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Propose a Mini Symposium

The Sixth International Conference on Advances
in Cognitive Radio


February 21 - 25, 2016 - Lisbon, Portugal

Preliminary Program

NexComm 2016
ICN 2016 / ICONS 2016/ PESARO 2016 / CTRQ 2016 / COCORA 2016
ICDT 2016 / SPACOMM 2016 / MMEDIA 2016 / ALLDATA 2016 / SOFTENG 2016

Conference Hotel
Conference Venue Location
Mercure Lisboa
Av. Jose Malhoa 23  1099-051 Lisboa - Portugal
Tel : (+351)21/7208000 - Fax : (+351)21/7208089 - @ : [email protected]


Conference rooms
Time slots

Room A

Room B

Room C

Room D

Sunday, February 21


Registration starts
The registration desk is located in front of the conference rooms
Operating during the entire conference

13:30 - 16:00

Tutorial I
Statistical Methods for System Dependability: Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Resiliency
Prof. Dr. Andy Snow,  Ohio University, USA
Prof. Dr. Gary Weckman, Ohio University, USA

16:00 - 16:15


16:15 - 18:45

Tutorial II
Clouds and Security: A Scrutinized Marriage
Prof. Dr. Carlos Becker Westphall, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil 
Prof. Dr. Carla Merkle Westphall, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil


19:00 - 20:00

Welcome Cocktail
You must have your badge to attend the cocktail

Monday, February 22

09:00 - 09:15

Opening session

09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker

The Role of Artificial Neural Networks in
Understanding Complex Systems Behavior

Prof. Dr. Gary Weckman, Ohio University, USA

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15





12:15 - 13:45

Lunch on your own

13:45 - 15:30





15:30 - 15:45

Coffee Break

15:45 - 18:00


Topic: Complexity and Safety in Communication Systems

Andy Snow, Ohio University, USA

Pål Ellingsen, Bergen University College, Norway
Timothy Pham, Jet Propulsion Laboratory / California Institute of Technology, USA
Nataša Živić , University of Siegen, Germany
Kamal Harb, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
Marko Jäntti, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Roberto Sebastian Legaspi, Transdisciplinary Research Integration Center | Research Organization of Information and System, Japan

18:00 - 20:00

Special Tutorial
NoSQL Systems for Big Data Management
Prof. Dr. Venkat N. Gudivada
East Carolina University-Greenville, USA

Tuesday, February 23

09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker

Gamification in Software Engineering
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Hammerschall, University of Applied Sciences Munich, Germany

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15





12:15 - 13:45

Lunch on your own

13:45 - 15:30





15:30 - 15:45

Coffee Break

15:45 - 18:00


Topic: Computational Models for Big Data Processing

Mario Monteleone,  Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy

Iryna Lishchuk, Institut für Rechtsinformatik/Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
Venkat Gudivada, East Carolina University, USA
Pedro Martins, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Gary Weckman, Ohio University, USA
Jolon Faichney, Griffith University, Australia
Jedrzej Rybicki, Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Germany

Wednesday, February 24

09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker

Cognitive Computing: Theory and Applications
Prof. Dr. Venkat N. Gudivada, East Carolina University-Greenville, USA

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15





12:15 - 13:45

Lunch on your own

13:45 - 15:30


Topic: Designing Software for Mobile Devices: How to Do That Best

Hermann Kaindl, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Roberto Meli, DPO Srl, Italy
Rodion Podorozhny, Texas State University, USA
Andreas Kurtz, BMW AG / University of Augsburg, Germany
Andreas Ibing, TU München, Germany
Petre Dini, Concordia University, Canada |China Space Agency Center, China

15:30 - 15:45

Coffee Break

15:45 - 17:30







19:00 - 19:30 

Private BUS to the Conference Dinner Restaurant
Restaurant: Pateo de Alfama // R. de São João da Praça 18
1100-520 Lisboa // 218 822 174 // Metro: Terreiro do Paço

