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The Second International Conference on Communications, Computation, Networks and Technologies

INNOV 2013
November 17 - 22, 2013 - Lisbon, Portugal

Preliminary Program


Mercure Lisboa
Tel : (+351)21/7208000 - Fax : (+351)21/7208089 - @ : [email protected]

Sunday, November 17


Registration starts

13:30 - 16:00

Tutorial 1
The Hadoop Core - Understanding Map Reduce and the Hadoop Distributed File System

M.Sc. Daniel Kimming, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Prof. Dr. Andreas Schmidt, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Germany


16:15 - 18:45

Tutorial 2
New Applications of Virtual and Augmented Reality in Medicine and Surgery

Prof. Dr. Lucio Tommaso De Paolis, University of Salento - Lecce, Italy



19:00 - 20:00

Welcome Cocktail

Monday, November 18

09:00 - 9:15


09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker

How much safety is too much? How much control is too much? How much security is too much?
by Prof. Dr. Richard Lucas, University of Canberra, Australia

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15




12:15 - 13:45

Lunch on your own

13:45 - 15:30




15:30 - 15:45

Coffee Break

15:45 - 17:30



Japan - SPECIAL Session
“KEIROKA Technology and GO ON”

17:30 - 19:15


Exa-Intelligence: Next Generations of Intelligent Multi-Agent and High End Computing Systems in Development and Practice

Claus-Peter Rückemann, Leibniz Universität Hannover and WWU Münster and HLRN, Germany

Paulo Leitão, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Bragança, Portugal
Udo Inden, Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany
Claus-Peter Rückemann, Leibniz Universität Hannover and WWU Münster and HLRN, Germany
Andy Georgi, Technische Universität Dresden, Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH), Germany
Yenumula B. Reddy, Department of Computer Science, Grambling State University, USA
Wassim Abu Abed, Institute for Computational Modeling in Civil Engineering, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

 Tuesday, November 19

09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker

The Impact of Mobile Computing on ICT Enhanced Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Applications
by Prof. Dr. Joan Lu, University of Huddersfield, UK

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15




12:15 - 13:45

Lunch on your own

13:45 - 15:30




15:30- 15:45

Coffee Break

15:45 - 17:30




17:30 - 19:15


Title: Mobility as a Ultimate Freedom Technology; Is Something Missing?

Josef Noll, University of Oslo & Movation, Norway

Alexandre Caminada, Laboratoire Systèmes et Transport (UTBM) - Belfort, France
Yan Cimon, Université Laval, Canada
Josef Noll, University of Oslo & Movation, Norway
A. S. Madhukumar, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

 Wednesday, November 20

09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker

Providing Internet Access to Emerging Economies - The Business of Free Access
by Prof. Dr. Josef Noll, University of Oslo & Movation, Norway

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15



International Perspective I: Austria, Lebanon, Bulgaria, Portugal
Introduction to the Portuguese Workshop

12:15 - 13:45

Lunch on your own

13:45 - 15:30


MOBILITY4 Portugal Workshop I

15:30- 15:45

Coffee Break

15:45 - 17:30


IMMM5 Portugal Workshop II



17:30 - 19:15


Facets on Trust and Doubts in Information Interpretation and Consumption

Andreas Schmidt, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences & Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany

Ariella Richardson, Jerusalem College of Technology, Israel
Dirk Labudde, Hochschule Mittweida, Germany
Richard Lucas, University of Canberra, Australia
Ludovico Boratto, Università di Cagliari, Italy
Andreas Schmidt, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences & Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Kazuyuki Shimizu, Meiji University, Japan
Simon Atkinson, The University of Sydney, Australia


20:00 - 24:00

Gala Dinner

Restaurant: Pateo de Alfama // R. de São João da Praça 18
1100-520 Lisboa // 218 822 174 // Metro: Terreiro do Paço

Thursday, November 21

09:15 - 10:15

Keynote Speaker

Auditory Training Technologies for Blind Persons
by Yoshikazu Seki, Ph.D., National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:15



International Perspective II: The Netherlands, USA, Germany

12:15 – 12:30

Coffee Break

12:30 - 14:15



Open discussion: Health-awareness and Service Platforms
Sten Hanke, Petre Dini

14:15 - 14:30


Friday, November 22

Recommended to visit on your own

Sintra - National Palace
Pena Palace - São Pedro de Penaferrim

The Medieval Borough of Alfama
Lisbon's Borough of Belém
Tower of Belém
National Coaches Museum
Monastery of the Jerónimos (Hieronymite Monks, built in 1502)
Panoramic: Commerce Square, Down Town, Rossio Square, Avenue da Liberdade and Campo Grande




