon

Semantic Reasoning Method to Troubleshoot in the Industrial Domain
Antonio Ma, Mauricio Burbano, Iñigo Monedero, Joaquín Luque, Carlos León

Forecasting the Needs of Users and Systems - A New Approach to Web Service Mining
Juan Ignacio Guerrero, Enrique Personal, Antonio Parejo, Antonio Garcia, Carlos Leon

Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
Antonio Martin

INTELLI 5: Fundamentals
Session chair: Leo van Moergestel

Cartesian Handling Informal Specifications in Incomplete Frameworks
Marta Franova, Yves Kodratoff

Deepening Prose Comprehension by Incremental Knowledge Augmentation From References
Amal Babour, Javed Khan, Fatema Nafa

Smart Components for Enabling Intelligent Web of Things Applications
Felix Leif Keppmann, Maria Maleshkova

Semantic Graph Transitivity for Discovering Bloom Taxonomic Relationships Between Knowledge Units in a Text
Fatema Nafa, Javed Khan, Salem Othman, Amal Babour

Fault Detection and Isolation For Nonlinear Control System: Part I [PRESENTATION]
Thanh Nga Thai

InManEnt 1: New computing and knowledge paradigms
Session chair: Norbert Link

A Method to Build a Production Process Model Prior to a Process Mining Approach
Britta Feau, Cédric Schaller, Marion Moliner

CPS-based Model-Driven Approach to Smart Manufacturing Systems
Jaeho Jeon, Sungjoo Kang, Ingeol Chun

The ReBorn Marketplace: an Application Store for Industrial Smart Components
Renato Fonseca, Susana Aguiar, Michael Peschl, Gil Gonçalves

InManEnt 2: Optimization and control of production systems and lines
Session chair: Gil Gonçalves

Optimizing Network Calls by Minimizing Variance in Data Availability Times
Luis Neto, Henrique Lopes Cardoso, Carlos Soares, Gil Gonçalves

Life-cycle Approach to Extend Equipment Re-use in Flexible Manufacturing
Susana Aguiar, Rui Pinto, João Reis, Gil Gonçalves

Concept for Finding Process Models for New Classes of Industrial Production Processes
Norbert Link, Jürgen Pollak, Alireza Sarveniazi


INTERNET 2016, The Eighth International Conference on Evolving Internet

INTERNET 1: Internet trust, security, and dependability levels I
Session chair: Youngsoo Kim

Protection of Personal Information in South Africa: A Framework for Biometric Data Collection Security
Phiwa Mzila

Stepping Stone Detection under Timing Perturbations through the Uniform Distributed Random Delay
Koohong Kang, Jungtae Kim, Ikkyun Kim

On the Feasibility of Remote Attestation for IoT Devices
Yong-Hyuk Moon, Jeong-Nyeo Kim, Yong-Sung Jeon

Static Detection of Malware and Benign Executable Using Machine Learning Algorithm
Dong-Hee Kim, Sang-Uk Woo, Dong-Kyu Lee, Tai-Myoung Chung

INTERNET 2: Internet trust, security, and dependability levels II
Session chair: Eugen Borcoci

Practical Approaches to the DRDoS Attack Detection based on Netflow Analysis
Jungtae Kim, Ik-Kyun Kim, Koohong Kang

HTTP Get Flooding Detection Technique Based on Netflow Information
Youngsoo Kim, Jungtae Kim, Ikkyun Kim, Koohong Kang

Detection of Tweets Where Birthdays are Revealed to Other People
Yasuhiko Watanabe, Naohiro Miyagi, Kenji Yasuda, Ryo Nishimura, Yoshihiro Okada

Study on Enhancement of Emulator to Incapacitate Analysis Evasion by Android Malicious Apps
Mijoo Kim, Woong Go, Tae Jin Lee, Heung Youl Youm

INTERNET 3: Monitoring and performance
Session chair: Denis Smirnov

Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring Water Factory
Seung-Jun Lee, Young Jin Kwon, Do Hyun Kim

Performance Characterization of Streaming Video over Multipath TCP
Ryota Matsufuji, Dirceu Cavendish, Kazumi Kumazoe, Daiki Nobayashi, Takeshi Ikenaga, Yuji Oie

Optimization of Multi-server Video Content Streaming in 5G Environment
Eugen Borcoci, Tudor Ambarus, Joachim Bruneau-Queyreix, Daniel Negru, Jordi Mongay Batalla


VEHICULAR 2016, The Fifth International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies and Applications

VEHICULAR 1: Evaluation
Session chair: Jihad Qaddour

The Problem of Comparable GNSS Results – An Approach for a Uniform Dataset with Low-Cost and Reference Data
Pierre Reisdorf, Tim Pfeifer, Julia Breßler, Sven Bauer, Peter Weissig, Sven Lange, Gerd Wanielik, Peter Protzel

Sensor Calibration and Registration for Mobile Manipulators
Steven Legowik, Roger Bostelman, Tsai Hong

Plausibility Checks in Automotive Electronic Control Units to Enhance Safety and Security
Martin Ring, Reiner Kriesten

Technical Limitations, and Privacy Shortcomings of the Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication
Markus Ullmann, Thomas Strubbe, Christian Wieschebrink

VEHICULAR 2: Vehicular data
Session chair: Pierre Reisdorf

Test Results for V2V and V2I Optical Camera Communications
Byung Wook Kim, Hui-Jin Jeon, Soo-Keun Yun, Sung-Yoon Jung

Evaluating the Impact of Electric Vehicles on the Smart Grid
Roozbeh Jalali, Zachary Hills, Khalil El-Khatib, Richard W. Pazzi, Daniel Hoornweg, Kevin Myers


VISUAL 2016, The First International Conference on Applications and Systems of Visual Paradigms

VISUAL 1: Visual computation and modeling I
Session chair: Aurel Machalek

Ontology-Based Modelling of Sensor and Data Processing Ressources Using OWL
Denis Smirnov, Peter Stütz

Selecting Adequate Aerial Perceptual Functions with Fuzzy Logic
Christian Hellert, Peter Stütz

Local Edge/Corner Feature Integration for Illumination Invariant Face Recognition
Almabrok Essa, Vijayan Asari

Approximating Imprecise Planar Tesselations with Voronoi Diagrams
Narciso Javier Aguilera Centeno, Belén Palop del Rio, Hebert Pérez-Rosés

VISUAL 2: Visual computation and modeling II
Session chair: Claus-Peter Rückemann

Incremental Reconstruction of Moving Object Trajectory
Muhammad Majid Afzal, Karim Ouazzane, Vassil Vassilev, Yogesh Patel

A Fast Audiovisual Attention Model for Human Detection and Localization on a Companion Robot
Rémi Ratajczak, Denis Pellerin, Catherine Garbay, Quentin Labourey

A Method of Object Identification Based on Sea Image Processing
Jing Zhang, Shaoyan Rao, Tianchi Zhang

VISUAL 3: Visual computation and modeling III
Session chair: Christian Hellert

Visual Public Protection Disaster Relief and Critical Infrastructure
Aurel Machalek, Dominc Dunlop, Carlo Simon, Ralf Hoben

Full Incremental Learning for Along Classification of Textual Images
Vincent Poulain d'Andecy, Aurélie Joseph, Saddok Kebairi

Enhanced Hash-based Intra Block Copy for HEVC Screen Content Coding using Sucessive Elimination Algorithm
Ilseung Kim, Jechang Jeong

Research on Optimization Technology of Three Dimensional Model
Jing Zhang, Bowen Li, Tianchi Zhang


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