19:30 - 22:30


Thursday, February 25

09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker

Security and Reliability in the Cloud
Prof. Dr. Pål Ellingsen, Bergen University College, Norway

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15





12:15 - 13:45

Lunch on your own

13:45 - 15:30


Topic: Quality and Global Resource Utilization in the Internet of Things Environments

Eugen Borcoci, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania

Seppo Yrjölä, Nokia Networks, Finland
Richard Li, Huawei Technologies, USA
Mohammed Rajabali Nejad, Universiteit Twente, the Netherlands
Nageswara Rao, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA 

15:30 - 15:45

Coffee Break

15:45 - 17:30





17:30 - 18:00


Friday, February 26

Recommended tourist objectives to be visited on your own:
Sintra - National Palace
Peña Palace - São Pedro de Penaferrim

The Medieval Borough of Alfama
Lisbon's Borough of Belém
Tower of Belém
National Coaches Museum
Monastery of the Jerónimos (Hieronymite Monks, built in 1502)
Panoramic: Commerce Square, Down Town, Rossio Square, Avenue da Liberdade and Campo Grande




ALLDATA 2016, The Second International Conference on Big Data, Small Data, Linked Data and Open Data (includes KESA 2016)

ALLDATA 1: Big data I
Session chair: Venkat Naidu Gudivada

AScale: Simple and Fast ETL+Q Scaling for Small and Big Data
Pedro Martins, Maryam Abbasi, Pedro Furtado

Informed Consent and Privacy of De-Identified Information and Estimated Data: Lessons from Iceland and the United States in an Era of Computational Genomics
Donna M. Gitter

Social Sentiment Indices Powered by X-Scores
Brian Davis, Keith Cortis, Laurentiu Vasiliu, Adamantios Koumpis, Ross McDermott, Siegfried Handschuh

Mayo / Alice – The Supreme Court’s Requirement Statement as to Semiotics in Substantive Patent Law (“SPL”) & Emerging Technology Claimed Inventions (“ET CI”s) [PRESENTATION]
Sigram Schindler

ALLDATA 2: Big data II
Session chair: Gary Weckman

Stream Mining Revised
Sayaka Akioka

Data Quality Centric Application Framework for Big Data
Venkat Gudivada, Dhana Rao, William Grosky

Combining “Small Data” from Surveys and “Big Data” from Online Experiments at Pinterest
Jolie Martin

Unsupervised Aircraft Trajectories Clustering: a Minimum Entropy Approach
Florence Nicol, Stéphane Puechmorel

ALLDATA 3: Linked data I
Session chair: Iryna Lishchuk

Modelling Support for a Linked Data Approach to Tool Interoperability
Jad El-khoury, Didem Gurdur, Frederic Loiret, Martin Törngren, Da Zhang, Mattias Nyberg

Reasoning with Place Information on the Linked Data Web
Alia Abdelmoty, Khalid Al-Muzaini

Graph-based Data Integration in EUDAT Data Infrastructure
Jedrzej Rybicki, Vasily Bunakov, Paolo D'Onorio De Meo, Stephan Kindermann, Anna Queralt

IPR Issues in Data Sharing via Linkage of Platforms and Apps
Iryna Lishchuk, Marc Stauch, Nikolaus Forgó

ALLDATA 4: Linked data II
Session chair: Jedrzej Rybicki

Modelling the Cost of Open Data
Jolon Faichney, Bela Stantic, Yasaman Moaven, Sanjeev Hiremath, John Galvin

Link Detection Based on Named Entity Keywords in Turkish News Corpus
Hamid Ahmadlouei, Hayri Sever, Erhan Mengusoglu

KESA 1: Semantic retrieval and annotation
Session chair: Gary Weckman

Using Domain Ontologies for Classification and Semantic Interpretation of Documents
Samia Iltache, Catherine Comparot, Malik Si Mohammed, Pierre-Jean Charrel

