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Propose a Mini Symposium

The Eighth International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies


November 16 - 20, 2014 - Lisbon, Portugal

Preliminary Program

AFIN 2014, DEPEND 2014, CENICS 2014, ICQNM 2014

Conference Hotel
Mercure Lisboa
Tel : (+351)21/7208000 - Fax : (+351)21/7208089 - @ : [email protected]

Sunday, November 16


Registration starts

13:30 - 16:00

Tutorial 1

High Performance Digital Sensors Design: How to Make it Smarter?
Dr. Sergey Yurish, Excelera, S. L., Spain


16:15 - 18:45

Tutorial 2

Challenges in Cloud Computing Security
Prof. Dr. Carlos Becker Westphall, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil



19:00 - 20:00

Welcome Cocktail

Monday, November 17

09:00 - 09:15


09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker

Federated Access to High-Performance Computing and Big Data Resources
Dr. Bernd Schuller, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15




12:15 - 13:45

Lunch on your own

13:45 - 15:30




15:30 - 15:45

Coffee Break

15:45 - 17:30




17:30 - 19:15

Topic:  Challenges Towards Secure Internet of Things and Web of Things

Rainer Falk, Siemens AG, Corporate Technology, Germany

Rolf Johansson, SP, Sweden
Rao Mikkilineni, C3DNA Inc., USA
Carlos Becker Westphall, UFSC, Brazil

 Tuesday, November 18

09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker

New Hybrid Bandgap Engineering: Rhombohedral Super-Hetero-Epitaxy Technology
Dr. Sang H. Choi, NASA Langley Research Center - Hampton, USA

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15




12:15 - 13:45

Lunch on your own

13:45 - 15:30




15:30 - 15:45

Coffee Break

15:45 - 17:30




17:30 - 19:15

Topic: Advances in Miniaturization: How Much Still To Go?

Victor Ovchinnikov, MICRONOVA, Aalto University, Finland

Ronei Miotto, Universidade Federal do ABC, Brazil
Vladimir Privman, Clarkson University, USA
Paul Fortier, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA

Wednesday, November 19

09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker

Redox Sensors for the Control of Process and Waste Waters
Prof. Dr. Winfried Vonau, Kurt-Schwabe-Research Institute, Germany

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15




12:15 - 13:45

Lunch on your own

13:45 - 15:30




15:30- 15:45

Coffee Break

15:45 - 17:30






17:30 - 19:15

Topic: Information Privacy: Does It Really Matter?

Leon Reznik, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA

Geir Køien, University of Agder, Norway
Ron Watro, BBN Technologies, USA
Veit Koeppen, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany
Reiner Kriesten, University of Applied Sciences, Germany





transportation by private bus:
Restaurant: Pateo de Alfama // R. de São João da Praça 18
1100-520 Lisboa // 218 822 174 // Metro: Terreiro do Paço

Thursday, November 20

09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker

From Big Data to Quality Data: What is the Emerging Sensor and Network Technology Going to Deliver Next?
Prof. Dr. Leon Reznik, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15




12:15 - 13:45

Lunch on your own

13:45 - 15:30

Topic: All Sensors: The Networks of the Future?

Reinhardt Karnapke, BTU Cottbus, Germany

Arndt Steinke, CiS Forschungsinstitut für Mikrosensorik und Photovoltaik GmbH, Germany
Manuela Vieira, CTS-ISEL, Portugal
Tapio Saarelainen, National Defence University, Finland
Sergey Yurish, Excelera, S. L., Spain
Vítor Carvalho, Minho University, Portugal

15:30 - 15:45

Coffee break

15:45 - 17:30




17:30 - 18:00


Friday, November 21

Recommended to visit on your own

Sintra - National Palace
Pena Palace - São Pedro de Penaferrim

The Medieval Borough of Alfama
Lisbon's Borough of Belém
Tower of Belém
National Coaches Museum
Monastery of the Jerónimos (Hieronymite Monks, built in 1502)
Panoramic: Commerce Square, Down Town, Rossio Square, Avenue da Liberdade and Campo Grande




AFIN 2014, The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Future Internet

AFIN 1: Challenging Features
Session chair: Tapio Saarelainen

Semantic Network Organization Based on Distributed Intelligent Managed Elements
Mark Burgin, Rao Mikkilineni