GLOBAL HEALTH 2013, The Second International Conference on Global Health Challenges

GLOBAL HEALTH 1: Fundamentals
Session chair: Ivan Evgeniev

Avatar Enriched User Interfaces for Older Adults
Christopher Mayer, Miroslav Sili, Matthias Gira, Martin Morandell, Sascha Fagel, Andreas Hilbert, Christian Schüler, Ioan Cernei

High-Performance In-Memory Genome Project: A Platform for Integrated Real-Time Genome Data Analysis
Matthieu-P. Schapranow, Franziska Häger, Hasso Plattner

Cognitive Stimulation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation
José Carlos Teixeira, Patrícia Alecrim, Sandra Freitas

Effect of GSM Electromagnetic Waves on the Activity, Morphology, and Structure of Skeletal Muscles
Wiam Ramadan, Hassan Khachfe, Lina Sabra, Khalil Abou Saleh, Mehnieh Baccouri, Mohammed Moustafa ElSayed, Lina Ismail, Eric Esteve, Wissam H Joumaa

Session chair: Matthieu-P. Schapranow

Stereo 3D Displays and Telemedicine
Ivan Ivanov, Vesselin Gueorguiev, Desislava Georgieva

An Integrated, Web-Based, and Automated Healthcare Institution Quality Management (HIQMA) System
Hassan Khachfe, Bassam Hussein, Walid Hassan, Ali Hage Diab, Hasan Bazzi, Ayman Dayekh, Amin Haj-Ali

An Innovative model of achieving Plan B+ and MTCT Elimination by Combining Outreach and Portable Ultrasound (POSTER)
William Cherniak, Geoffrey Anguyo

GLOBAL HEALTH 3: Technology
Session chair: Antonio Salazar

A Model for Global Health Virtual Communities
Christo El Morr

Nanostructured Porous Silicon Scaffolds for Biofuel Cells
Mohammad Hajj-Hassan, Hassan Khachfe

Using the Internet to Provide Personal Preparedness Information to Dispersed Vulnerable Populations (POSTER)
Michael Bremseth, Roy Smith

A Network-based approach to identify disease related pathway markers (POSTER)
Erkhembayar Jadamba, Miyoung Shin

Proposal of Software Development for Assistance in Orthopedic Deformities Evaluating in People with Physical Disabilities (PRESENTATION)
Osmair Gomes de Macedo, Joao Paulo Matheus, Liana Gomide, Emerson Fachin Martins

GLOBAL HEALTH 4: Challenges
Session chair: Mike Bremseth

Built-in Self-Testing Infrastructure and Methodology for an EMG Signal Capture Module
Antonio Salazar, Bruno Mendes, José Da Silva, Miguel Correia

TICE.Healthy Framework for Developing an Ecosystem of Applications in the Domain of Informal Health
Pedro Catré, João Quintas, Alcides Marques, Jorge Dias

Estimation of Lumber Spine Based on Back Flextion and Curvature of Skin [PRESENTATION]
Yoshikazu Matsuo, Yoshio Tsuchiya, Hiroki Hoshina, Takayuki Tanaka

Development and Field Test on Smart Suit for Dairy Work Assistance [PRESENTATION]
Hiroyuki Nara, Takashi Kusaka, Takayuki Tanaka, Takayuki Yamagishi, Shotaroh Ogura

GLOBAL HEALTH 5: Japan - Special session
Session chair: Vesselin Gueorguiev

Smart Suit® Lite: KEIROKA TechnologyPaper Title
Takayuki Tanaka, Hiroyuki Nara, Youmeko Imamura, Shunji Shimizu

Extraction of Neural Activation from Biological Spatio-temporal Imaging Data using Autoregressive Model-based Filtering Technique
Fumikazu Miwakeichi

Basic Study for a New Assistive System Based on the Relationship between Human Brain Activity and Movement on Car Driving (PRESENTATION)
Shunji Shimizu, Hiroaki Inoue, Hiroyuki Nara, Fumikazu Miwakeichi, Nobuhide Hirai, Senichiro Kikuchi, Satoshi Kato, Eiju Watanabe