Extraction of Business Information on the web to Supply a Geolocated Search Service
Armel Fotsoh Tawofaing, Christian Sallaberry, Annig Le Parc - Lacayrelle, Tanguy Moal

A Semantic Annotation Model for Syntactic Parsing in Ontology Learning Task
Maria Pia di Buono, Mario Monteleone

Semantic Annotation to Support Decision Making
Francesca Parisi

KESA 2: Methods in data mining and knowledge management
Session chair: Mario Monteleone

An Ontology-based Method for Discovering Specific Concepts from Texts via Knowledge Completion
Céline Alec, Chantal Reynaud-Delaître, Brigitte Safar

Analyzing the Retirement Satisfaction Predictors among Men and Women Using a Multi-Layer Feed Forward Neural Network and Decision Trees
Ehsan Ardjmand, Gary Weckman, Diana Schwerha, Andrew Snow

Group Method of Data Handling: How Does it Measure Up?
Poorani Selvaraj, Gary Weckman, Andrew Snow

A Novel Event-based Method for Abducting Evolutional Motivation of Empirical Engineering Knowledge
Xinyu Li, Zuhua Jiang, Lijun Liu, Puling Liu


COCORA 2016, The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Cognitive Radio

COCORA 1: Mechanisms and protocols
Session chair: Eugen Borcoci

Game based Cognitive Radio Bandwidth Allocation Scheme
Youngjae Park, Sungwook Kim

Exploring the Impact of Node Cooperation Level on Routing in Cognitive Radio Networks
Ling Hou, Angus K. Y. Wong, Alan K. H. Yeung

Optimal Action for Cognitive Radio User under Constrained Energy and Data Traffic Uncertainty
Hiep Vu Van, Young-Doo Lee, Insoo Koo

Multi-Antenna Energy Detector Under Unknown Primary User Traffic
Pawan Dhakal, Daniel Riviello

COCORA 2: Applications, measurement and management
Session chair: Pawan Dhakal

Underlay Cognitive Radio Wireless Networks using Repetition Coding and Spread Spectrum
Saed Daoud, David Haccoun, Christian Cardinal

Analyzing the Effect of Spectrum Mobility on Mobile IPv6 in Cognitive Radio Networks
Manoj Kumar Rana, Bhaskar Sardar, Swarup Mandal, Debashis Saha

LTE and WLAN Interference Suppression in CR Applications
Johanna Vartiainen, Risto Vuohtoniemi

Citizens Broadband Radio Service Spectrum Sharing Framework - A Path to New Business Opportunity for Mobile Network Operators?
Seppo Yrjölä


CTRQ 2016, The Ninth International Conference on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service

CTRQ 1: Communication theory, reliability, and Quality of Service
Session chair: Mohammad Rajabadi Nejad

Cloudcasting: A New Architecture for Cloud Centric Networks
Kiran Makhijani, Richard Li, Lin Han

Performance Bounds for Regular LDPC Codes for Asymmetric Channels
Pål Ellingsen

Over the Top Content Streaming Adaptive System- Implementation and Validation
Serban Georgica Obreja, Radu Iorga, Eugen Borcoci, Cristian Cernat, Marius Vochin, Jordi Mongay Batalla, Daniel Negru, Joachim Bruneau-Queyreix

Improvement of Sequential Tests in IEC-61123 Reliability Testing ̶̶ Compliance Test Plans for Success Ratio [POSTER]
Yefim Michlin, Ofer Shaham


ICDT 2016, The Eleventh International Conference on Digital Telecommunications

ICDT 1: Digital communications
Session chair: Marius Vochin

Tracking Sound Source Localization for a Home Robot Application
Gil Lopes, Andreia Albernaz, Helder Ribeiro, Marcos Silva Martins, Fernando Ribeiro

Underwater Acoustic Physical Layer Emulator to Evaluate Digital Communications
Marcos Martins, Gil Lopes, José Cabral, Fernando Ribeiro