Interconnected Multiple Software-Defined Network Domains with Loop Topology
Jen-Wei Hu, Chu-Sing Yang, Te-Lung Liu

Sentiment Analysis on Online Social Network Using Probability Model
Hyeoncheol Lee, Youngsub Han, Kwangmi Kim

Keyword-Based Breadcrumbs: A Scalable Keyword-Based Search Feature in Breadcrumbs-Based Content-Oriented Network
Kevin Pognart, Yosuke Tanigawa, Hideki Tode

Low-Power and Shorter-Delay Sensor Data Transmission Protocol in MobileWireless Sensor Networks
Sho Kumagai, Hiroaki Higaki

AFIN 2: Internet Mechanisms I
Session chair: Kevin Pogmart

High-Performance Computing on the Web: Extending UNICORE with RESTful Interfaces
Bernd Schuller, Jedrzej Rybicki, Krzysztof Benedyczak

Constraint-Based Distribution Method of In-Network Guidance Information in Content-Oriented Network
Masayuki Kakida, Yosuke Tanigawa, Hideki Tode

Mobile Edge Computing: A Taxonomy
Michael Till Beck, Martin Werner, Sebastian Feld, Thomas Schimper

On Delay-Aware Embedding of Virtual Networks
Michael Till Beck, Claudia Linnhoff-Popien

Cross-Layer Solutions for Enhancing Multimedia Communication QoS over Vehicular Ad hoc Networks
Mustafa Ali Hassoune, Zoulikha Mekkakia, Fatima Bendella

AFIN 3: Internet Mechanisms II
Session chair: Arndt Steinke

Applications and Opportunities for Internet-based Technologies in the Food Industry
Saeed Samadi

In-Network Support For Over-The-Top Video Quality of Experience
Francesco Lucrezia, Guido Marchetto, Fulvio Risso

Multiple Tree-Based Online Traffic Engineering for Energy Efficient Content-Centric Networking
Ling Xu, Tomohiko Yagyu

Network Policy-based Virtualization Controller in Software-Defined Networks
Ji-Young Kwak, SaeHoon Kang, YongYoon Shin, Sunhee Yang


CENICS 2014, The Seventh International Conference on Advances in Circuits, Electronics and Micro-electronics

CENICS 1: Semiconductors and Applications
Session chair: Girma Tewolde

Novel High Speed and Robust Ultra Low Voltage CMOS NP Domino Carry Gate
Abdul Wahab Majeed, Halfdan Solberg Bechmann, Yngvar Berg

Simultaneous Measurement of Temperature and Expansion on Radio Frequency Power Electronic Components
Eric Joubert, Olivier Latry, Jean-Philippe Roux

Robustness Study of SiC MOSFET Under Harsh Electrical and Thermal Constraints
Safa Mbarek, Pascal Dherbécourt, Olivier Latry, François Fouquet, Dhouha Othman, Mounira Berkani, Stéphane Lefebvre

CENICS 2: Design and Microelectronics
Session chair: Abdul Wahab Majeed

A Log-Tool Suite for Embedded Systems
Harald Schuster, Martin Horauer, Michael Kramer, Heinz Liebhart, Josef Büger

Scan-shift Power Reduction Based on Scan Partitioning and Q'-D Connection
Tiebin Wu, Li Zhou, Hengzhu Liu

A Study of Transparent On-chip Instruction Cache for NV Microcontrollers
Dahoo Kim, Itaru Hida, Eric Fukuda, Tetsuya Asai, Masato Motomura


DEPEND 2014, The Seventh International Conference on Dependability

DEPEND 1: Dependability Facets
Session chair: Hendrik Müller

A Fault-Injection Prototype for Safety Assessment of V2X Communication
Daniel Skarin, Benjamin Vedder, Rolf Johansson, Henrik Eriksson

Fault-Detection Sensitivity Based Assessment of Test Sets for Safety-Relevant Software
Susanne Kandl, Jean-Marc Forey

Network-Security-Policy Analysis
Christian Pitscheider

Notification Support Infrastructure for Self-Adapting Composite Services
Erlend Andreas Gjære, Per Håkon Meland, Thomas Vilarinho