Basic Study for a New evaluation Method for Physical and Psyclogical load in Human Movement (PRESENTATION)
Hiroaki Inoue, Shunji Shimizu, Hiroyuki Nara, Fumikazu Miwakeichi, Eiju Watanabe, Nobuhide Hirai, Senichiro Kikuchi, Satoshi Kato

GLOBAL HEALTH 6: International Perspective I: Austria, Lebanon, Bulgaria, Portugal
Session chair: Hans Ossebaard

Large Scale Integration and Evaluation of AAL Technologies in Eastern Austria (PRESENTATION)
Christopher Mayer

Quality control of biomedical practices in ambulatory emergency services: A proposed model for the Lebanese Emergency Medical Services (PRESENTATION)
Hassan Khachfe

Gerontotechnologies (PRESENTATION)
Dimitar Tcharakchiev, Ivan Evgeniev, Vesselin Gueorguiev

Interoperable Platform Solutions for eHealth and Quality of Life Services and Applications (PRESENTATION)
Sten Hanke

GLOBAL HEALTH 7: International Perspective II: The Netherlands, USA, Germany
Session chair: Hassan M. Khachfe

One Health Information and Communication Technology (PRESENTATION)
Hans Ossebaard

Using the Internet to Enhance Emergency Preparedness in Dispersed Vulnerable Populations (PRESENTATION)
Michael Bremseth

Challenges of Big Data Processing in Personalized Medicine (PRESENTATION)
Matthieu-Patrick Schapranow I: Portugal Workshop I
Session chair: Joao Quintas Platform - General Aspects
João Quintas Platform - Business Models
António Cunha Platform in the Context of National and European Health Strategies
José Carlos Nascimento II: Portugal Workshop II
Session chair: Sten Hanke - The Caregiver Perspective
Carina Bordalo Martins Soares Dantas

How to Develop and Deploy Services for the Platform
Miguel Machado

IMMM 2013, The Third International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management

IMMM 1: Information mining and management
Session chair: Ludovico Boratto

Analysis of Patents for Prior Art Candidate Search
Sébastien Déjean, Nicolas Faessel, Lucille Marty, Josiane Mothe, Samantha Sadala, Soda Thiam

Clustering Algorithms and Weighted Instance Based Learner for User Profiling
Ayse Cufoglu, Mahi Lohi, Colin Everiss

Comparative Visual Analysis of Large Customer Feedback Based on Self-Organizing Sentiment Maps
Halldór Janetzko, Dominik Jäckle, Tobias Schreck

Multicore Mining of Correlated Pattrens
Christian Ernst, Alain Casali

IMMM 2: Mining evaluation
Session chair: Lucille Marty

Detecting Command and Control Channels of a Botnet Using a N-packet-based Approach
Félix Brezo, José Gaviria de la Puerta, Pablo G. Bringas

Performance Evaluation of Scale-out NAS for HDFS
Makoto Sato, Hiroki Kanzaki, Shoji Kawata, Shun Sugiyama, Shingo Otsuka

Exploring the Ratings Prediction Task in a Group Recommender System that Automatically Detects Groups
Ludovico Boratto, Salvatore Carta

When Diversity Is Needed... But Not expected!
Sylvain Castagnos, Armelle Brun, Anne Boyer

IMMM 3: Mining from specific sources
Session chair: Michael Spranger

Is the Polarity of Content Producers Strongly Influenced by the Results of the Event?
Liliana Ibeth Barbosa-Santillán, Inmaculada Álvarez-de-Mon-y-Rego

Producing Friend Recommendations in a Social Bookmarking System by Mining Users Content
Matteo Manca, Ludovico Boratto, Salvatore Carta

Social Network-based Entity Extraction for People Ontology
Tina Tian, Soon Ae Chun

Visualization and Data Processing of Scanning Laser Rangefinder (POSTER)
Makoto Sato, Shingo Otsuka

Action for the Senior Fruit Farmers (POSTER)
Yoshimi Kobayashi, Yoshikazu Sasamoto, Hirotaka Kobayashi, Shingo Otsuka

IMMM 4: Mining mechanisms and methods
Session chair: Andreas Schmidt

A Ranking Algorithm for the Detection of Composite Concepts Based on Multiple Taxonomies
Daniel Kimmig, Steffen Scholz, Andreas Schmidt

Truss Decomposition for Extracting Communities in Bipartite Graph
Yanting Li, Tetsuji Kuboyama, Hiroshi Sakamoto

Analysis of Medical Publications with Latent Semantic Analysis Method
José Román Herrera-Morales, Liliana Ibeth Barbosa-Santillán