QoS Control Method for W-LAN Ad Hoc Network with Automatic Contention Window Adjustment
Masaki Hanada, Moo Wan Kim, Kazuo Hajikano, Hidehiro Kanemitsu

Enhanced Indoor Positioning Method based on IEEE 802.11 RSSI Considering DOP in Building Environments
Jun Gyu Hwang, Giovanni Escudero, Jingjing Wang, Joon-Goo Park, Kwang Eog Lee

A Novel Tap Selection Design for Filters in Unequal-Passbands Scheme
Salah Al-Din Badran, Samad Ahmadi, Pooneh Bagheri zadeh, Ismail Shahin


ICN 2016, The Fifteenth International Conference on Networks (includes SOFTNETWORKING 2016)

ICN 1: Performance evaluation, tools, simulation
Session chair: Ceara Treacy

Toward a Framework for VM Organisation based on Multi-Objectives
Guilherme Arthur Geronimo, Rafael Brundo Uriarte, Carlos Becker Westphall

Influence of the Channel Model in the Optimum Switching Points in an Adaptive Modulation System
Ana Paula Teles Ribeiro da Silva, José Marcos Câmara Brito

Towards a Method Integrating Virtual Switch Performance into Data Centre Design
Mitalee Sarker, Stefan Wesner, Jan Siersch, Arslan Khan

Experimental Analysis on Performance Anomaly for Download Data Transfer at IEEE 802.11n Wireless LAN
Yoshiki Hashimoto, Masataka Nomoto, Celimuge Wu, Satoshi Ohzahata, Toshihiko Kato

C2LP: Modelling Load Propagation and Evaluation through the Cloud Components
Rafael Mendes, Rafael Uriarte, Carlos Westphall

ICN 2: Communications security, reliability, availability
Session chair: Mitalee Sarker

Chain-of-trust Packet Marking
Otávio Carpinteiro, Phyllipe Francisco, Pablo Oliveira, Edmilson Moreira

Towards Privacy in Identity Management Dynamic Federations
Lucas Marcus Bodnar, Carla Merkle Westphall, Jorge Werner, Carlos Becker Westphall

A Packet-Interleaving Scheme for Reliability Resilience under Burst Errors in Wireless Sensor Networks
Tsang-Ling Sheu, Yen-Hsi Kuo

A Way of Eliminating Errors When Using Bloom Filters for Routing in Computer Networks
Gökçe Çaylak Kayaturan, Alexei Vernitski

ICN 3: Software defined networks and network functions virtualization
Session chair: José Marcos Câmara Brito

openwincon: Open Source Wireless-Wired Network Controller
Gijeong Kim, Sungwon Lee

Function Oriented Network Architecture for Realization of Autonomic Networks
Gijeong Kim, Sungwon Lee

uLoBal: Enabling In-Network Load Balancing for Arbitrary Internet Services on SDN
Alex F R Trajano, Marcial P Fernandez

ICN 4: Internet of Things, cellular cognitive networks
Session chair: Sungwon Lee

Smart Factory or Smart Car? The Concept of IoT Usability
Kazuyuki Shimizu

A Study on Device Management for IoT Services with Uncoordinated Device Operating History
Megumi Shibuya, Teruyuki Hasegawa, Hirozumi Yamaguchi

Performance Evaluation of the Opportunistic Spectrum Access in a Cognitive Radio Network with Imperfect Sensing
Branislav Couceiro, José Brito

Throughput Analysis in Cognitive Radio Networks Using Slotted Aloha Protocol with Imperfect Sensing
José Brito, Pedro Guimarães

SOFTNETWORKING 1: Reliability, resiliency and fault management in SDN and NFV
Session chair: Yuzo Taenaka

Reliablity, Resiliency and Fault Management in Network Function Virtualization
Ramachandran Sathyanarayanan

A STRIDE-based Security Architecture for Software-Defined Networking
Fabian Ruffy, Wolfgang Hommel, Felix von Eye