DEPEND 2: Adaptability and New Technologies
Session chair: Rolf Johansson

A Policy-based Middleware for Self-Adaptive Distributed Systems
Sun Jingtao, Satoh Ichiro

SLA Object and SLA Process Modeling using WSLA and BPM Notations,Towards defining a Generic SLA Orchestrator Framework
Bukhary Ikhwan Ismail, Nurliyana Muty, Mohammad Fairus Khalid, Hong Hoe Ong

HiPAS: High Performance Adaptive Schema Migration - Evaluation of a Self-Optimizing Database Migration
Hendrik Müller, Andreas Prusch, Steffan Agel

Evaluation of Software-Based Fault-Tolerant Techniques on Embedded OS’s Components
Hosein Mohammadi Makrani, Amir Mahdi Hosseini Monazzah, Hamed Farbeh, Seyed Ghassem Miremadi


ICQNM 2014, The Eighth International Conference on Quantum, Nano/Bio, and Micro Technologies

ICQNM 1: Quantum Security
Session chair: Bernhard Schuster

Self-Adaption of Quantum Key Distribution Devices to Changing Working Conditions
Stefan Rass, Sandra König Safety & Security Department

Optimal Choice of Basis Transformations for Entanglement Swapping Based QKD Protocols
Stefan Schauer, Martin Suda

ICQNM 2: Nano/Biosensing
Session chair: Victor Ovchinnikov

Reconstitution of Ryanodine Receptor/Ca2+ Release Channels in S-layer Supported Lipid Membranes
Vanessa-Dominique Larisch, Angelika Schrems, Uwe B. Sleytr, Martin Hohenegger, Bernhard Schuster

The Influence of Ions in the Interaction of Methylene Blue with DPPC Membranes
Ronei Miotto, Guilherme G. Trellese, Rodrigo M. Cordeiro, Elierge B. Costa, Armando C. Ferraz, Mauricio S. Baptista

Structure of Feed-Forward Realizations with Enzymatic Processes
Evgeny Katz, Vladimir Privman, Oleksandr Zavalov

ICQNM 3: Nano and Micro Materials and Properties
Session chair: Bernhard Schuster

Structural and Energetic Properties of Au@Ag and Ag@Au Core-Shell Nanoparticles
Ronei Miotto, Luiz Henrique Santos, Ferenc Diniz Kiss, Armando Corbani Ferraz

Analysis of Furnace Operational Parameters for Controllable Annealing of Thin Films
Victor Ovchinnikov

Arc Discharge Synthesis and Properties of Magnetic Nanoparticles
Marina Serebrjakova, Alexey Zaikovskii, Lubov Smolyaninova, Tatiana Kardash, Sergey Novopasin

High Performance CNT Membrane for Water Treatment (POSTER)
Byeong Ho Lee, Yong-Hyup Kim

SECURWARE 2014, The Eighth International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies

SECURWARE 1: System Security
Session chair: Leslie Milton

Embedded Web Device Security
Michael Riegler, Johannes Sametinger

Design Issues in the Construction of a Cryptographically Secure Instant Message Service for Android Smartphones
Alexandre Braga, Daniela Schwab

Resisting Flooding Attacks on AODV
Mohamed A. Abdelshafy, Peter J.B. King

The Policy-Based AS_PATH Verification to Monitor AS Path Hijacking
Je-Kuk Yun, Beomseok Hong, Yanggon Kim

A Cost-Efficient Building Automation Security Testbed for Educational Purposes (POSTER)
Jaspreet Kaur, Michael Meier, Sebastian Szlósarczyk, Steffen Wendzel

SECURWARE 2: Information Security I
Session chair: Jaspreet Kaur

A New Property Coding in Text Steganography of Microsoft Word Documents
Ivan Stojanov, Aleksandra Mileva, Igor Stojanovic

Audio Steganograpgy by Phase Modification
Fatiha Djebbar, Beghdad Ayad

Current Issues in Cloud Computing Security and Management
Pedro Artur Figueiredo Vitti, Daniel Ricardo dos Santos, Carlos Becker Westphall, Carla Merkle Westphall, Kleber Magno Maciel Vieira

N-Gram-Based User Behavioral Model for Continuous User Authentication
Leslie Milton, Bryan Robbins, Atif Memon

SECURWARE 3: Information Security II
Session chair: Alessandro Aldini

GAIA-MLIS: A Maturity Model for Information Security
Roger William Coelho, Gilberto Fernandes Junior, Mario Lemes Proença Junior

Security of Vehicular Networks: Static and Dynamic Control of Cyber-Physical Objects
Vladimir Muliukha, Vladimir Zaborovsky, Sergey Popov

Digital Signature of Network Segment Using Genetic Algorithm and Ant Colony Optimization Metaheuristics
Paulo R. G. Hernandes Jr., Luiz F. Carvalho, Gilberto Fernandes Jr., Mario L. Proença Jr.