A General Metadata Schema Operation using Formula Expression
Toshio Kodama, Yoichi Seki

IMMM 5: Mining tools and applications
Session chair: Roman Herrera

REEF: Resolving Length Bias in Frequent Sequence Mining
Ariella Richardson, Gal A. Kaminka, Sarit Kraus

Semantic Tools for Forensics: Approaches in Forensic Text Analysis
Michael Spranger, Dirk Labudde

Logo-DM – A Speech Therapy Optimization Data Mining System
Mirela Danubianu, Adina Barila

Arabic Meaning Extraction through Lexical Resources: A General-Purpose Data Mining Model for Arabic Texts
Giuliano Lancioni, Ivana Pepe, Alessandra Silighini, Valeria Pettinari, Ilaria Cicola, Leila Benassi, Marta Campanelli

Examination on Human Relations Discovery Tool among Researchers (POSTER)
Ai Okazaki, Keisuke Makita, Shingo Otsuka

INFOCOMP 2013, The Third International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation

INFOCOMP 1: Large scale and fast computation I
Session chair: Steffen Brinkmann

Parallelising Multi-agent Systems for High Performance Computing
Paulo Leitao, Udo Inden, Claus-Peter Rückemann

FETOL: A Divide-and-Conquer Based Approach for Resilient HPC Applications
Wassim Abu Abed, Kostyantyn Kucher, Manfred Krafczyk, Markus Wittmann, Thomas Zeiser, Gerhard Wellein

Rapid Prototyping of a Croatian Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition System
Dario Bajo, Danijel Turković, Šandor Dembitz

2D-Packing Images on a Large Scale
Dominique Thiebaut

INFOCOMP 2: Large scale and fast computation II
Session chair: Sandor Dembitz

A Near Real-Time Color Stereo Matching Method for GPU
Naiyu Zhang, Hongjian Wang, Jean-Charles Créput, Julien Moreau, Yassine Ruichek

Partial Demosaicing for Stereo Matching of CFA Images on GPU and CPU
Naiyu Zhang, Jean-Charles Créput, Hongjian Wang, Cyril Meurie, Yassine Ruichek

CppSs – a C++ Library for Efficient Task Parallelism
Steffen Brinkmann, José Gracia

An Evaluation of Partition Granularity in Exascale Parallel Simulations
Elvis Sze-Yeung Liu

INFOCOMP 3: Advanced applications I
Session chair: Franciszek Seredynski

Framework for Visual Analytics of Measurement Data
Paula Järvinen, Pekka Siltanen, Kari Rainio

Sustainable Knowledge Resources Supporting Scientific Supercomputing for Archaeological and Geoscientific Information Systems
Claus-Peter Rückemann

Ad Hoc Things Collaboration Based on Semantics of Things
Marie Kim, Hyo-Chan Bang

Adaptive Active Contours for the 3D Segmentation of Computed Tomography Images
Miguel Alemán-Flores, Luis Alvarez

INFOCOMP 4: Advanced applications II
Session chair: Paula Jarvinen

Access Control for Sensitive Data in Hadoop Distributed File Systems
Yenumula Reddy

Query Answering using User Feedback and Context Gathering for Web of Data
Takahiro Kawamura, Akihiko Ohsuga

A Novel Genetic Algorithm with Asexual Reproduction for the Maximum Lifetime Coverage Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks
Antonina Tretyakova, Franciszek Seredynski

Generating Domain-Restricted Resources for Web Interaction in Several Languages: Hindi, English and Spanish
Marta Gatius, Piyush Paliwal

INFOCOMP 5: Advanced applications III
Session chair: Andy Georgi

Complex Landscapes of Risk in Operations Systems - Aspects of Modelling and Processing
Udo Inden, Despina T. Meridou, Maria-Eleftheria Ch. Papadopoulou, Angelos-Christos G. Anadiotis, Claus-Peter Rückemann

GIS-based Hydrogeological Database and Analysis Tools
Domitila Violeta Velasco Mansilla, Enric Vázquez Suñè, Rotman Criollo, Maria del Mar Garcia Alcaraz, Alejandro Serrano Juan, Alejandro García Gil, Isabel Tubau, Radu Gogu, Dragos Gaitanaru

Development of Database Structure and Indexing Technique for the Wireless Response System
Alhadi Klaib, Joan Lu