Multi-criteria based Optimization of Placement for Software Defined Networking Controllers and Forwarding Nodes
Eugen Borcoci, Marius Vochin, Tudor Ambarus

Controller Placement Problem to Enhance Performance in Multi-domain SDN Networks
Hidenobu Aoki, Norihiko Shinomiya

SOFTNETWORKING 2: SDN applications and use cases
Session chair: Eugen Borcoci

Performance Comparison of SDN Solutions for Switching Dedicated Long-Haul Connections
Nageswara Rao

A Channel Utilization Method for Flow Admission Control with Maximum Network Capacity toward Loss-free Software Defined WMNs
Masaki Tagawa, Yuzo Taenaka, Kazuya Tsukamoto, Suguru Yamaguchi

Implementation of Virtualization in Software Defined Networking (SDN) for Data Center Networks
Nader Mir, Jayashree Kotte, Gokul Pokuri

QoS Constrained Path Optimization Algorithm in NFV/SDN Environment
Yujeong Oh, Jonghun Kim, Jaiyong Lee

Centralized Retransmission Management with SDN in Multihop Wireless Access Network
Bong-Hwan Oh, Jaiyong Lee


ICONS 2016, The Eleventh International Conference on Systems (includes EMBEDDED 2016)

ICONS 1: Specialized systems
Session chair: Gary Weckman

Peer-Sourced Media Management for Augmented Reality
Raimund Ege

Complexity-based Thinking in Systems Intelligence for Systems Resilience
Roberto Legaspi, Hiroshi Maruyama

On the Riding Aids Recognition System for Horse Riding Simulators
Sangseung Kang, Kyekyung Kim, Suyoung Chi

Safe Operation of Autonomous Machines
Raj Aggarwal, Haoyuan Lin

Systems Analysis and Design for IoT based Greenhouse [POSTER]
Chunghan Kang, Junghoon Moon, Dae-Hee Lee

ICONS 2: Security and protection systems
Session chair: Sebastian Schlesinger

Can I Let You In? On Event-Centric Context-Aware Authorization
Philip Attfield, Paul Chenard, Marta Piekarska, Julia Narvaez, Mike Hendrick, Simon Curry

Detection and Protection Against Unwanted Small UAVs
Igor Tchouchenkov, Florian Segor, Rainer Schönbein, Matthias Kollmann, Thomas Bierhoff, Mark Herbold

Privacy Issue in Federated IDMS for Cloud Computing
Yeongkwun Kim, Injoo Kim, Charlie Shim

Identifying Requirements for a Social Media-based Emergency Management System
Marko Jäntti, Taina Kurki, Laura Hokkanen

ICONS 3 / EMBEDDED: Embedded and IT systems
Session chair: Florian Segor

Performance Evaluation of the New TUAK Mobile Authentication Algorithm
Keith Mayes, Steve Babbage, Alexander Maximov

Proving Transformation Correctness of Refactorings for Discrete and Continuous Simulink Models
Sebastian Schlesinger, Paula Herber, Thomas Göthel, Sabine Glesner

Development of Real-time LCA System based on Automotive Radar
YoungSeok Jin, SangDong Kim, YoungHwan Ju, JongHun Lee

The Anatomy of IT Service Incidents
Kari Saarelainen, Marko Jäntti


MMEDIA 2016, The Eighth International Conferences on Advances in Multimedia

MMEDIA 1: Fundamentals in multimedia
Session chair: Masahiro Suzuki

Opinion Mining: A Comparison of Hybrid Approaches
Alex Marino Gonçalves de Almeida, Sylvio Jr. Barbon, Rodrigo Augusto Igawa, Emerson C. Paraiso, Stela Naomi Moriguchi

Automatic Labelling of Seeds Based on Saliency Detection and Edge Detection for Image Segmentation
Long-Wen Chang, Cheng-Mao Wu

Supervised Approach for Indication of Contrast Enhancement in Application of Image Segmentation
Gabriel F. C. Campos, Rodrigo A. Igawa, José L. Seixas, Alex M. G. Almeida, Rodrigo C. Guido, Sylvio Barbon