DeadDrop-in-a-Flash: Information Hiding at SSD NAND Flash Memory Physical Layer
Avinash Srinivasan, Jie Wu, Panneer Santhalingam, Jeffrey Zamanski

SECURWARE 4: Security and Privacy in Dynamic Environments
Session chair: Gilberto Fernandes Junior

Saving Privacy in Trust-Based User-Centric Distributed Systems
Alessandro Aldini

Enhancing Privacy on Identity Providers
Rafael Weingärtner, Carla Merkle Westphall

Enforcing Security Policies on Choreographed Services Using Rewriting Techniques
Karim Dahmani, Mahjoub Langar

Obtaining Strong Identifiers Through Attribute Aggregation
Walter Priesnitz Filho, Carlos Nuno da Cruz Ribeiro

SECURWARE 5: Security Technologies
Session chair: Sandra König

Wi-Fi Intruder Detection
Rui Fernandes, Tiago Varum, Nuno Matos, Pedro Pinho

Adding Secure Deletion to an Encrypted File System on Android Smartphones
Alexandre Braga, Alfredo Colito

Performance Impacts in Database Privacy-Preserving Biometric Authentication
Jana Dittmann, Veit Köppen, Christian Krätzer, Martin Leuckert, Gunter Saake, Claus Vielhauer

Data Quality and Security Evaluation Tool for Nanoscale Sensors
Leon Reznik, Sergey Lyshevski

SECURWARE 6: Malware and Anti-malware
Session chair: Veit Koeppen

AndroSAT: Security Analysis Tool for Android Applications
Saurabh Oberoi, Weilong Song, Amr Youssef

Involvers’ Behavior-based Modeling in Cyber Targeted Attack
Youngsoo Kim, Ikkyun Kim

Test Case Generation Assisted by Control Dependence Analysis
Puhan Zhang, Qi Wang, Guowei Dong, Bin Liang, Wenchang Shi

SECURWARE 7: Cryptography
Session chair: Geir Køien

Implementation Issues in the Construction of Standard and Non-Standard Cryptography on Android Devices
Alexandre Braga, Eduardo Morais

Threshold Proxy Signature Based on Position
Qingshui Xue, Fengying Li, Zhenfu Cao

Linearity Measures for Multivariate Public Key Cryptography
Simona Samardjiska, Danilo Gligoroski

SECURWARE 8: Security Frameworks, Architectures and Protocols I
Session chair: Ron Watro

Managed Certificate Whitelisting - A Basis for Internet of Things Security in Industrial Automation Applications
Rainer Falk, Steffen Fries

Challenges for Evolving Large-Scale Security Architectures
Geir Køien

A Backtracking Symbolic Execution Engine with Sound Path Merging
Andreas Ibing

Security Extensions for Mobile Commerce Objects
Nazri Bin Abdullah, Ioannis Kounelis, Sead Muftic

SECURWARE 9: Security Frameworks, Architectures and Protocols II
Session chair: Andreas Ibing

Attack Surface Reduction for Web Services based on Authorization Patterns
Roland Steinegger, Johannes Schäfer, Max Vogler, Sebastian Abeck

Evaluation of Vehicle Diagnostics Security – Implementation of a Reproducible Security Access
Martin Ring, Tobias Rensen, Reiner Kriesten

An AMI Threat Detection Mechanism Based on SDN Networks
Po-Wen Chi, Chien-Ting Kuo, He-Ming Ruan, Shih-Jen Chen, Chin-Laung Lei

Ghost Map: Proving Software Correctness using Games
Ronald Watro, Kerry Moffitt, Talib Hussain, Daniel Wyschogrod, John Ostwald, Derrick Kong, Clint Bowers, Eric Church, Joshua Guttman, Qinsi Wang