Hybrid Multistep Multiderivative Methods for the Schr ¨odinger Equation and Related Problems
Ibraheem Alolyan, Theodore Simos

INFOCOMP 6: Networks/systems communications
Session chair: Violeta Velasco

A New RSSI-based Centroid Localization Algorithm by Use of Virtual Reference Tags
Hua Long, Joan Lu, Qiang Xu, Qian Lei

An Integrated SDN Architecture for Applications Relying on Huge, Geographically Dispersed Datasets
Andy Georgi, Reinhard Budich, Yvonne Meeres, Rolf Sperber, Hubert Hérenger

User Centered Approach Identifying Mobile Device Application
Malgorzata Pankowska

INNOV 2013, The Second International Conference on Communications, Computation, Networks and Technologies

INNOV 1: Content and communication
Session chair: Karolina Kolerova

A Novel Compact Preamble Structure for Timing Synchronization in MIMO-OFDM Systems Using CAZAC Sequences
Ali Rachini, Ali Beydoun, Fabienne Nouvel, Bilal Beydoun

Highlights on a Study of Bicriteria Routing Methods with Protection for WDM Networks with Dynamic Traffic
Carlos Simões, José Craveirinha, Teresa Gomes

Cognitive Control Based on Genetic Algorithm for Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Optical OBS/WDM Networks.
Tatiana Peña Valencia, Adriana María Hincapié Moncayo, José Giovanny López Perafán

Using Visual Attention in Video Quality Assessment
Claudia Cristina Oprea, Radu Ovidiu Preda

INNOV 2: Networking
Session chair: Ali Rachini

Topology and Network Resources Discovery Protocol for Content-Aware Networks
Vlad Andrei Poenaru, Eugen Borcoci, Marius Zotea

The Typology and the Current Perspectives of Network Organizations
Karolína Kolerová, Tereza Otčenášková

Performance Evaluation of Lateration, KNN and Artificial Neural Networks Techniques Applied to Real Indoor Localization in WSN
Leomário Machado, Mauro Larrat, Dionne Monteiro


MOBILITY 2013, The Third International Conference on Mobile Services, Resources, and Users

MOBILITY 1: Mobile networking and management
Session chair: Kamill Panitzek

Self-Organizing Networks on LTE System: Antenna Parameters Configuration Effects On LTE Networks Coverage with Respect to Traffic Distribution
Nourredine Tabia, Alexandre Gondran, Oumaya Baala, Alexandre Caminada

On the use of Gibbs Sampling for Inter-Cell Interference Mitigation under Partial Frequency Reuse Schemes
Katerina Koutlia, Martin Žiak, Jordi Pérez-Romero, Ramon Agustí

Towards a Semantic-aware Radio Resource Management
Luis Guillermo Martinez Ballesteros, Cicek Cavdar, Pietro Lungaro, Zary Segall

A3-Based Measurements and Handover Model for NS-3 LTE
Budiarto Herman, Dmitry Petrov, Jani Puttonen, Janne Kurjenniemi

MOBILITY 2: Challenges in mobile environments I
Session chair: Luis Guillermo Martinez Ballesteros

Towards an Integrated Mobility Simulation for Communications Research
Kamill Panitzek, Pascal Weisenburger, Immanuel Schweizer, Max Mühlhäuser

KeyGait: Framework for Continuously Biometric Authentication during Usage of a Smartphone
Matthias Trojahn, Frank Ortmeier

Quality of Experience and Human-computer Interaction: A Relation Overview
Luis Guillermo Martínez Ballesteros, Zary Segall

A Helpful Positioning Method with Two GNSS Satellites in Urban Area
Hiroyuki Hatano, Tomoya Kitani, Masahiro Fujii, Yu Watanabe, Hironobu Onishi

MOBILITY 3: Mobile architectures, mechanisms, protocols
Session chair: Sonja Schmer-Galunder

Integrated Technologies for Communication Security on Mobile Devices
Alexandre Braga

Enabling Trajectory Constraints for Usage Control Policies With Backtracking Particle Filters
Philipp Marcus, Moritz Kessel, Claudia Linnhoff-Popien

Mobile Agent for Nomadic Devices
Charif Mahmoudi, Fabrice Mourlin, Guy-Lahlou Djiken

Source Mobility Support for Source Specific Multicast in Satellite Networks
Esua Kinyuy Jaff, Prashant Pillai, Yim Fun Hu