A Crowd-sourced Method for Real-time Detection and Localization of Unexpected Events
Taishi Yamamoto, Kenta Oku, Kyoji Kawagoe

MMEDIA 2: Multimedia applications
Session chair: Mohammad Rajabadi Nejad

Natural User Interaction Requires Good Affordance When Using a Head-Mounted Display
Takayuki Miura, Shoma Urakawa, Mitsuharu Isojima, Jianing Yu, Akihito Yoshii, Tatsuo Nakajima

Two Kinds of Audio Feature Selection Algorithms in Wavelet Domain
De Li, DaYou Jiang, Jongweon Kim

A Fast Mode Determination Algorithm Using Spatiotemporal and Depth Information for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)
Kyung-Soon Jang, Jong-Hyeok Lee, Chan-seob Park, Byung-Gyu Kim

Low Complexity Multiple Candidate Motion Estimation Using Gray Coded Bit-plane Matching
Changryoul Choi, Jechang Jeong

MMEDIA 3: Multimedia services and security
Session chair: Changryoul Choi

Towards Audio Enrichment through Images: A User Evaluation on Image Relevance with Spoken Content
Danish Nadeem, Mariët Theune, Roeland Ordelman

Information Hiding in Real Object Images Captured with Video Camera Using Brightness-Modulated Light
Kohei Oshita, Hiroshi Unno, Kazutake Uehira

A Robust Image Watermark Algorithm for AD/DA Conversion
DongHwan Shin, KyungJun Park, TaeYoon Lee, ChangWon Kim, JongUk Choi

Technique for Protecting Copyrights of Digital Data for 3-D Printing, and Its Application to Low Infill Density Objects
Masahiro Suzuki, Piyarat Silapasuphakornwong, Hideyuki Torii, Hiroshi Unno, Kazutake Uehira, Youichi Takashima


PESARO 2016, The Sixth International Conference on Performance, Safety and Robustness in Complex Systems and Applications

PESARO 1: Performance, safety and robustness in complex systems and applications
Session chair: Andy Snow

Evaluation of Selecting Cloud Services Approach for Data Storage using Secret Sharing Scheme
Shohei Ueno, Atsushi Kanai, Shigeaki Tanimoto, Hiroyuki Sato

Coping with System Hazards in Early Project Life Cycle; Identification and Prioritization
Mohammad Rajabalinejad

Using XPath to Define Design Metrics
Jan Söderberg, Ali Shahrokni, Bashar Nassar


SOFTENG 2016, The Second International Conference on Advances and Trends in Software Engineering

SOFTENG 1: Software designing and production
Session chair: Roberto Meli

Using the Event-B Formal Method for Disciplined Agile Delivery of Safety-critical Systems
Andrew Edmunds, Marta Olszewska, Marina Walden

Unifying Modeling and Programming with ALF
Thomas Buchmann, Alexander Rimer

A Systematic Approach to Assist Designers in Security Pattern Integration
Loukmen Regainia, Cédric Bouhours, Sébastien Salva

Function Point Analysis with Model Driven Architecture Applied on Frameworks of Partial Code Generation
Rodrigo Salvador Monteiro, Roque Pinel, Geraldo Zimbrão, Jano Moreira de Souza

Developing Software for Mobile Devices: How to Do That Best
Hermann Kaindl, Roberto Meli, Andreas Kurtz, Bernhard Bauer, Petre Dini

SOFTENG 2: Maintenance and life-cycle management
Session chair: Okeke Christopher

Developing a Quality Report for Software Maintainability Assessment: An Exploratory Survey
Pascal Giessler, Manuel Gerster, Michael Gebhart, Roland Steinegger, Sebastian Abeck

A Tree-Based Approach to Support Refactoring in Multi-Language Software Applications
Hagen Schink, David Broneske, Reimar Schröter, Wolfram Fenske