SENSORCOMM 2014, The Eighth International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications

SENSORCOMM 1: Sensor Circuits and Sensor Devices I
Session chair: Carlos Martinez de la Osa

Electrocardiogram Collection, Pattern Recognition, and Classification Sensor System Supporting a Mobile Cardiovascular Disease Detection Aid
Paul Fortier, Patrick DaSilva, Kristen Sethares

A Novel ID Anonymity Preserving Scheme (ID-APS) for Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks
Ahmed Al-Riyami, Ning Zhang, John Keane

Enhanced Sensitivity in the VIS-NIR Range Under UV Light in a-SiC Pinpin Device
Vitor Silva, Paula Louro, Manuel Augusto Vieira, Isabel Rodrigues, Manuela Vieira

WiFi Monitoring Embedded System for Electrical Microgeneration using Renewable Energy Sources
Sandro C. S. Jucá, Paulo C. M. Carvalho, Renata I. S. Pereira

Highly Gas Sensitive Textile Modified by Reduced Graphene Oxides (POSTER)
Hyung-Kun Lee

SENSORCOMM 2: Sensor Circuits and Sensor Devices II
Session chair: Vitor Silva

Feasibility of Charge Transfer Based Atmospheric Ice Sensing
Taimur Rashid, Umair Najeeb Mughal, Muhammad Shakeel Virk

Evaluation of Torque and Axial Loading Physics for Atmospheric Icing Sensors
Umair Najeeb Mughal, Muhammad Shakeel Virk

Using CFD-Based Virtual Sensor Data to Study the Structure of Air Flow behind A Porous Fence
Yizhong Xu, Mohamad Mustafa

Improving Distance Estimation in Object Localisation with Bluetooth Low Energy
Georgia Ionescu, Carlos Martinez de la Osa, Michel Deriaz

Assessment of Sensor Technologies for Gate-Based Object Counting
Colin Lelsie, Alex Vakaloudis, Kostas Anagnostopoulos, Nikolaos Chalikias, Jian Liang

SENSORCOMM 3: Architectures, Protocols and Algorithms of Sensor Networks
Session chair: Knut Ovsthus

Wide Area Surveillance Using Limited-Flying-Time Helicopters
Kenichi Mase

BuckshotDV - A Robust Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks with Unstable Network Topologies and Unidirectional Links
Reinhardt Karnapke, Jörg Nolte

Ultra Wideband Positioning: An Analytical Study of Emerging Technologies
Suheer Alhadhrami, AbdulMalik Al-Salman, Hend Al-Khalifa, Abdulrahman Alarifi, Ahmad Alnafessah, Mansour Alsaleh, Mai Al-Ammar

Integrating Smart Items and Cloud Computing in Healthcare Scenarios
Sarfaraz Ghulam, Johannes Schubert, Gerrit Tamm, Vladimir Stantchev

SENSORCOMM 4: Energy, Management and Control of Sensor Networks
Session chair: Gerrit Tamm

The Impact of Link Lengths on Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks
Knut Øvsthus, Espen Nilsen, Anne-Lena Kampen, Øivind Kure

Towards a Generic Cloud-based Sensor Data Management Platform: A Survey and Conceptual Architecture
Vincent C. Emeakaroha, Kaniz Fatema, Philip Healy, John P. Morrison

System-modeling of Thermo- and Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Systems to Study Effects of Design Measures on Technological Gains and Environmental Impacts (POSTER)
Stephan Benecke, Nils Nissen, Klaus-D. Lang

SENSORCOMM 5: Radio Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks
Session chair: Vincent C. Emeakaroha

Towards Tactical Military Software Defined Radio
Tapio Saarelainen

Small and Low Side Lobe Beam-forming Antenna Composed of Narrow Spaced Patch Antennas for Wireless Sensor Networks
Yosuke Sato, Shuzo Kato

Accuracy Enhancements in Indoor Localization with the Weighted Average Technique
Grigorios G. Anagnostopoulos, Michel Deriaz

60GHz Radio Hose for Wireless Harness Communication Systems
Yosuke Sato, Vannsith Ith, Shuzo Kato

SENSORCOMM 6: Performance, Simulation and Modeling of Sensor Networks
Session chair: Mark Gaffney