MOBILITY 4: Challenges in mobile environments II
Session chair: Claus-Peter Rückemann

mTADA: Mobile Tracking and Advanced Driver Assistance
Alexiei Dingli, Christopher Bartolo

Obesity Management in Children on an iOS Device
Alexiei Dingli, Gary Hili

Towards a Framework for Designing Secure Mobile Enterprise Applications
Basel Hasan, Jorge Marx Gómez, Joachim Kurzhöfer

Random Transmission in Cognitive Uplink Network
Swagato Barman Roy, Shabbir N Merchant, As Madhukumar

MOBILITY 5: Mobile devices and services
Session chair: Yan Cimon

An Empirical Research on InfoSec Risk Management in IoT-based eHealth
Waqas Aman, Einar Snekkenes

IP Multicast Receiver Mobility Using Multi-homing in a Multi-beam Satellite Network
Esua Kinyuy Jaff, Prashant Pillai, Yim Fun Hu

Authentication with Keystroke Dynamics on Touchscreen Keypads - Effect of different N-Graph Combinations
Matthias Trojahn, Florian Arndt, Frank Ortmeier

Revisiting Mobility, Devices and Business Models: A User-Centric Perspective
Yan Cimon

SOTICS 2013, The Third International Conference on Social Eco-Informatics

SOTICS 1: Social evaluation and metrics
Session chair: Stephan Leutenmayr

The Need for Synthetic Standards in Managing Cyber Relationships
Simon Reay Atkinson, Seyedamir Tavakoli Taba, Amanda Goodger, Nicholas Caldwell, Liaquat Hossain

Predicting Social Interactions from Different Sources of Location-based Knowledge
Michael Steurer, Christoph Trattner, Denis Helic

The Social Responsibility of Online Charge-free Service Providers; Accountability for use of the term "free"
Kazuyuki Shimizu

Ethics and the Journal Ecological Informatics (PRESENTATION)
Richard Lucas

SOTICS 2: Social applications I
Session chair: Malgorzata Pankowska

Decision Markets for Continuously Reflected Collective Decisions
Stephan Leutenmayr, Sven Ziemer, François Bry

Deregulation in the Field of Games on Chance/on-line Gambling – in Favour of Citizens
Hana Horak, Kosjenka Dumancic

The Impact of Technological Development on the use of Technical Product Documentation
Thomas Puchleitner

Facebook Applications’ Installation and Removal: A Temporal Analysis
Dima Kagan, Michael Fire, Aviad Elyashar, Yuval Elovici

SOTICS 3: Social applications II
Session chair: Ludovico Boratto

Vis-a-Vis Verification: Social Network Identity Management Through Real World Interactions
Marco Maier, Chadly Marouane, Claudia Linnhoff-Popien, Benno Rott, Stephan A. W. Verclas

Feature Frequency Inverse User Frequency for Dependant Attribute to Enhance Recommendations
Sonia Ben Ticha, Azim Roussanaly, Anne Boyer, Khaled Bsaïes

Correlation Between Transport and Occurrence of Dengue Cases in Bahia
Hugo Saba, José Miranda, Eduardo Jorge, Marcelo Moret

Social Networks for Knowledge Management
Ryan Zammit, Mark Woodman

SOTICS 4: Digital resource domains
Session chair: Henry Imaze Ehi

Remote Anger Management Support using Mobile Technology - An Android Phone Application for persons with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Sonja Schmer-Galunder, Peter Keller, Peggy Wu, Nina Sayer

How User Experience Design Can Affect Motivation: A Study on a Real World Sport Application
Paolo Pilloni, Fabrizio Mulas, Luisella Piredda, Salvatore Carta

Dynamics of Roles in the Context of Groups Evolution
Bogdan Gliwa, Anna Zygmunt, Jarosław Koźlak

SOTICS 5: Challenges in social environments
Session chair: Ali Rachini

Investigations to Deploy e-Services for Cocoa Fair-trade Farmers in Africa
Henry Imaze Ehi, Jean-Marc Seigneur

A Survey of Trust and Risk Metrics for a BYOD Mobile Worker World
Jean-Marc Seigneur, Petra Kölndorfer, Marc Busch, Christina Hochleitner

Individual Opinions Versus Collective Opinions in Trust Modelling.
Charif Haydar, Azim Roussanaly, Anne Boyer

Pillars and Elements to Develop a Business Model for Innovation Networks (POSTER)
Evelyn Paola Soto Rojas, Antonio Batocchio, Américo Lopes de Azevedo


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