Collecting Product Usage Data Using a Transparent Logging Component
Thorvaldur Gautsson, Jacob Larsson, Miroslaw Staron

The ICT Measurement System Definition, Components and a Maturity Evaluation Approach
Roberto Meli

SOFTENG 3: Software requirements
Session chair: Reimar Schröter

Distributed Asynchronous Focus Group Interviews
Ulrike Hammerschall

Applying Privacy by Design in Software Engineering - An European Perspective
Karin Bernsmed

End User in Charge - Social Framework for Open Source Development
Kwabena Ebo Bennin, Mohammed Alqadhi, Shahid Hussain, Arif Ali Khan, Solomon Mensah, Ernest Pobee

SOFTENG 4: Software reuse
Session chair: Karin Bernsmed

Sequence Data Mining Approach for Detecting Type-3 Clones
Yoshihisa Udagawa, Mitsuyoshi Kitamura

A Multi-Agent System for Expertise Localization in Software Development
José Ramón Martínez García, Ramón René Palacio Cinco, Joel Antonio Trejo Sánchez, Luis Felipe Rodríguez, Joaquin Cortez

Exploring the Scala Macro System for Compile Time Model-Based Generation of Statically Type-Safe REST Services
Filipe R. R. Oliveira, Hugo Sereno Ferreira, Tiago Boldt Sousa

Migration from Annotation-Based to Composition-Based Product Lines: Towards a Tool-Driven Process
Fabian Benduhn, Reimar Schröter, Andy Kenner, Christopher Kruczek, Thomas Leich, Gunter Saake

SOFTENG 5: Software testing and validation I
Session chair: Imran Khaliq

Executable Testing based on an Agnostic-Platform Modeling Language
Concepción Sanz, Alejandro Salas, Miguel de Miguel, Alejandro Alonso, Juan Antonio de la Puente

Software Based Test Automation Approach Using Integrated Signal Simulation
Andreas Kurtz, Bernhard Bauer, Marcel Koeberl

Mobile Medical Apps Data Security Overview
Ceara Treacy, Fergal Mc Caffery

SOFTENG 6: Software testing and validation II
Session chair: Andreas  Kurtz

Reachability Games Revisited
Imran Khaliq, Gulshad Imran

Dynamic Symbolic Execution with Interpolation Based Path Merging
Andreas Ibing

Verification of Architectural Constraints on Interaction Protocols Among Modules
Stuart Siroky, Rodion Podorozhny, Guowei Yang


SPACOMM 2016, The Eighth International Conference on Advances in Satellite and Space Communications (includes RESENS 2016)

SPACOMM 1: Signal processing in telecommunications
Session chair: Timothy Pham

Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (ISWN): Requirements and Solutions
Abdullah Al-Yami, Wajih Abu-Al-Saud, Kamal Harb, Baqer Al-Ramadan

The Design of Sparse and Non-sparse FIR Filters Using Linear Complementarity Problem Approach
Muhammad Muzammal Naseer, Kamal Harb, Ahmad Nuseirat

Measurements of UWB Propagation and Transmission for Wireless Links in Spacecrafts
Miyuki Hirose, Takehiko Kobayashi

Mode Selection Algorithm for Advanced TOA Trilateration Techniques
Sajina Pradhan, Suk-seung Hwang

SPACOMM 2: Satellite and space communications
Session chair: Marta Piekarska

Playback Data Analysis Utility for a LEO Satellite
Dongseok Chae

Preliminary Design of S-AIS Payload for KOMPSAT-6
Yong-Min Lee, Jin-Ho Jo, Byoung-Sun Lee

Performance Analysis of Operational Ka-band Link with Kepler
Timothy Pham, Jason Liao

Simulation of SAR Jammer Techniques and Hardware Implementation for Point Scatterer Modelling
Emrah Ener

Fast and Efficient Satellite Imagery Fusion Using DT-CWT and WZP
Yonghyun Kim, Jaehong Oh, Yongil Kim


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