An Analysis of the Need for Dedicated Recovery Methods and Their Applicability in Wireless Sensor Networks Running the Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks
Anne-Lena Kampen, Knut Øvsthus, Øivind Kure

Domain Specific Modeling Language for Object Localization in Marine Observatories
Charbel Geryes Aoun, Iyas Alloush, Yvon Kermarrec, Joel Champeau, Oussama Zein

A Formal Graph-Based Model Applied to Cluster Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks
Laura Margarita Rodríguez Peralta, Lina Maria Pestana Leão de Brito, Eduardo Ismael Hernández

High Deployability of IEEE 802.15.4k DSSS Systems in Interference Dominated Bands
Yasutaka Tada, Yosuke Sato, Shuzo Kato

SENSORCOMM 7: Deployments and Implementations of Sensor Networks
Session chair: Anne-Lena Kampen

A Real-Time Bridge Pier Scouring Monitoring System Based on Hall-Effect Sensors
Chen-Chia Chen, Ssu-Ying Chen, Wen-Ching Chen, Gang-Neng Sung, Jin-Ju Chue, Chih-Ting Kuo, Yi-Jie Hsieh, Chih-Chyau Yang, Chien-Ming Wu, Chun-Ming Huang

Building Automation: Experience with Dynamic Reconfiguration of a Room
Maxime Louvel, Francois Pacull, Safietou Raby Thior, Maria Isabel Vergara Gallego, Oussama Yaakoubi

An Integrated Ambient Intelligence System in the Monitoring and Rehabilitation of the Disorder of Consciousness
Francesco Riganello, Luigi Piscitelli, Luigi Flotta, Calogero Pace, Giuliano Dolce, Walter G. Sannita

Accurate Sled Velocity on a Short-Inclined Track Using Accelerometer Data
Mark Gaffney, Michael Walsh, Brendan O’Flynn, Cian Ó Mathúna


SENSORDEVICES 2014, The Fifth International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications

Session chair: Mario Wolf

Innovative Procedures to Analyze Data of Gas Sensor Systems and Gas Sensor Nets: a Review
Rolf Seifert, Hubert Keller, Jörg Matthes

Development of Fast Response Humidity Sensors Based on Carbon Nanotubes
Marcos C. Moraes, Elisabete Galeazzo, Henrique E. M. Peres, Francisco J. Ramirez-Fernandez, Michel O. S. Dantas

Bridge Type Hydrogen Sensor Using Platinum Ultrathin film
Yuki Ushita, Shuzo Takeichi, Ryosuke Sugai, Shota Inami, Kenji Sakai, Toshihiko Kiwa, Keiji Tsukada

Ultrathin Film Hydrogen Sensor with Self-Temperature Compensation
Shuzo Takeichi, Yuki Ushita, Ryosuke Sugai, Kenji Sakai, Toshihiko Kiwa, Keiji Tsukada

SENSORDEVICES 2: Ultrasonic and Piezosensors
Session chair: Abdul Wattab Wajeed

Monitoring of Temperature Distribution in Liquids with Ultrasound by Locally Resolved Measuring of Sound Velocity
Mario Wolf, Elfgard Kühnicke

Numerical Model of Piezoelectric Lateral Electric Field Excited Resonator as Basic Element of Acoustic Sensors
Andrey Teplykh, Boris Zaitsev, Iren Kuznetsova

Control of Ultrasonic Acoustic Fields by Multiple Acoustic Waveguides and Piezoelectric Transducers
Shigeru Igarashi, Shinichi Takeuchi

SENSORDEVICES 3: Sensor Devices
Session chair: Fernando Vidal-Verdú

Sensing of Essential Amino Acids Behaviour Under Fast Thermal Shocks in Liquid Water Environment
Michal Borecki, Jan Szmidt, Michael L. Korwin-Pawlowski, Mariusz Duk, Andrzej Kociubinski, Tomasz Niemiec, Maciej Szmidt, Kaja Urbanska, Przemysław Prus, Elżbieta Prus

Redox Sensors for the Control of Process and Waste Waters
Winfried Vonau, Frank Gerlach, Kristina Ahlborn, Sandra Sachse

Sensitivity of Photo-Elastic Nd-YAG Laser for Small Force Sensing
Khelifa Naceur-Eddine, Himbert Marc

Optical Processor Based on a-SiC Technology for Error Detection on a Spectral Data
Manuel Augusto Vieira, Manuela Vieira, Paula Louro, Vitor Silva

Optoelectronic System for Trace Explosives Detection (POSTER)
Beata Rutecka, Zbigniew Bielecki, Jacek Wojtas

SENSORDEVICES 4: Sensors Domain-oriented Devices, Technologies, and Applications
Session chair: Manuela Vieira

Near-UV Background in Photonic Based pi’n/pin Amorphous SiC Sensors
Manuela Vieira, Manuel Augusto Vieira, Isabel Rodrigues, Vitor Silva, Paula Louro

Remote Health Monitoring Device for the Elderly
Matthew Clark, Jaerock Kwon, Girma Tewolde

Benthic Fish Behavior Characterization with a Mechanically Scanned Imaging Sonar
Wen-Miin Tian

Realization of a Smart Finger Pad Based on Direct Connection to FPGA (POSTER)
Óscar Oballe-Peinado, José Antonio Hidalgo-López, Iván Fernández, Fernando Vidal-Verdú

SENSORDEVICES 5: Medical Devices and Sensors Applications I
Session chair: Sergey Yurish

Comparison of Dry and Wet Wlectrode Systems for Spontaneous and Event Related Electroencephalograms
Mohsen Fatoorechi, Robert Prance, Helen Prance, David Schwartzman, Jim Parkinson, Anil Seth

A Disc-shaped Power Supply Line-free Mass Sensor for Measuring Biomarker
Masaki Yamaguchi, DongSu You, Yuki Nakayama

Comparison of PS25015A Dry Electrodes and Two Different Ag/AgCl Wet Electrodes for ECG Applications
Nika Zolfaghari, Mohsen Shafeie, Shahini Sirikantharajah, Kristiina Valter McConville

A Miniature Multisensor Biosignal Data Recorder and its Evaluation for Unsupervised Parkinson’s Disease Data Collection
Chris Bailey, Garry Hollier, Anthony Moulds, Michael Freeman, Jim Austin, Alex Fargus, Thomas Lampert

SENSORDEVICES 6: Medical Devices and Sensors Applications II
Session chair: Helen Prance

Π-shaped Coiled Stator Ultrasound Motor for Rotating Ultrasound Sensor in Intravascular Ultrasound Imaging
Toshinobu Abe, Tadashi Moriya, Takasuke Irie, Masakazu Satou, Shinichi Takeuchi

Development of a Vital Signs Monitoring System Using Radio Frequency Communication
Fábio Ferreira, Vítor Carvalho, Filomena Soares, José Machado, Filipe Pereira

LipoTool: Evaluation of Tissues Compressibility
Manuel Rodrigues Quintas, Tiago Faustino Andrade, Maria Teresa Restivo, Maria de Fátima Chouzal, Teresa Amaral

Anechoic Chamber Radiation Tests on a Bluetooth Low Energy Front-End Towards a Subcutaneous Glucose Sensor (POSTER)
Sérgio Silva, Salviano Soares, Telmo Fernandes, Antonio Valente, António Moreira

SENSORDEVICES 7: Sensor Device Technologies
Session chair: Sergio S. Silva

Bacterial Wetwood Detection in Fagus grandifolia and Prunus serotina Sapwood using a Conducting Polymer Electronic-nose Device
Alphus Wilson

Magnetic Flux Leakage Testing for Back-side Defects Using a Tunnel Magnetoresistive Device
Yuya Tsukamoto, Keisyu Shiga, Kenji Sakai, Toshihiko Kiwa, Keiji Tsukada, Yasuhiro Honda

Reaction Distribution with Time in Fuel Cells Using Terahertz Chemical Microscope
Tetsuya Kusaka, Kazuki Koiso, Kenji Sakai, Toshihiko Kiwa, Keiji Tsukada

Sensor Platform for Measuring the Concentration in Aqueous Solutions by Cyclic Voltammetry and Impedance Spectroscopy
Thomas Frank, Manuel Fiedler, Ingo Tobehn, Arndt Steinke, Andrea Cyriax

Finite Element Optimization of the EMR Sensor in Planar Configuration (POSTER)
Semir El-Ahmar, Artur A. Pozniak


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